EP is the way you can evolve, you have no EP yet. EP is gained determined on your roll for this turn
Devour. The. Glucose.
it seems like ive successfully made a game in which the only option is to devour glucose or iron if you have a ferroplast, and to fight enemies
not my intention, but we’ll see where this goes…
Could I join in the Twilight Zone?
I wasn’t going to but then you made the joke so…
sure, just state your act
everyone starts as the same creature soooo yeah
right now pretty much the only action is gobbling glucose
I shall go against the norm and make my action to swim around and explore in search of other species
We all start with 0 EP right? (That’s the currency for the shop iirc)
Act: Move around and eat stuff, particularly bits of marine snow if it’s available and small enough
we just need Kinerborn, god of knowledge, and willow to do their act now.
Move around and absorb organic materials, try to mitosis as much as possible without lowering glucose.
Can I join?
ACT: devour all the glucose and iron
how much does a chemoplast cost
sure just state your act
the game is relatively simple so i can take in as many players as possible
Fralegend015 - Primium Thrivium
Location: Small River
Roll: 7.
You undulate around, gobbling all the glucose you can with your non-existant mouth. You manage to gobble 7.5 glucose due to the huge abundance of it in this biome! Way more than enough to stay alive, for now…
Some better news, however, is that you also managed to stay in your current biome, since you rolled more than a 6!
You have gained 10.5 EP. Spend it wisely.
You have 1 Act.
Starting Size: Size 1 (1 Cytoplasm.)
Starting HP: 10 (Can be increased with nucleus, and other things like membranes)
Starting Speed: 50
Osmoregulation ATP cost: 1
Movement ATP Cost: 0.6
EP: 10.5
Cytoplasm: +1 ATP, -0.1 Glucose
Centarian- Primium Thrivium
Location: Hadal Zone
Roll: 1.
Yeah uh…you kinda failed your act, and then you got swept through a random portal and got sent to a random biome! But before that, you did manage to absorb 1.5 glucose passively, more than enough to survive.
Your random biome is…!
The Hadal Zone!
You also managed to gain 1.5 EP. Spend it wisely.
You have 1 Act.
Starting Size: Size 1 (1 Cytoplasm.)
Starting HP: 10 (Can be increased with nucleus, and other things like membranes)
Starting Speed: 50
Osmoregulation ATP cost: 1
Movement ATP Cost: 0.6
Cytoplasm: +1 ATP, -0.1 Glucose
EP: 1.5
Doomlightning- Primium Thrivium
Location: Hadal Zone, “becuse i can”
Roll: 6
Sensing something watching you, you were like “nope im outa here”, and swam deeper into the abyss. So deep infact, that you are now in…The Hadal Zone!
You no longer feel as if you are being watched.
You managed to passively Absorb 2.3 glucose! Enough to stay alive, for now…
You have gained 7.8 EP. Spend it wisely
You have 1 Act.
Starting Size: Size 1 (1 Cytoplasm.)
Starting HP: 10 (Can be increased with nucleus, and other things like membranes)
Starting Speed: 50
Osmoregulation ATP cost: 1
Movement ATP Cost: 0.6
EP: 7.8
Cytoplasm: +1 ATP, -0.1 Glucose
aah31415- Primium Thrivium
Location: Open Ocean
Roll: 8
You devoured that glucose! You managed to devour 2.9 Glucose
You managed to get 7.8 EP!
Not much other stuff happend.
You have 1 Act.
Starting Size: Size 1 (1 Cytoplasm.)
Starting HP: 10 (Can be increased with nucleus, and other things like membranes)
Starting Speed: 50
Osmoregulation ATP cost: 1
Movement ATP Cost: 0.6
EP: 8
Cytoplasm: +1 ATP, -0.1 Glucose
Teaking- Primium Thrivium
Location: Coastal
Roll: 2
You swam around in search of other species, and you bumped into one! It is larger and way more deadly than you, however. You should probably run or you’ll end up dead.
You have gained 1.8 EP, and you devoured 1.5 glucose, which is enough to sustain yourself for now.
You have 1 Act.
Starting Size: Size 1 - 1 Cytoplasm.
Starting HP: 10 (Can be increased with nucleus, and other things like membranes)
Starting Speed: 50
Osmoregulation ATP cost: 1
Movement ATP Cost: 0.6
Cytoplasm: +1 ATP, -0.1 Glucose
EP: 1.8
Cha- Primium Thrivium
Location: Coastal
Roll: 9
You devoured the glucose! You devoured 5 glucose, way more than enough to stay alive!
You have gained 8.1 EP.
You have 1 Act.
Starting Size: Size 1 - 1 Cytoplasm.
Starting HP: 10 (Can be increased with nucleus, and other things like membranes)
Starting Speed: 50
Osmoregulation ATP cost: 1
Movement ATP Cost: 0.6
Cytoplasm: +1 ATP, -0.1 Glucose
EP: 8.1
Kinderborne- Primium Thrivium
Location: Coastal
Roll: 5
You obtained enough glucose to stay alive, and gained 4.5 EP.
You have 1 Act.
Starting Size: Size 1 - 1 Cytoplasm.
Starting HP: 10 (Can be increased with nucleus, and other things like membranes)
Starting Speed: 50
Osmoregulation ATP cost: 1
Movement ATP Cost: 0.6
Cytoplasm: +1 ATP, -0.1 Glucose
EP: 4.5
GodOfKnowledge- Primium Thrivium
Location: Coastal
Roll: 3
You tried to mitosis, and you created a smaller, even more useless blob of cytoplasm, which immediatly ran away, its way faster than you.
You Gained 2.7 EP. You managed to gobble 2 Glucose. Enough to stay alive.
You have 1 Act.
Starting Size: Size 1 - 1 Cytoplasm.
Starting HP: 10 (Can be increased with nucleus, and other things like membranes)
Starting Speed: 50
Osmoregulation ATP cost: 1
Movement ATP Cost: 0.6
Cytoplasm: +1 ATP, -0.1 Glucose
Lipovomit- Primium Thrivium
Location: Hydrothermal Vents
Roll: 10
You Devoured. The. Glucose.
15.6 of it due to the massive amount in the hydrothermal venticles.
You also have gained 14 EP.
You have 1 Act.
Starting Size: Size 1 - 1 Cytoplasm.
Starting HP: 10 (Can be increased with nucleus, and other things like membranes)
Starting Speed: 50
Osmoregulation ATP cost: 1
Movement ATP Cost: 0.6
Cytoplasm: +1 ATP, -0.1 Glucose
EP: 14
Willow- Primium Thrivium
Location: Hydrothermal Vents
Roll: 7
You devoured the glucose, but have nothing that is able to use the iron, so you spat the iron out.
You have devoured 11.42 glucose. You have gained 9.8 EP.
Uhhhhhhhhh it stores pigments, correct? Then how about 2 EP like the rest of the organells. Its nothing op so it shouldnt be too pricey.
You have 1 Act.
Starting Size: Size 1 - 1 Cytoplasm.
Starting HP: 10 (Can be increased with nucleus, and other things like membranes)
Starting Speed: 50
Osmoregulation ATP cost: 1
Movement ATP Cost: 0.6
Cytoplasm: +1 ATP, -0.1 Glucose
EP: 9.8
TwilightWings- Primium Thrivium
Location: Twilight Zone
Roll: 2
You have spontaneously appeared. Somehow you automatically devoured 1.9 glucose, and you devoured some marine snow.
You have gained 2.2 EP
You have 1 Act.
Starting Size: Size 1 - 1 Cytoplasm.
Starting HP: 10 (Can be increased with nucleus, and other things like membranes)
Starting Speed: 50
Osmoregulation ATP cost: 1
Movement ATP Cost: 0.6
Cytoplasm: +1 ATP, -0.1 Glucose
EP: 2.2
EP (Evolution Point) Shop
If you see the “+x glucose” that means per round, and so does ATP and all that…
0.5 EP - Cytoplasm (+1 ATP, -0.1 Glucose)
1 EP - Proteins (Metabolosome (+5 ATP, -0.2 Glucose.) Thylakoid, (+0.12 glucose, +0.1 ATP) multiplied by the amount of sunlight ) Ferrosome (+7.5 ATP, -0.3 iron))
2 EP - Organelle (Requires Nucleus) (Including, but not limited to: Mitochondrion (+10 ATP, -0.1 Glucose) Chloroplast (+0.3 Glucose multiplied by the amount of sunlight))
3 EP - Membrane Manipulation (state what traits you want, and disadvantages to balance these out, and a name for this new membrane type!)
4 EP - Nucleus (Gives you another action, and access to organelles and Multicellular stage. Can only be bought once unless you choose to be multinucleated. In which case it can be bought a second time, but no more than that.)
Other: Specify what job it does, and how much size, ATP generation, or compound production it adds (within reason, of course) and I will state the cost.
Flagellum - 3 EP (speed*1.3)
+Size - 5 EP
-Size - 1 EP
+Size - 1 EP
-Size - 5 EP
+1 Cell - 2 EP
Custom Organell (State What it does, and I’ll adjust the price accordingly)
Custom Protein (State What it does, and I’ll adjust the price accordingly)
New Cell type: 4 EP
Multinucleation: Cost: 7 EP, unlocks the option for another nucleus. Can only be bought once. 1.3x Osmoregulation cost.
Multicellular: Cost to transition from microbe to Multicellular: (Nucleus required, 15 EP.) (Gives you another action, can only be bought once)
Encore, Encore! - +1 Round the game lasts. 20 EP (cost can be split between multiple players, Must have the majority of players wishing to continue the game.) (DOUBLES in price every purchase made)
Events normally happen every 2 turns.
Event Delay (1 round): 10 EP (Doubles with every purchase any player makes) (a waste of EP if you ask me)
What things give what sizes
Every Protien is +0.5 Size
Each Organell is +1 Size
Nucleus is +10 Size
Flagella is +0.5 size.
+1 cell= +X size (x being the size of the cell type being added)
+Size= x(1+R/10), where X is your current size, and R is the seperate roll you get for the +Size
-Size= x(1-R/10)
Your total size influences your osmoregulation. cost.
Every round, the environmental compounds get decreased. C=(E-P^{x}/20) C standing for current compounds, P standing for the amount of players in the patch that can absorb such compounds, and E standing for the compounds of the environment at the start of the game.
You cannot absorb compounds that your cell cannot use.
The amount of Compounds you get per round is this equation: ((R+(E/10))+(s/100)) R standing for your roll, E standing for the environmental compound rating at that time, and S standing for speed.
The amount of EP you gain is the following: (R/2)+(x(1+s/10)), basically, your roll and the size and stage of the creature you killed greatly influence this.
If you die, you lose all your stored EP, and your species becomes 1 step closer to extinction! 3 deaths, and you’re out! (you can choose to branch off another person’s species though if you’ve died 3 times)
After everybody has voted, A new Round will start. If one player refuses, or has not voted in the span of 2 days since the round has started, they will have their action chosen for them automatically by me.
Coastal: 4.2
Small River: 9.8
Open Ocean: 2.95
Twilight Zone: 6.95
Abyss: 7.95
Hydrothermal Vents: 9.8
The rest are unchanged due to being uninhabited, or uninhabited until this moment.
Honestly i have no idea if i made any mistakes or not, i probably made a lot though sooo uhhh bear with me (also i just started working on this round TODAY because im a procrastinator ._.)
@fralegend015 @Centarian @doomlightning @aah31415 @TeaKing @Cha @GodOfKnowledge @Lipovomit @willow @TwilightWings21
buy thylakoid x7 and 1x metabolosome, time to become a plant
get a thykaloid and a cytoplasm
and proceed to use the secret joestar technique
Buy a couple of metabolosomes and a chemosynthesising protein.
how much do you mean by a couple.
How much would the excretion of a mucus that allows me to stick to surface (and thus not be sweept away by currents) cost to gain as mutation?
Hmmm…How about buying a cell membrane that allows you to do so? It would cost the same as a normal cell membrane, and would give you some buffs/debuffs accordingly.
ok then:
I will buy 5 Thylakoid and use the membrane manipulation to make it stick to surfaces so that it doesn’t get carried away by the current