Intermediates (Now Open)

There surely are more behind your messages…

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Note to self: Mark a joke, because text is hard to read as a joke.

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True, hard to hear the way something is said from text.

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I will name one of your organisms’s descendants, assuming it survives, as komedi.

Gamblerobacter koinos komedi, gamblerobacter komedi, or komedi sp.?

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It depends on which, if any, lineage survives. Most likely the first one.

Btw, isn’t JaDT’s species name technically the one of a subspecies (as it has 3 words)?

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Yeah, but how long of a name is everyone willing to read or come up with?

I think a two-word name should be the standard for this FG

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Unless it is a subspecies… I will implement/correct this for the next round.

Pretty sure we’re only a subspecies in the last round before becoming a new species…

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These are the potential interactions for each turn:

  1. gamblerobacter koinos archenea (Derived from Mutant 4) (no)
  2. gamblerobacter konios mesonea (Ecotype 2) (no)
  3. Thrivium Parvoferrus (Ecotype 10) (no)
  4. Thrivium Diuturnus (Derived from Base Species) (no)
  5. Thrivium diuturnus phytus (Ecotype 11) (yes – [15] everyone)
  6. Thrivium diuturnus plasmsus (Ecotype 12) (yes – [8] Thrivium Diuturnus, Garlabi Tao, Thrivum Ferrus, Thirvum Pabulator, Garlabi Upsilon, Thrivum Fostrogonpo, T. d. phytus, Garlabi Sigma)
  7. Thrivum Pabulator (Derived from Base Species) (no)
  8. Thrivum Ferrum (Ecotype 13) (no)
  9. Thrivum pabulator unicuus (Ecotype 14) (yes – [6] Thrivum Fostrogon, g. k. mesonea, Thrivum Ferrus, Garlabi Sigma, g. k. archenea, T. d. plasmus)
  10. Thrivum pabulator obscuratum (Ecotype 15) (no)
  11. Thrivum Fostrogonpo (Ecotype 4) (no)
  12. Thrivium fostrogon nodilus (Ecotype 5/6) (no)
  13. Thrivium Fostrogon (Derived from Mutant 4) (no)
  14. Garblabi Sigma (Ecotype 8) (no)
  15. Garblabi Tao (Derived from Mutant 4) (yes – [5] g. k. archenea, Thrivium Diuturnus, Thrivum Pablulator, Thrivum Fostrogon, T. p. obscuratum)
  16. Garblabi Upsilon (Ecotype 9) – (yes – [12] g. k. archenea, g. k. mesonea, Thrivium Parvoferrus, Thrivium Diuturnus, T. d. phytus, T.d. plasmus., T. Pabulator, T. p. obscuratum, T. Fortrogonpo, T. Fostrogon, Garblabi Sigma, G. Tao)
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Trying to find a species challenge and my opponent is just Thrivium

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To be fair, it depends on which Thrivium/Thrivum we are talking about.

Also, spoiler alert, JustaDumbThriver has gambled…poorly.

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Uh oh. A death as it seems… but they’ll keep “gambling” most likely.

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Who cares, keep gambling and I’ll win the metaphorical intermediates lottery!


As long as you don’t die beforehand…


@JustaDumbThriver @aah31415 @CatSquared @Cha @doomlightning

It is taking longer than I thought to test the organisms. I will try to post Round 2 by the end of the day.


Understandable. How many AI species are you simulating now?

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Thank you! :pray:

Based on this comment:


I am currently stuck on Cha’s chosen organism. It is like all of the Ammonia is gone in the world; to be clear, it is definitely viable, though…

And I still need to generate the potential subspecies after this…

I might split the generated organisms and Turn 2 summary into separate posts…