Ideas for the Space Stage [Put your ideas in this thread]

There could be two game modes. Ship view, when you pilot the ship, and first-person, when you beam down on a planet.

ill remind you that you’ll play as a stellar empire and not a space captain in space stage

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Playing as an individual in the strategy stages isn’t entirely out of the question, but it definitely isn’t a focus. And it also requires a lot of extra code to make interacting in first person work with all the buildings and other stuff.

So in summary, it’s not entirely impossible, but it will be hard to do and it won’t get any kind of priority to be done.

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It could also lead to some political drama, though. Like in this game:

So i dont know if this warrants a new thread or not ,i havent seen anything similar .
Have there been talks about machine empires in the space/industrial stage?Like going fully merchanical after you develop robotics and advanced processor able to handle transfered human minds?Thers alot of oportunities for diiversity with the mechanical empires.
Or bioengineering your species after the aware stage?Or more concisely modying your species after the aware stage.I know it would be a pain in the ass to code but im curious.

Not entirely sure if this is something that would belong here or if its already been thought over and suggested. And yes know we still have a few hundred years till the space stage will be implemented but i was still wanting to make a suggestion.

I would like to suggest as a part of the behaviour of other Alien Empires to be more of a cautious one, if not one where they try to stay constantly hidden and take out any threat before it notices them (kinda unfair towards the player though). It could be something that would be based off of the Species behaviour on the actual planet during evolution and maybe even something the player could set for their own galactic empires. The reason why i bring up these suggestions is due to me reading trough the Fermi Paradox Wikipedia (Fermi-Paradoxon – Wikipedia) and finding the Dark Forest theory a pretty interesting one that could fit as part of the way the AI acts. If we assume that there is already a universe filled with empires upon the transition of the player into space, then it could be that those empires are hard to find and try to avoid detection. The player would most likely do the opposite and expand at a tremendous rate. This could then promt other empires to start expanding too, which would make everything start with only a small starting region and a vast area of free land. The player of course would also with this gain a good head start towards the other alien empires.
Or of course you could just have the player be the very first to make it to space, which would be similar to in the microbe stage where you are the first cell on the planet. Troughout the game you could have the player be in a constant state of just barely first when going to the next stage. They would still need to be faster than the AI on their homeworld, but if they are too fast species would start arrising following them, to avoid them beeing alone at a advanced point.

This post kinda went offtopic at the end with me talking more about a general scope of the game.

I would like to see in Thrive the option to build megastructures, like the O’neill cylinders, the Bishop rings, or a Ringworld.

I don’t know if it has already been imagined, but I was thinking about a ring structure that is built upon a natural ring orbiting a gas giant. Try to imagine this: we use the resources from Saturn’s ring to build an artificial ring upon it. I guess that you might be able to do the same with the Asteroid Belt.

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I think i’d read something like that in “Orion Arm”…here’s the link

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I got a short idea to have megastructures and universal destroying wepons and bring microscopic life and creature in other stages like puting the same tribe on different planets

Maybe we could enter gas giants? We couldn’t do that in Spore, despite possessing advanced technology!

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I feel like this would be extremely dangerous as not only is the pressure so high that it crushes anything entering it but the winds are also so strong that you wouldn’t be able to control your movement efficiently.

That’s exactly what Spore said. I don’t wanna go that deep! Just one mile is all!
Please just let me go one mile deep?
( ← really wants to go skinny dipping into a gas giant to prove blackjacksike wrong)
Wait what?

Can’t a spaceship be modified to resist pressure? It can change its density like a submarine for vertical movement and use its engines for horisontal movement. I think upgrading the ship enough should unlock entering gas giants, although, there is nothing to do there.

What do you think about this?

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Exactly. You should be able to gather Hydrogen and other resources from gas giants too, though.
In fact, they would likely be the best source for Hydrogen and Helium other than stars.

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if you are capable of making a ship stay in a gas giant you would also be able to make habitats in it too, as such allowing you to colonize gas giants.


Yea! I have no idea why Spore didn’t let us enter gas giants when we could literally enter Black Holes unscathed with the Wormhole Key!

I don’t understand what that means but I suggest manifolds and weak stability boundaries to be added to space stage.

Here’s an idea:

As FTL travel is most likely impossible, it might work well for Thrive’s realistic gameplay if there’s no FTL travel whatsoever.

Instead, you could command fleets of ark ships and/or probes that are controlled by highly intelligent AI, powered by ion/electric engines, and would spread across light years, establishing colonies and dyson swarms.

Partway through space stage, once you have encountered several alien lifeforms and control several systems, you may be able to sustain small, weak wormholes, allowing instantaneous communication even over long distances of several light years, allowing you to control far of colonies.

I don’t see why speculation about wormholes would be allowed, but no other theoretical faster means of information / matter transfer.

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