Modded Minecraft SMP Server

I’ll try to remember for when I can change the mod list, likely the same time I will be able to set up the server. I should make a mod suggestion thread.

…origins mod and like…that one origins mod that adds like 100 origins

Oh no, I wonder how that will mesh with ad astra. Especially with the underwater origins.

add the Create mod.

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I’ll look, it should be updated by then.

A post was merged into an existing topic: General Minecraft Talk

create, sophisticated backpacks, create aeronautics(if it is out by then), all of the official addons for create: simulated(once they are out), create: enchantment industry, create: slice & dice, farmer’s delight, nethers delight, create: broken bad, Create: crafts and additions. all of these are essential for a legendary minecraft SMP.


So any ideas for names?


No I meant for the server, like, “The _____ SMP”

the create: stuff and things SMP.

The Thrive SMP.
But also RLCraft.

The main reason I don’t want to call it "The Tribe SMP is because it won’t be exclusive to people on the forums, I’m going to add a few other people I know as well. I want the name to somewhat reflect the modpack or have a unique name.

Maybe"The SteamPunker SMP"?
Or “The Planetary SMP”?
“The Astroids SMP”?
“The Pioneers SMP”?

how about “the sol SMP”
or if there is a mod to make all the players spawn in different star systems “the andromeda SMP”

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Alpha Centauri SMP

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May I suggest:

  • Tropicraft (once it’s updated to 1.19, it’s still currently 1.8)
  • Biomancy.
  • Pick your poison ( adds dart frogs)
  • Angling (adds all sorts of aquatic life.)
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Already got one. 1.18.2 with basically all the things ^


I cant exactly send the modpack via forum but its in the discord server.


Ooh origins mod is a good one, along with several custom origins / ‘fan-made’ origins it would add a lot of diversity of playstyles

Also (especially if stuff like Inchling origin was to be added) I’d recommend Chisel and Bits

And Mowzie’s Mobs

Though idk if these have all updated

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There is the pixeling which is basically the same thing, but more mobs would lead to some farms not working which I would like to avoid.

Twilight forest
Dimensional doors