Ok lets try this again: Thrive the game

Name: Acuaden
Contuine Acua

  • Nucleus
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Name: Ponduce
Branch off from pondercee

  • sexual pilus
  • cytoplasm

I’m joining the game too!

Name: Prokaryo
Branched off from LUCA (if I ever die, can I branch off from someone’s species?)

  • Chemosynthesizing proteins
  • Flagella
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i got a question, how do i move my species to another place?

name: omnivoripredatoria
continue omnivoriflaggelanid
evo purchace:

  • predatory pilus

  • flaggella (i want my cell symetrical please)

name: flaggelorevia
continue flaggelatid
evo purchase:

  • innapropriate pilus

  • 2 cytoplasms at the top sides

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Ah. in order to migrate a species you must have a population of 5+
this cell species will then migrate into the newer territory with one population point.

this means the species will leave the current region it is in.

depending on how high your current species population is determines how many population points you retain.



continueation of lucider line

  • capsule
  • Chemosynthetic protein

Compostis Comedenti

  • 3 Cytoplasm
  • Save the rest

And my second cell:
Name: Cellula Comedenti
New branch splitting off from Compostis Comedenti

  • Predatory Pilus
  • 2 Cytoplasm
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Glucose levels: 4
Iron levels: 34
Hydrogen sulfide levels: 63



Your species has been attacked by the predator pondercee. and it is now extinct.

after the extinction of luca. the predator ponduce began to attack and decimate your populations. sadly your species was not well equipped to deal with this sudden shift and went extinct.

feel free to create a new species. you have 10EP to start over. good luck.



Your species is fully fed. its population will increase by 1 in the next round.

Pondercee appears to be too good of a predator. its caused both luca and Acuaden to become extinct. with its prey dead. it must adapt quickly for it to not succumb to starvation

+7EP (stored)

your species has 17EP to spend.


Your species is fully fed. its population will increase by 1 in the next round

Your species attacked flagellorevia causing its population to go down by 1

+1EP (sexual pilus)

Your species has 11EP to spend



Your species is fully fed. its population will increase by 1 in the next round.

Your species has 10EP to spend.



Your species Has been fully fed. its population will increase by 1 in the next round.

Rather than predate on existing creatures. Omnivoripredatoria prefers to rather feast on hydrogen sulfide. perhaps its predatory pilli will be of use once hydrogen sulfide levels decrease.

Omnivoripredatoria’s rusticyanin is currently of no use as not enough oxygen exists as of now.

+1EP (metabolosome)
+1EP (saved EP)

You have 12 EP to spend


Your species has been fully fed. its population will increase by 1 in the next round

Your species has been attacked by Ponducec. its population has been decreased by 1. you must build up a defence or your species will surely sucumb.

Flaggelorevia’s thykaloid is currently of no use as there is no sunlight in the hydrothermal vent region.

+1EP (Metabolosome)
+1EP (Nitrogenase)
+1EP (Sexual pilus)

You have 13 EP to spend.


Compostis Comedenti

Your species has been fully fed. its population will increase by 1 in the next round.

+1EP (nitrogenase)
+1EP (saved)

Your species has 12EP to spend.

Cellula comedenti

Your species has been fully fed. its population will increase by 1 in the next round.

Rather than predate on existing creatures. Cellula comedenti prefers to rather feast on hydrogen sulfide. perhaps its predatory pilli will be of use once hydrogen sulfide levels decrease.

+1EP (nitrogenase)

Your species has 11EP to spend



Your species has been fully fed. its population will increase by 1 in the next round

+2EP (2/2Metabolosome)
+1EP (Nitrogenase)

your species has 13EP to spend


Unfortunately luca has succumb after being predated on by pondercee. it will be remembered as the first true cell.

continue omnivoripredatoria
evo purchace:

  • Chemosynthesizing proteins

  • metabolosome
    save the rest

continue flaggelorevia
evo purchase:

  • oxytoxysome for defence not hunting

  • capsule



  • Metabolosome
  • Predatory pilus

Save the rest.

Can I Evolve From Other Player Species?

Yeah. You can branch off any existing species.

Can it be done multiple times in a single post as long as all descendants come from the same species (e.g. I create 3 species that all branch off from Prokaryo)?

Seeing as you already have 1 active species. you can branch off of prokaryo 2 times creating 2 more active species and continue the original prokaryo line. This would result in you having 3 active species. The original prokaryo line, and the two branch species. Of course having species closer to you means that your species will face more competion. So there are ups and downs

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Can I join?
if so id like to branch off of Flaggelorevia and Lucider
Id like to take control of the Lucider once it has 5 pop and migrate up a level, what type of nutrients are up there?

Flaggelorevia will become Lorevia rex

  • Add 3 Cytoplasm
  • Add a Predatory Pilus
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@Moon_Truther and @Magic8Ball04 why haven’t you posted your ations yet?

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Sorry I was reading everything else and forgot,

Compostis Comedenti

  • Nucleus

Cellula Comedenti

  • Flagella
  • Cytoplasm
  • Save the rest
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I think @Magic8Ball04 is saving as many EP as he can, so that he might buy a nucleus or something.

yeah, but why would he ignore an ENTIRE round?

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Because that’s what it does, skipping a round saves EP (half of what you saved). Then, it accumulates.
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Name: Cula
Branch Off Lucader

  • Flagella
  • Oxytoxisome
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