Lets talk underwater civilizations (kill me)

I think the fact that they obviously couldn’t build them is the joke.

So wooosh for me

But what if…
we were to find a new element or metal that can fulfill this purpose?

Ladies and gentlemen, enter Asspullium, the all purpose metal for your sci-fi needs!

It has many uses besides being able to melt metal underwater, here is a list of the following:

Even more efficient fuel source than Nuclear Fusion!

Can be heated into a plasma easily, for use as projectiles from weapons!

It makes time travel work!

the metal is not the problem its smelting

what part of this do you not understand

It can melt metal and creatures

What do you mean by melting creatures?

more energetic than nuclear fusion they might as well secide into the vents and also hot metal+water= https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Dmb02fJ_xbk

No, i said it can be used as a FUEL SOURCE, not energetic or radiation emitting like Uranium.

ok but water+hot metal

no, just no.

It reacts with some metals to heat them up, and almost completely avoids water.

but metals dont avoid the water



No, you’re the one who needs help comprende.

My man plz ur the one making exotic materials to get a soft sword (too hot to smelt in water so must cool in air=soft metal)


when u smelt u put it in water for it to harden but if u let it cool in air it will be much softer and for a water creature that bubeling of the water will be like a bomb

sumary: u can have a water civ that has a semi aquatic life and is more aquatic (ok?)

You do understand there’s more to that equation than just Heat + Water = Boom, right?
There’s a reason we have literal volcanoes underwater in real life without the whole sea blowing up.

I know but ouversimplafied the head heats the water very fast and it starts vilenatly splashing