I do not know what is go on here

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Please put your logs on pastebin.com
and if the game crashed also get the crash report. Instructions here: Crash Reports

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How do I post logs for this?
These aren’t the actual in-game effects:

Is this a known bug?
I continued playing and spotted the below out of the corner of my eye. On reload, the 32-bit-signed-integer-limit speed boost was gone, but the -1 mutation points: still there.
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Still happening. I’m at low MP (1?) and I try to make a superfluid membrane, it goes wack for a bit, suggests the result would go to -9, and outputs this. Still lacks an actual gameplay result.

Keeps happening. Whenever I try to modify membrane rigidity past my MP allowance, it goes to this ridiculous and utterly untrue display.

Aaaaand I completed editor with -1 MP. Whenever I have 0 MP, I can move three spots in Membrane Rigidity, putting me at -1 MP. However, I can still finish editing.

I don’t know what the issue is here (looks a bit too much like what my code tends to do) but you should be editing your original post to include to details to avoid double posting (un less you hit the limit or something)

I’m pretty sure this is this issue:

There’s been some attempts to fix this problem, but nothing has gotten finished: