Joke competition

I mean it is extremely looked down upon I think

but @TeaKing said the forum stops you from doing that.

I mean I guess this is your thread so you can double post all you want

But don’t do that too much please

that’s still not a reason to double post

That’s what I was saying

Edit: ignore this sentence - If you double post for good reason it’s fine

Edit: also

Please tell me you’re joking, if not then

How about a badcall competition.

Sure, you can make that competition if you want to

I don’t know WTF is going on in this thread, but here’s one:

Time flies like an arrow, fruit flies like a banana.

Unfortunately my favourite joke only works in person.


Zenzone gaming quintuple posted which I’m pretty sure I very much against the rules

Also nice joke

Nope. That’s not the rule. You’re confounding with the rule stating that necroing for a good reason is allowed (post must be relevant to the topic).

Also, it’s funny when it’s coming from you who double or single posted to farm posts.

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Crap I got a rule confused


That’s true tbh

You know that reacting to my post with a simple :+1: would’ve been enough for me to understand? You literally posted a useless post. I know you want to farm posts, but make an effort to make them more elaborate.
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Well $h1t. That went well I guess.
All of this gave at least gave me an idea for a joke.

And it is a terrible joke.
So be warned!


what does a blackjacksike call the elders? Retarded!

*cue canned laughter
*cue Seinfeld theme


Edit: I just realized all of this could’ve gone into the Puns and Jokes thread :thinking:

what happens when you paint a pumpkin black?
you create the offspring of a sentient electron.
bad joke.

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Another Seinfeld theme plays in the distance.

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Today I met a geologist.
He was a gneiss guy.

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6 posts were merged into an existing topic: THE NEW Miscellaneous Talk That Doesn’t Deserve A New Thread Thread Thread

Another terrible joke incoming

Bad joke

What happens when you throw a clock? Time flies

i think i read that in a joke book.

Ive heard of that joke somewhere else