Ideas for the Aware Stage [Put your ideas in this thread]

Would animals that resemble circles or any other shape be possible? There are no animals on earth that resemble any sort of geometric shape that I know of but would it be possible in thrive? I think it would be but it wouldn’t survive for very long.

The cool when we say thrive is that it can be both possible to thrive, (develop, grow) or the game called thrive, which technically only includes thriveble and plausible things

I believe such a species would not last long in the wild since they would be easy targets and they would have almost no way of defense,

well if a ball species exists it may be because a mass extinction happened and it somehow survived, dunno how a ball would survive but still, I don’t know how it could survive otherwise

Also B A L L is good, not because i’m a ball

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Maybe the ball sucks in food and hides in hollow caves or something? And then if they survive maybe they can become a mighty COUNTRYBALL empire!

yes countryball empire our empire grows stronger everyday

Also because this is about aware stage how would someone evolve a nervous system? Why would you need a complex brain if a simple one works? How would the AI evolve one? (It may have already been talked but i haven’t seen it)

Maybe someone evolves a brain first then some nervous things. Or the other way around. I think after you complete the multicellular stage you have a nervous system and a brain as well.

Well multicellular ends when you have a complex nervous system, but you have to evolve one and i want to know how. And also if a species can change depending of it’s planet’s system (Like the moon or moons change the way a species evolves)

Like cells ending up to have different systems like the digestive system. I think you would have to spend evo points on your cells to eventually have a complex nervous system.

About the animals like circles or ball. I know 3 species, you maybe wrote about.
Nasikabatrachus sahyadrensis - purple frog. If you look from above, it will look like a circle.
Pangolins - mammals, looking like lizards with protect plates on back. It can displace itself in ball to protect.
Hedgehog - mammals with ability of pangolins, but they have needles.
You can also add in this list your beings.

What about starfish and sand dollars?

On the nervous system thing, I’m guessing it will have to be largely a passive bonus. A few different AIs could be available for different stages, but obviously realistically simulating behavior would be too complex.

Starfish are actually really cool, I forgot to mention them in this thread.

They’re one of my favorites too. Check out the “Echinoblog” sometime if you have the chance. It’s written by Chris Mah who’s a big name in the study of starfish.

I really like this idea.
One thing this made me think of is a possible shortcut to passed down memory.
What if instead of just raw memory or lack of memory of surroundings, certain features of a memory could be amplified by a higher sensitivity to pheremones.
For example imagine an organism (such as a mouse) exploring a location when suddenly it sense the pheromones of a historic predator (a cat for ex.). If your organism develops a nervous reaction to sense such a potentially pheromone and passes it on genetically to its offspring it can avoid locations of high predatory pheromone concentration (perhaps represented by a flashy red tint to the area on the minimap whichever level it is from 1-3) without learning of knowing any other memory of anything else in that location. The same can go for the visual coloration on or auditory call of a plant or animaloid that is dangerous, poisonous, or predatory.


How would an ecosystem of animals who breathe carbon dioxide and exhale oxygen work? Would it even be possible? (This may be the last idea I’m posting here because I am running out of them.)

I don’t think that would work, as there are no ectothermic reactions which use up CO2 and produce O2


I fear, it’s impossible. Breathing - process of burning in organism (roughly speaking). Oxygen can’t get more carbon in 1 molecule. Only CO, but in blood it… It isn’t best death.
I can’t write every reason here because i only learn and even can’t talk on English good. :grimacing:
But it’s impossible. I can talk you, it’s true.
But the animal can live with plants in symbiosis or have their chlorophyll just like some salamanders or Elysia Chlorotica


Wait I had another idea

How would playing the Aware stage until your sun eventually evaporates all water be like?

If sun will evaporate whole water (despite the fact that this is extremely unlikely) water will be in clouds and with time will fall as precipitation. Water circulation on Earth

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Well I meant like all the water would be evaporated quickly as soon as they hit the ground becuase they are too close to the sun. But I get what you are saying,