Noinova, an EvoGame - Primordial Oceans

Ok, Rovieta evolves, and It has small flat fins on the sides that act like sails(maybe he can move them, you can decide for yourself).Thanks to them, they become more maneuverable and fast, which helps to escape from other predators. It feeds mainly on algae and carrion. It lives in shallow water. I think he will soon have no need for flagella. And question. Will I can back to scheme of Progentior in future?

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@Gotor Yes, the Plovets can not move its fins, but it still helps. And, yes again, it will be able to become the Progentior. It just needs to develop first a complex nervous system and then eyes.

As the Plovets is smaller than its ancestor, Predato Nantis can eat it. However, and the Plovets is faster than them. It dominates the shallow waters.

Please sorry, i forgot give name it! But, plovets. Not bad. Lol

I understand that all these former larvae have some kind of exoskeleton. If so, it is necessary to adjust the digestive system.And for that, I need be larger. I will grow up for 1-2 sm. And along with this, the shape and size of the sail changes almost slightly. Since flagella is needed and the body a lot more, they are getting bigger.

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for defence, some Nanti evolved stingers on their appendages, these Nanti are known as the Cevarlids.

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cevarlids will smaller? Or you did mistake?

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what do you mean? can you please explain?

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Predato Nanti was about 5 millimeters in length, and the new one is about 1 millimeter. Or you you develop several species at once?

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i evolved the Cevarlids from the original nanti, which is also the ancestor of predato nanti.

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then I don’t mind anything to opposite you.

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@Gotor I chose Plovets because of the image file title (Пловец).

As the Flatplovets can manage its energy consumption more efficiently, their population surpasses the Plovets’ quickly. The Plovets population is stable.

The Cevarlids strategy is successful, and the Predato Nanti stops hunting it. However, if the Planknanti, Shell Nanti, Neovatia, and Nekri glorti do not adapt soon, they will perish.

some of the shelled nanti grow their shell all over their bodies, protecting them from the predator.
they are called the protecto Nanti.

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The Protecto Nanti thrives. Its defence totally protects it from the Predato Nanti. Also, this structure could further evolve to an exoskeleton. The Predato Nanti’s food is decreasing, now there are only the Planknanti, Neovatia, and Nekri glorti.

The original Nanti becomes extinct due to massive predation. The original Shell Nanti is endangered.

Flatplovets develop united nerve bundles at the fin and head. Nothing in appearance changed. It names Nerve Plovets.
I want know, what is the body made of? If it the skin-muscular bag, then Then he begins to control the sail to use the currents as he needs or just swim faster. If it has exoskeleton, i will prefer do without it on next move.

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it seems to be made out of skin and muscle only, for now.

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That’s very good for me)

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The Nerve Plovets can now find food more easily. Their population growth is slightly higher than the other species in the Plovetsidae family, but it does not do any significant ecosystem impact.

If the Planknanti, Neovatia, and the Nekri glorti are not evolved in the next posts, they will become extinct.

Some Of The Nekiri Glorti Evolve Poisonous Stingers To Help Kill Any Stray Natis

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I wait, because last evolution was so hard.

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Planknantis and Neovatias are extinct! Predato Nantis are losing their prey, but… Wait, are some of them migrating to the shallow waters? The shallow invasion has begun! A war for supremacy will happen between Plovets and Predato Nantis.

And do not forget the deep waters. They exist, too.

some plovets developed an anus! these new creatures are called the podex gerulus meaning anus bearer


also, some predato Nanti evolved thicker appendages, this new species is called Podinanti

and @Spleehae is evolving more than one species allowed? I think it should be.