I’ll draw users on this forum if you want

I might try to do 3D art once I’m done with figuring out perspective and stuff

perspective is no
perspective is hard

Every beginner artist’s problems be like

Since no one wants to be drawn I guess I’ll do something

The people in the picture include me, @DeepSix, @Nover452, and more.


Ah yes triple post

Does no one want to be drawn? If no I will continue editing this post with drawings until I cannot edit anymore and this thread will have to die.

you can draw hhyyrylainen lol

I mean I guess I’ll need his permission but then again no

So I think I’ll draw him

wait, you dont need to stop at hhyyrylainen, you can draw all of the dev team members!

Okay fine







There’s no reason to post again to bump a thread to top of latest, editing the last post in a thread makes the thread move to the top of latest posts list.

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Okay so I drew the first of the dev team, @hhyyrylainen

If you have any criticisms please say it


For a sec I thought it was hhyrylainen lol

mechanicalpumpkin=hhyrylainen confirmed?

I drew a bad drawing of @narotiza


should have drawn them as the spore worm they made lmao


Well sure

I’ll keep that in mind when I make him a character in Thrive’s Bizarre Adventure

Edit: here is an unfinished version of QuantumCrab:

Here is the finished version of @QuantumCrab

Gonna do another member of the dev team soon

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Congrats! You are the 2nd person to ever make fanart of me!
This is truly a blessing

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Thank you, didn’t expect you to be here but I won’t comlain! :smile:

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Will something like that be included in the
It would be cool to include it someday in a kind of new version, like what i said: like @DonGororo holding a sign(which is the progress update) and everybody reacting and giving likes.
Or The Great Faceless Eye King as the king with a crown, and his UNLIMITED admin POWAH
things like that. In a nutshell: a normal day in the THRIVE COMMUNITY FORUMS
Although i’m only suggesting, don’t be in a hurry or anything, just want to know what do you think about Pumpkin