Joke competition

You know that reacting to my post with a simple :+1: would’ve been enough for me to understand? You literally posted a useless post. I know you want to farm posts, but make an effort to make them more elaborate.
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Well $h1t. That went well I guess.
All of this gave at least gave me an idea for a joke.

And it is a terrible joke.
So be warned!


what does a blackjacksike call the elders? Retarded!

*cue canned laughter
*cue Seinfeld theme


Edit: I just realized all of this could’ve gone into the Puns and Jokes thread :thinking:

what happens when you paint a pumpkin black?
you create the offspring of a sentient electron.
bad joke.

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Another Seinfeld theme plays in the distance.

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Today I met a geologist.
He was a gneiss guy.

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6 posts were merged into an existing topic: THE NEW Miscellaneous Talk That Doesn’t Deserve A New Thread Thread Thread

Another terrible joke incoming

Bad joke

What happens when you throw a clock? Time flies

i think i read that in a joke book.

Ive heard of that joke somewhere else

More like Bore Ragnac**k!

More like Thor Ragna :belgium:

More like Thanos’ c**k (a reference to an inside joke from one of my past favourite SCP-RP servers in Garry’s Mod).

Sorry for being inappropriate, but it had to be done. hehe


Your jokes are 200% better than my jokes.
That being said
Here is another terrible joke

Terrible joke

What do you call a silent six legged insect? A mutant

why did you change your profile picture?
i liked the other one better.

both are good to be honest

That should have been in the misc thread.

Did you know diarrhoea is genetic?

It’s in your jeans.


Once again another user proves to be funnier than me,

what do you do when you’re underwater and you can grab stuff?

you smeltal the meltal with a hydrothermal vental

Ok I’m gonna make another terrible joke

What do you get when you put a saltwater crustacean in the subatomic realm?

Terrible joke!

You get a QuantumCrab!

what does a mug do when you’re alone?
it mugs you

Makes sense why you have something against mugs
After all you are living in a teacup