Incipit de Novo | My first forum game

No flying and it is gonna be ok.

Yeah it is good. By cloth houses, do you mean a tent?

gliding is ok?

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The crust was liquified and it was 600 million years. Even voyager is long gone.

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Gliding requires the species to be built for it. 2 small wings would barely be enough even for an insect.

it has 4 wings, i draw only half o the thing

I donā€™t think it would be enough. If I dropped your species from a mountain it would die with barely any slowing down.

my drawing doesnā€™t depict species 100% correctly, itā€™s wings would have more dragonfly-like proportions

Yup, pretty much. Thatā€™s about what I meant.

Ok so I searched up how big were dragonflies when dinosaur were not holocausted by the asteroid yet and it is near enough so I allow it.

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ok it is now completed entirely :slight_smile:

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Tea mold time


Name: Tea Mold
Habitat: swamps, humid forests and lush plains

Description: a weird plantoid species, it evolved from the photosynthetic microbes of the swamp areas of Earthā€™s new world. its body looks like a slime mold that is surrounding a flower, with its top main part looking like a round tea cup that is made out of a soft and slimy material. it uses this ā€œcupā€ to feed on plant matter by picking it up and filling the cup with it, then adding water, and releasing digestive enzymes into this water. it has a few tendrils surrounding this cup, with 4 eye-like structures on it, helping it see from all sides. In addition to that, it has 6 tentacles sprouting from its thin central body, that it uses to grab and manipulate objects.
(Picture coming soon)

Are advantages and disadvantages really needed?


Name: Vaxalu
Leader(s): Hoxchen tak, Palu tak, Hixgra los, Mischen robi

Virtues: Cooperation, Efficiency, Gluttony, Reproduction, Innovation

Sins: Sloth, Greed, Killing others (from the smae species), Envy

Tech: Simple irrigation, simple tools, agriculture, fire, simple plant fiber bags


Itā€™s really nice. I like it.


Species: Kgrrā€™lan

Description: 4,5 meters big amphibian cephalopodian creatures with 32 tentacles. The tentacles are divided in 2 tipes: Mandibular Tentacles and Locomotive Tentacles.

Mandibular tentacles are short, capable of being retracted inside the central body they have teeth and are used for feeding, Kgrrā€™lan have 8 mandibular tentacles.

Locomotive tentacles are long and strong, they have strands of muscles which can be extended to create an hard structure which supports their bodies when outside of water. Kgrrā€™lan have 24 locomotive tentacles.

Kgrrā€™lan have 4 eyes in their central body and 6 eyes on each locomotive tentacle, they have auditory organs at the end of each locomotive tentacle and their olphatory organ is connected situated in the central body. Their respiratory system has 2 valves, one valve connects to a pair of lungs while the other connects to gills, the respiratory system has musculature which allows it to throw out water when needing to breathe using the lungs. They have an hearth on the base of every locomotive tentacle and 2 hearths in the central body.

In each locomotive tentacle they have 4 ganglia capable of sensory stimuli processing and simple problem solving they then send processed data to the minor brains, there are 6 minor brains capable of problem solving, abstract thinking and sensory stimuli processing in their main body, each minor brain coordinates the ganglia of 4 locomotive tentacles and each minor brain is also capable of communicating with the other minor brains and send their processed data to the major brain. The major brain is situated at the center of the central body, since it doesnā€™t need to directly control the body itā€™s capable of complex problem solving and extremely advanced abstract thinking, it also helps coordinate the minor brains. This makes them the most intelligent species and makes them have very fast reaction speeds since the ganglia can react even before the information reaches the inner neurological system, it also makes it so that there are 7 people in a single individual.

They are omnivores with a slow metabolism, which makes them require less food to survive.

They are also capable of regrowing lost limbs, including minor brains.

Habitat: everywere that is humid and not too cold


Tribe: Yuā€™mar

Location: Delta of a river that is connected to the sea.

Tech: Fire, rope, string, lenguage, wood huts, stone tools, leather working, scalther working (scalther is leather made of fish scales instead of land animal skin), sewing, leather and scalther armor, rafts.

Description: Tribe that lives in river delta, they have huts both inside the delta, inside the sea, inside the river bed and in dry land.

They have a hierarchy in which the contributors to developments and advancements increase in rank.


It is really a lot but it is great. Also I donā€™t think they would enjoy being on dry land, and would only come out for some berries or something. It is a complex species so it will certainly require a lot of food. And too much tech, agriculture is not here yet (it is not the neolithic revolution yet), and the domestication is not great back then.

Ok I modified it.

Also, they would go on land to use fire too.

Ok, my turn!


Name: Retectractonar
Habitat: Jungles and tropical forests

They are a network of cilia-like mushroom-like webs that are divided into 2 stages: the sessile and the interlocking.

In the sessile stage they are small and invisible, acting like mesilia but in the interlocking stage, they use the bodies of other animals (like mushrooms from mind controls, itā€™s literal) and move them around and are basically the body. They look different, but internally they are the same, only they donā€™t have access to technology until the integration stage, which is most of their lives.

They are omnivores, but they are mainly scavengers or Detritivore (rot eaters).

Because of their initial delicate stage (the sessile), their bodies at this stage are able to survive in moist soil before they take over her life and hijack their brains for survival processes.
Because of this circle of life, they are very hidden and difficult to recognize as themselves, because there is none except for the abnormal behavior, although they will prefer fresh corpses that they simply ā€œbring them back to lifeā€ and will eat rot if it is too decomposed. The communication between them is created by touch devices because of the speech limitation, but with advanced pheromone release devices they are able to communicate at a level similar to Morse language which is enough for them.


Tribe: Chocajanga
Location: Deep in the jungles
Tech: Rope, Stone tools, Composter, Fire, Sewing, Net, Hut leaves, bone cuting
Description: A group that uses the corpses of primate-like creatures with 4 hands as their precedent, but there are the presence of various large animals. The use of different bodies of animals allows them to make effective use of the fact distribution according to the characteristic of the controlled animal. They especially protect the areas where the young (the Sasail) are and bring them corpses in the dying stage to pass to the next stage

Tell me if Iā€™m a little crazy here, but itā€™s all based on the animal world, so I can be a little crazy.


Can I join? I will design it when I have time.


I fixed so mine doesnā€™t have agriculture/domestication

Ok, but now your possible expansions are only on the coast.