Hello, I am nachoo™! I found Thrive about a week ago and I've been playing the game since. I'm very interested!

As said, I’ve been playing Thrive a lot. I stumbled across videos on youtube about thrive, and I found the forums! I’d like to introduce myself as I want to get involved in this game. I’m considering applying for a concept artist role for thrive, but I thought I’d get to know the community some more first. Anyway, I’m very interested in this game and I’m really happy I found a game like this!


Welcome to the forums!


I gladly welcome the first trademarked user to this forum!


For thrive users to start trademarking their usernames… The new generation truly is astute.




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There now no one can steal it (lol)

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hello corporate GPT clone and welcome to the forums!

Was my writing too formal? In that case… Per my prior verbal communication, I must attest to the extensive temporal allotment I have dedicated to the interactive engagement known as “Thrive.” It came to pass that I chanced upon visual media presentations hosted upon the digital platform recognized as YouTube, which expounded upon the subject matter of the aforementioned undertaking, “Thrive.” Concomitantly, my digital sojourn led me to the virtual domains colloquially referred to as “forums,” where the discourse surrounding said enterprise is enacted. It is with a sense of purpose and enthusiasm that I hereby express my intention to acquaint myself with the assemblage of individuals constituting this digital community, with the aim of forging a connection to facilitate my active participation in this ludic endeavor. I am presently contemplating the submission of my candidature for the vocation of a conceptual artisan vested with the task of visual ideation within the context of “Thrive.” However, I have deemed it prudent to engage in a preliminary exploration of the community’s ethos and dynamics, that I might engender a more profound comprehension of its tenets. Notwithstanding, I am greatly and unequivocally captivated by the contents and implications of this ludological creation, and my emotive state is one of profound contentment, occasioned by my serendipitous encounter with a ludic opus of such distinctive character.


that isn’t helping your case nachoo, the quotation marks around thrive and forums do the opposite in fact


The fact that it is a reply helps a lot. I’ve yet to see any of the ChatGPT bots to respond to any replies they got. I assume they just feed ChatGPT the last few posts in a topic and ask it to make a reply and then just post that. That makes it very easy to detect the bots, I can just reply to them and if they don’t reply back I can assume that a suspicious post is spam.

@nachootm In case you didn’t see yet the info on how you can apply to the team, once you are sure you’d like to join here’s, the link for that: Application - Revolutionary Games Studio

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i was talking mainly about the formatting being the thing not helping their case

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But they can just as well feed chatgpt your reply

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The spammers are either too lazy to do that manually, or their bot software is not sophisticated enough to do that. Like I said, I’ve yet to see any spam account reply at all when I’ve suspected spam.

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That was very clearly the intention.


I wan’t saying he was a bot. I was saying that because:

  1. His use of Trademark Symbol seemed corporate.
  2. The only bot that would type so humanlike would be GPT 3, 3.5, or 4
  3. Joke
    I also just realized that double posting is literally impossible to do now.

Ah thanks, I’ll check the application thingy out

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Do yall have a lot of experience with chatgpt bots speaking on forums then?

yes, way too many, and they never respond because apparently the people running them don’t know how to make that work.

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Please dont double post.
Instead, edit the first post!
-thanks, not management

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