Intermission Insanity

Bro trilumis remained active and mainteined the heterotroph populations alive while your genus was slacking.

…Bonumarbor was still the only one to reach and settle land…
…Altho the world they all lived in died with Pac_mine’s laptop, so it doesn’t really matter anymore.

Which Trilumis would have probably conquered while their spores were hibernating.

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It still was the First to settle the land
Also Bonum survived 9 rounds (Rounds 6-14) on CR status before going asleep so that’s kinda impessive

Doesn’t really matter when you end up facing very fierce competition from a species that evolved while you were hibernating (and as such has an higher fitness than you), trilumis would have atleast forced you to change niches.

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there is no tea king
only tree king?

sorry, I forgot that tea is the superrior plant. My bad.

I would enjoy costal near a beach

Ill be Kinder species

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nobody has an option. you all start as a spec of cytoplasm if you are implying that you want to start as a kinder species
but you CAN start at coastal :slight_smile:

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Ill join, also coast

Ill join in the biome where all the good Thrive games start:

i choose hydrothermal vents

[[Its complete and ready?]]
indeed! even you can play it!
[[finally, some entertainment…]]
You all will start as tiny spec of Cytoplasm.
If you arent particularly good at math, dont worry about it.
Its a D-10 Dice system.

Fralegend015 - Primium Thrivium

Location: Small River

Amongst the current, life forms despite the overwhelming odds. Will you be able to thrive in these waters? Or will you be swept away to another biome like many other forms of life preceding you?
You feel the sun beating down on the rushing water, slightly warming the very surface of what you call home.

You have 1 Act.

Starting Size: Size 1 (1 Cytoplasm.)
Starting HP: 10 (Can be increased with nucleus, and other things like membranes)
Starting Speed: 50
Osmoregulation ATP cost: 1
Movement ATP Cost: 0.6


Cytoplasm: +1 ATP, -0.1 Glucose

Centarian- Primium Thrivium

Location: Small River

Amongst the current, life forms despite the overwhelming odds. Will you be able to thrive in these waters? Or will you be swept away to another biome like many other forms of life preceding you? You stay close to the rocks of the bottom of the riverbed.

You have 1 Act.

Starting Size: Size 1 (1 Cytoplasm.)
Starting HP: 10 (Can be increased with nucleus, and other things like membranes)
Starting Speed: 50
Osmoregulation ATP cost: 1
Movement ATP Cost: 0.6


Cytoplasm: +1 ATP, -0.1 Glucose

Doomlightning- Primium Thrivium

Location: Abyss, “becuse i can”

You suddenly are able to feel – You are alive, despite all odds in the crushing pressure, hundreds if not thousands of meters below the distant surface. Its dark down here, but you cannot sense that anyway, you don’t have eyespots! So you have no reason to fear! For some reason, you have a feeling something is watching…

You have 1 Act.

Starting Size: Size 1 (1 Cytoplasm.)
Starting HP: 10 (Can be increased with nucleus, and other things like membranes)
Starting Speed: 50
Osmoregulation ATP cost: 1
Movement ATP Cost: 0.6


Cytoplasm: +1 ATP, -0.1 Glucose

aah31415- Primium Thrivium

Location: Open Ocean

Out in the vast, seemingly empty ocean, life blooms. Warm sunlight brightens all the surrounding water.

You have 1 Act.

Starting Size: Size 1 (1 Cytoplasm.)
Starting HP: 10 (Can be increased with nucleus, and other things like membranes)
Starting Speed: 50
Osmoregulation ATP cost: 1
Movement ATP Cost: 0.6


Cytoplasm: +1 ATP, -0.1 Glucose

Teaking- Primium Thrivium

Location: Coastal

Near the empty beach of the coast, life takes hold. There a salty sea breeze, and no predators in sight. Competition will be fierce, there’s only a finite number of compounds to go around, after all.

You have 1 Act.

Starting Size: Size 1 - 1 Cytoplasm.
Starting HP: 10 (Can be increased with nucleus, and other things like membranes)
Starting Speed: 50
Osmoregulation ATP cost: 1
Movement ATP Cost: 0.6


Cytoplasm: +1 ATP, -0.1 Glucose

Cha- Primium Thrivium

Location: Coastal

Near the empty beach of the coast, life takes hold. There a salty sea breeze, and no predators in sight. Competition will be fierce, there’s only a finite number of compounds to go around, after all.

You have 1 Act.

Starting Size: Size 1 - 1 Cytoplasm.
Starting HP: 10 (Can be increased with nucleus, and other things like membranes)
Starting Speed: 50
Osmoregulation ATP cost: 1
Movement ATP Cost: 0.6


Cytoplasm: +1 ATP, -0.1 Glucose

Kinderborne- Primium Thrivium

Location: Coastal

Near the empty beach of the coast, life takes hold. There a salty sea breeze, and no predators in sight. Competition will be fierce, there’s only a finite number of compounds to go around, after all.

You have 1 Act.

Starting Size: Size 1 - 1 Cytoplasm.
Starting HP: 10 (Can be increased with nucleus, and other things like membranes)
Starting Speed: 50
Osmoregulation ATP cost: 1
Movement ATP Cost: 0.6


Cytoplasm: +1 ATP, -0.1 Glucose

GodOfKnowledge- Primium Thrivium

Location: Coastal

Near the empty beach of the coast, life takes hold. There a salty sea breeze, and no predators in sight. Competition will be fierce, there’s only a finite number of compounds to go around, after all.

You have 1 Act.

Starting Size: Size 1 - 1 Cytoplasm.
Starting HP: 10 (Can be increased with nucleus, and other things like membranes)
Starting Speed: 50
Osmoregulation ATP cost: 1
Movement ATP Cost: 0.6


Cytoplasm: +1 ATP, -0.1 Glucose

Lipovomit- Primium Thrivium

Location: Hydrothermal Vents

In the deepest, most hostile place in the ocean, life takes hold. Will it remain living, is the question.

You have 1 Act.

Starting Size: Size 1 - 1 Cytoplasm.
Starting HP: 10 (Can be increased with nucleus, and other things like membranes)
Starting Speed: 50
Osmoregulation ATP cost: 1
Movement ATP Cost: 0.6


Cytoplasm: +1 ATP, -0.1 Glucose

Willow- Primium Thrivium

Location: Hydrothermal Vents

In the deepest, most hostile place in the ocean, life takes hold. Will it remain living, is the question.

You have 1 Act.

Starting Size: Size 1 - 1 Cytoplasm.
Starting HP: 10 (Can be increased with nucleus, and other things like membranes)
Starting Speed: 50
Osmoregulation ATP cost: 1
Movement ATP Cost: 0.6


Cytoplasm: +1 ATP, -0.1 Glucose

EP (Evolution Point) Shop

If you see the “+x glucose” that means per round, and so does ATP and all that…

0.5 EP - Cytoplasm (+1 ATP, -0.1 Glucose)
1 EP - Proteins (Metabolosome (+5 ATP, -0.2 Glucose.) Thylakoid, (+0.12 glucose, +0.1 ATP) multiplied by the amount of sunlight ) Ferrosome (+7.5 ATP, -0.3 iron))
2 EP - Organelle (Requires Nucleus) (Including, but not limited to: Mitochondrion (+10 ATP, -0.1 Glucose) Chloroplast (+0.3 Glucose multiplied by the amount of sunlight))
3 EP - Membrane Manipulation (state what traits you want, and disadvantages to balance these out, and a name for this new membrane type!)
4 EP - Nucleus (Gives you another action, and access to organelles and Multicellular stage. Can only be bought once unless you choose to be multinucleated. In which case it can be bought a second time, but no more than that.)
Other: Specify what job it does, and how much size, ATP generation, or compound production it adds (within reason, of course) and I will state the cost.
Flagellum - 3 EP (speed*1.3)
+Size - 5 EP
-Size - 1 EP

+Size - 1 EP
-Size - 5 EP
+1 Cell - 2 EP
Custom Organell (State What it does, and I’ll adjust the price accordingly)
Custom Protein (State What it does, and I’ll adjust the price accordingly)
New Cell type: 4 EP

Multinucleation: Cost: 7 EP, unlocks the option for another nucleus. Can only be bought once. 1.3x Osmoregulation cost.
Multicellular: Cost to transition from microbe to Multicellular: (Nucleus required, 15 EP.) (Gives you another action, can only be bought once)
Encore, Encore! - +1 Round the game lasts. 20 EP (cost can be split between multiple players, Must have the majority of players wishing to continue the game.) (DOUBLES in price every purchase made)

Events normally happen every 2 turns.

Event Delay (1 round): 10 EP (Doubles with every purchase any player makes) (a waste of EP if you ask me)

What things give what sizes

Every Protien is +0.5 Size
Each Organell is +1 Size
Nucleus is +10 Size
Flagella is +0.5 size.
+1 cell= +X size (x being the size of the cell type being added)
+Size= x(1+R/10), where X is your current size, and R is the seperate roll you get for the +Size
-Size= x(1-R/10)
Your total size influences your osmoregulation. cost.


Every round, the environmental compounds get decreased. C=(E-P^{x}/20) C standing for current compounds, P standing for the amount of players in the patch that can absorb such compounds, and E standing for the compounds of the environment at the start of the game.
You cannot absorb compounds that your cell cannot use.
The amount of Compounds you get per round is this equation: ((R/E)+(s/100)) R standing for your roll, E standing for the environmental compound rating at that time, and S standing for speed.
The amount of EP you gain is the following: (R/2)+(x(1+s/10)), basically, your roll and the size and stage of the creature you killed greatly influence this.

If you die, you lose all your stored EP, and your species becomes 1 step closer to extinction! 3 deaths, and you’re out! (you can choose to branch off another person’s species though if you’ve died 3 times)
After everybody has voted, A new Round will start. If one player refuses, or has not voted in the span of 2 days since the round has started, they will have their action chosen for them automatically by me.

Currently, you all need glucose to survive! Don’t worry, simply by moving around will most likely give you a good amount of glucose.
@fralegend015 @Centarian @doomlightning @aah31415 @TeaKing @Cha @Kinderborne @GodOfKnowledge @Lipovomit @willow

oh also, more people in the patch means more compounds get removed each round


Act: devour the glucose


Act: devour the glucose

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wh- guys you dont need to do that in order to stay alive, its a passive…

actually what other options do you have, to be fair.

act: dive deeper

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Act: devour the glucose

Act: Collect resources close to the rocks at the bottom of the riverbed so I can reproduce.

Act: -smeltal the meltal- Devour the Glucose, Ammonia, and Phosphate, then evolve a Metabolosome.