Ideas for the Ascension Stage [Put your ideas in this thread]

tell that to the geneva convention

since there’s no star the planet would become a rogue(rouge?, rougue?) planet and have the possibility of getting adopted by another star

that is a very good idea actrually

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When will a ascension stage prototype come out?

I’ll do it next week. So it will be in next week’s BOTD for our patrons.

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Having this as a possibility in game would be great. And it would be quite realistic, as if someone were creating a device intended to move them from this plane of existence (or however you want to put it), there would definitely be people who either:

  • thought the device could destroy the universe,
  • saw those who would ascend as an existential threat to everyone else, or
  • wanted to be the ones to ascend, instead.
    So, it would make sense to have some civilizations become more negative or hostile to the player, and possibly have factions split off from the player’s civilization to take over or destroy the gate, by force. At the same time, some of those who saw the gate as a threat to them would try harder to be seen favourably by the player, so as to avoid possibly being wiped out, and possibly merging into the player’s empire, to guarantee themselves ascending.