we gonna make a iceberg. we need ideas for all the tiers. each tier will be named after a stage of thrive
First tier ideas: Disturbance, Oliveriver’s video, spore, Underwater civs, hydrothermal vents
second tier ideas: hhyyrylainen, Kikygames, Evolutions!
third tier ideas: Shrek as player cell, lounge category, teaking is a mod, sciocont’s reign, the old forum
fourth tier ideas: rednascar, doomlighting is a mesoamerican god, floating forges, uplifting means underwater civs are possible, pre-multicellular prototype colony organisms,
Fifth tier ideas: stealthstyle is a mod, zenzone is kikygames, alternate tech tree doesn’t mean what you think it means
sixth tier ideas: ascended users, deathwake is kikygames, land civs, space civs, nuclear reactors to smelt underwater,
im not gunna mess with the last tiers i dont have time for research.
thanks! i really hope we can get Oliver to make a video about it
im not seeing hex cells and thirve comics anywhere
nor do i see goat related stuff…
6th layer: thrive comics
7th layer: blue cell extermination
well always remember you don’t need fancy youtubers to make your idea worthwhile, if we as a community like it, great! If a youtuber makes a video, also great! Its not bad if nothing huge happens. though i mean… who doesnt want to see that video??
dude that was a 3 minute scribble i forgot more memes than i can counts there’s lots to be added
ima change olver rvers video to just say “Oliver river” also what about the mod thats pfp is a robot eye
thats hhyyrylainen
basically admin and thrive lead dev
2th layer: BurgeonBlas
6th layer: kikygames
so id like to make this post a wiki everyone can edit
we’ll put suggested stuff to be added to the iceburg here
then we’ll categorize them
the underlined entries are things that Titus the human have completed
First tier ideas: Disturbance, Oliveriver’s video, spore, Underwater civs, hydrothermal vents
second tier ideas: hhyyrylainen Kikygames, Evolutions! BurgeonBlas
third tier ideas: Shrek as player cell, lounge category, teaking is a mod, sciocont’s reign, the old forum
fourth tier ideas: rednascar, doomlighting is a mesoamerican god, floating forges, uplifting means underwater civs are possible, pre-multicellular prototype colony organisms,
Fifth tier ideas: stealthstyle is a mod, zenzone is kikygames, alternate tech tree doesn’t mean what you think it means
Sixth tier ideas: ascended users, deathwake is kikygames, land civs, space civs, nuclear reactors to smelt underwater, kikygames, strange sounds on the soundtrack
what level should he be
first tier or second
depends on what you want those tiers to represent
i dunno thats hard. what should they repersent?
4th layer: Evolutions!
2th layer: forum games
7th layer: 200 years time limit pool
8th layer: “Leader” rank
maybe first tier would be what someone first introduced into thrive would know
like the people who will first come from olivers vid, found the main website, etc…
some of these i dont even know. im done with tier 1
please just edit teakings post
this is what i have to far
there are several people with the leader rank
my idea is that each level is named after a stage.