Making a Line For What Content Not to Include

ok that makes sense but in spore you have to make that shit or someone else has to because there is no spore auto evo. i mean the phallic/obscene Belgium
@topcode the simplest solution is usually not the best one especially with a dumb censorship AI
dumb AI means not self learning AI

They never said anything about AI. Just censoring parts of the screen when two organisms mate or kill each other.

yes but for shit like automatic censorship it has to be an AI

That’s not true at all.

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well, the method I described isn’t AI, its just a simple distance check.

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for shit like automatic censorship unless you want it to not censor a whole truckload of obscene shit it has to be an AI for it to work right otherwise you are just wasting space on the file
@topcode what are you going to use to see if it is an obscene part/action

the issue with my described method would be over censorship if anything. Though it wouldn’t censor passive objects, which would potentially be an issue, though much less so.

Also, why does it really matter? I mean, if it get rated 10+ or Teen does it really matter? The final game would probably be too complicated for a young child to play anyways, and if they do want their parents to get it for them I’d imagine most parents wouldn’t mind the age rating, especially if they know what the game is about.

this is correct except for the fact that karens exist but we just should not try to please them as it is impossible to please a karen with a game that can have anything evolve in it

@willow I don’t know if you have experience programming but implementing what Topcode suggested would be fairly easy. Whenever an organism’s code for reproduction or attacking is running, it does a check to see if the action is visible to the player (presumably with a distance check). If it is, then add a blur effect on the creature. If not, just keep running the code as usual.

i meant for censoring obscene parts as well but ok and i have knowledge about coding but no useful experience as all the teacher for my coding class had my class use was scratch

personally i think that is a negligible issue when compared to the action. Its a big difference between building an upside down T in minecraft vs minecraft having realistic reproduction.

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There are also patterns to what is obscene. Implementing a phallic shape detection system would be difficult and probably drop performance, and doesn’t seem worth the effort in my opinion, but it’s much easier and less performance-intensive than creating and training a NN.

That’s true. I like the idea you have, blurring the organism whenever mating is happening.


what is an NN

A NN is short for Neural Network

if the game has a high enough educational value then the only people complaining about obscene parts would be bible thumpers and karens/kyles which would probably complain about an evil hermit crab washing up on their beach even though they made a metal shell with an evil symbol on it and left it on their beach for a hermit crab to take. so the censoring thing @Topcode mentioned should work as sexual reproduction likely won’t evolve in every playthrough but there should still be a youtuber mode that automatically removes/changes/makes invisible obscene parts

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yes except someone else doing it and then demanding to talk to the manager of something that doesn’t have a manager (ex: the ocean)

Thrive shouldnt have censorship.


That would pretty heavily limit its audience.

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