I agree that hearing is SUPER underrated, though I feel like if we want it to be truly useful the we almost need a revamp of senses in general. To be honest I think the microbe stage has led to complacency in terms of senses in a way that will negatively impact the future game if it isn’t squashed now. We need to wrack our brains on unique ways to create a cohesive sensory system INCLUDING sight (And I believe sight needs a revamp the most right now) that works for the microbe stage and can be adapted to the macro stage. The reason I brought up sight and not the underrated sense that is hearing, is because we’ve all just kind of accepted that we’ll either have full sight in the game from the beginning, or we’ll have sight but with that annoying vignette that Spore has. I don’t think either of these options are good. There’s more than one way to evolve seeing than just a wider FoV and full sight makes it pointless to evolve eyes. Also because at the moment hearing is going to be virtually nonexistent since we’re limited to single cells and simple plants/fungi/animals.
And also because I think the way sight currently works is the reason we struggle to think of uses for the other senses. We already can see everything in our environment to IDENTIFY everything, so why would we need other advanced senses? I’ve already made a post about sight in the past but it was an idea that would be extremely hard to implement and I acknowledge that, which is why I think we need more people wracking their brains on effective but simple ways to represent sight in Thrive that DOESN’T powercreep other senses. After that, I think it should be a lot easier to represent hearing and make it useful too.
I mentioned a post I made about senses a while ago. One of the reasons I mentioned this is because I think it’s a good example of how if we revamp the other senses first, we could make a significantly less ‘clustered’ look for organisms with lots of senses. I think it could be wise to make most of the senses based upon enhancing the SIGHT of the player, but in different ways. Hearing lets you make out the shapes of things even in the dark or in the distance if you can echolocate, for example, and you can also see things your organism can remember by just hearing it and being able to locate where it is. Coupled with other senses you could use hearing, to a large degree, to just ENHANCE the clarity of the player’s vision in different situations. If you can hear where something is but your sight is bad, you can see it better on your screen anyways because hearing compensates for what you can’t see with your eyes. It’s too far for your eyes to make out detail? Good thing you can hear exactly what organism it is based on its calls. Etc, etc. Why would you want to use HEARING to see the organism rather than smelling? Simple, you evolved good hearing to begin with, so there’s no point in enhancing your smell specifically. Plus, smells can be muddied by other smells, as well as the direction of the wind possibly making smell impossible. Therefore in some situations hearing is better.
But again, this method of hearing falls back on using my specific idea of a sense revamp, which would be hard to implement. So once again I come with the verdict that there needs to be ideas on concise, total sense revamp instead of figuring out specific senses at the moment.
Also, I realized I’ve been using the word “We” again and before I end my comment I want to specify that I’m not referring to the dev team (I am not a dev) but the community when I say “we.” I say “we” when referring to developments because as an open source game the community is able to make contributions through their voice or though quick prototypes that can be given to actual developers to use. It’s not a conscious thing, it’s a subconscious thing on my part. So I’m not trying to hijack y’all’s team or anything lol, don’t worry. Finally, if my comment is too off-topic, a mod can tell me and I can see about relocating this (possibly to my previous post since it’s mentioned so often.)