Feel free to share your ideas!
How about to have some types of civilizations? You can develop thanks to analogue of fuels(algae, if it is, or something other), thanks to oil, or thanks to microbes (or something similar). All ways have their pros and cons. When you use oil, you develop fast but with with disastrous consequences (up to environmental disasters, if you don’t take action). If you will use analogues of oil or fuel, you will develop slower than with oil, but after the threshold you will develop faster and faster. And that without disastrous consequences.
Yeah I think it would be really interesting to see how a civ would develop without oil. I’ve heard people argue that if civilisation collapses now then it will be super hard to rebuild because oil is so much more scarce now.
I heard in one TV program: that people will use algae, if will no oil. And another idea, civ in style steampunk. It will be with steam engines, airships and other things in steampunk style. I think, that it will be cool!
Necroposting! Mwahahahahahahaha!
*double necropost
Fascism shouldn’t be in the game, atleast not name-wise, because the name comes from roman fasces. While yes, some stuff would deffinitly not be called the same, but fascism is something that has bame based from something from history and isn’t a new word or combination of words. I have few alternatives to it:
National rejuvilation
National totalitarianism
Right wing authotatlianism
And much more
Not calling it fascism is plainly ridiculous, considering it is the for most recognized term, a fasces isn’t exactly a common known symbol, and the logic of not using real word terms would mean we couldn’t call magnets that because it’s derived from Magnesia(A place in Greece).
Gameplay-wise, it should probably be included, atleast in minimal form for how important it is historically (and to sate the bloodlust of 4x players).
Fine then.
Conquest is unirronically fun
Maybe there could be nukes. If they are used to often they could cause a nuclear winter and civilization is set back to the beginning of industrial stage but with much worse enviromental conditions. Perhaps this nuclear winter could erase or change the already existing cultures and completely now ones could form.
If nations don’t want this to happen they could make agreements to not use nukes.
Cold war situations could happen if some nations gained acces to nukes.
Maybe some species will discover nuclear technology much later and cold war situations don’t happen because no one is afraid of a nuclear winter because there are no nukes.
i really wonder how nukes’ll be handled. i’d assume they wouldnt have to be society destroying, before the arms race between the USA and USSR no one had enough nukes to end a single civilization and had no need to. nuclear deterrence before MAD was just having enough that the enemy would have to loose a few cities or its army or something. MAD was never inevitable and could have stayed a far off theory, and tactical nuclear use was actually possible before MAD. I’d love to see how that would play out.
Terrain Modification: Players will be able to slowly shape terrain to create structures like canals or tunnels
Cold war in a alien planet could be a great idea. like the cold between USA And USSR
Hello! it’s my first time posting. I’m new to this game too. I was thirsty of games similar to Spore, so i got interested and played it. After completing the game for the first time, I ended up with some ideas for the Industrial stage.
What would cities be like in the Industrial stage? Will it be something like cells in multicellular stage(combining sets of buildings and using it as a blueprint of cities, and using that city blueprint for the whole nation), or establishing a city and building buildings in the city from the scratch? Maybe it can be established, but houses and factories are automatically built or destroyed, depending on it’s populations or etc(corporations can build factories on it’s own if it thinks it needs more). Will they divide if there are too many people in them?
What about some revolts? There can be personalities, such as, communist, capitalist, laborer, rich, etc. If certain ratio of people don’t like the country’s policy or government, they can revolt or maybe just debuff the country(making building slower, maybe great depression). It may have some steps such as small riots to nation-sized movement, and finally revolt. OR the steps can be affected by it’s creature’s behaviors(aggressive → little complains and straight to the revolt).
What about other countries’ cultures affecting one’s country’s culture too? People tend to follow trends and cultures from more advanced and stronger countries. So just like in real life, will it happen in this game too? When certain amount of people in the country follow other country’s culture, it might even affect it’s laws/policy/government, and ultimately make it assimilate with that country by being absorbed.
Will there be some kind of brainwashing on this stage? If it’s possible, what will happen when someone notice the truth and spread the truth? Like 1984, the country’s military will probably end the issue soon enough, but what if most of people noticed it? Will it be an instant game over?
Let’s talk about alliances too. I want them to have a voting system for an alliance for it’s own policy, such as trade-friendly, military alliance, etc. Not just talking about alliances, but will the alliance with every single countries on the planet joined make a one big space empire? Of course after some voting and with advanced technology.
Colonizing other countries would be cool. When you conquer certain country, it loses it’s power to control over it’s country. But, what if, we were able to give them some power over it’s region so we don’t have to engage on that area for certain stuff, like, making units, building, and else? Imagine alien version of British empire.
There shall be many types of companies such as fishing, manufacturing, etc. More types of companies will be introduced after technological advances. Depending on the country’s policy, the major company type will be selected. The major type companies can place factories in the city randomly, and suggest trading with other countries for the profit. There should be some kind of diversity in every single company type, or some companies will monopolize the industry and eventually making less profit and occuring great depression.
It will probably be a list gradual effects ranging from small protests to nation-scale rebellions, with it being modified by the behaviours of the species most likely.
Welcome to the Forum!
Will species (player made, or AI) be able to cause Global Warming and potentially destroy the Ozone layer? Also, how will the game hand the forced “relocation” of other sentient tribes and industrial species, assuming this is possible in game?
I wouldn’t destroy the Ozone, or any of latter sentence things, but could the AI?
Populations will be moving since the society stage. I guess if you control the area, you will be able to move (types of) citizens within at the cost of their happiness with you.
This sounds related to AI Difficulty Setting and Time Limit. I would like to see a setting where this is possible. Though I think there should be an easier setting where it is not.
This makes me wonder, if you evolved enough UV resistance would it be possible for life to emerge on land without the ozone layer present?