Ok lets try this again: Thrive the game

How to play

In Thrive the game. your objective is to evolve and out compete all other species near you. every round 10 EP (Evolution points) are given out to each individual player to use to evolve their cell. these EP’s can be saved (keep in mind only half of the saved EP’s are transferred) and eventually used to buy organelles for your species.

In this game there are 5 major ‘bars’ you need to watch out for. Size, Defence, Attack, Speed, And population.

Size determines two things. who you can eat, and who cant eat you. a size 2 cell would be able to predate on a size 1 cell for example. and in order to level up in size you must place 5 cytoplasm.

Defense is similar to size, as it determines who can eat you. it acts as a sort of barrier that must be crossed before a cell can predate on your species. for example a size 2 cell will not be able to eat a size 1 cell with 1 defense. its quite simple subtraction really.

Attack is also fairly similar to size as it determines who/what your species can predate. it can be used to subtract defense and size. for example a size 1 cell with 3 attack would be able to take down a size 2 cell with 1 defense.

Speed determines your species priority when being given food. Autotrophic organisms that feast of chemical stew will undoubtedly need to evolve higher speed when there is more competition as creatures with higher speed will therefor be given more food and will be more likely to prosper.

predatory cells will also require speed levels that are equal or higher than their prey.

Finally, population determines how good your species is doing. every population point requires 1 piece of food. if this point is not gotten, the amount of unfed population in your species will die off.

predators also require food. and this can be achieved by killing a population. unlike autotrophs that automatically get food. the player of a predator must pick a species population they want to attack. when determining how much food a predator gets when killing a population you have to look at the species size. a cell with 2 size will give 2 points of food for 2 population

in order to increase population. all your population must be fed

Currently the game is taking place in Thermal vents of the planet Droria

Here is a graph of the food in the thermal vents

10 Glucose (+2 glucose every round)
8 Iron (+8 Iron every round)
10 Hydrogen Sulfide (+20 every round)


Now you wanna see what organelles you have to work with? well boy are you in luck. after some planning we now have a whopping 24 organelles to work with. You can read all about these organelles down here:


Billions of years ago:

the big bang, a giant burst of energy which resulted in the birth of the star Kio-3o9. this star just so happened to be inhabited by an earth like planet. Its name is Droria. placed in a location where liquid water is able to exist. Droria began to sprout life. simple unicellular blobs containing something akin to DNA began to float around nearby hydro thermal vents. until a particular creature came into being. wiping out all previous life on said planet. it was called luca.

Little did this small creature know. that it was just the beginning.

If anyone wants to evolve luca, here is a template you need to follow.

new branch?: (specify if this is a new species which has branched off from luca or if this is lucas next evolution)
Evolutionary purchases:
(advised you use bullet points like below)


Name: Ponderce
New branch
Evo purchases:

  • 2 cytoplasm
  • save the rest of my points

Name: Lucidur
New branch:
evo purchases:

  • 2 Cytoplasm

  • 1 Metabolosome


Glucose levels: 9
Iron levels: 16
Hydrogen sulfide levels: 30
light: 0

The sea is stagnant



You have 12 EP to use



You have 11 EP to use


has been well fed. will increase pop by 1

1 Like

im joinin’!
name: flagellatid
new branch
evo purchaces:

  • flagella

  • metabolosome

1 Like

I wanna play too!
Name: Celeri Comedenti
New branch

  • Chemosynthesizing proteins
  • Flagella
1 Like

Gotta love all this new diversity.

Name: Lucider
ancestor is Lucidur (continueation of line, not a new branch)
evo purchases:

  • Chemosynthesizing proteins

  • Cytoplasm

  • Metabolosome

1 Like


Glucose levels: 7
iron levels: 26
Hydrogen sulfide levels: 47

The seas are calm



population will increase by 1.

+1EP Metabolosome

You have 11 EP to use


Celeri Comedenti

population will increase by 1.

You have 10 EP to use



population will increase by 1.

+6 EP transfered

You have 16 EP to use



population will increase by 1.

no EP generated as not enough glucose for metabolosome. (requires 1+ more chemosynthetic proteins to gain more EP)

You have 10 EP to use.


Population will increase by 1

(no player so no EP)

1 Like

name: omnivoriflagellanid
branched off from flagellatid
evo purchases:

  • Chemosynthesizing proteins

  • rustycyanin

save the 2 points.

name: flagellatid
next evo for flagellatid

  • thykaloid

  • nitrogenase

Name: Compositis comedenti
Continue Celeri Comedenti’s line

  • Nitrogenase
  • Cytoplasm

And another Cell
Name: Cellula Comedenti
New branch splitting off from Celeri Comedenti

  • Predatory Pilus
  • 2 Cytoplasm


Seeing as our game is progressing quite fast. here are some things i feel i need to clarify.

every player has a max of 3 active cell species they can create. these species can be born from any existing cell in the game.

You have 10 EP to start off with a new branch species.

If anyone else wants to join in. feel free to branch off from another species.

With that being said.

Name: Lucider
Continuation of lucider line

  • chemosynthetic proteins

  • Nitrogenase

Name: pondercee
Evolved from ponderce

  • flagellum
  • pilus

does that mean i can still evolve flagellatid?


You’ve also got room for control over one more species which you can evolve at anytime (keep in mind having similar cells will result in them competing for food.)

In that case can I edit Compositis comedenti to just be the evolution of Celeri Comedenti? I think I want to wait before I create another creature.

Name: Acua
Branch Off From Lucider

  • Chemosynthtic Protein
  • Nitrogenase

everyone spent their evo points, so next round please @Deathpacitoast


Glucose levels: 6
Iron levels: 34
Hydrogen sulfide levels: 57

The seas are stagnant



fed full (species population will increase by one)
(unable to eat iron as there is no oxygen in water yet)
+1EP (metabolosome)

You have 11 EP to spend


fed full (species population will increase by one)
(unable to use thykaloid as there is no sunlight in the deep thermal vent region)
+1EP (metabolosome)

You have 11 EP to spend


Compostis comedenti

fed full

+1ep (Nitrogenase)

You have 11EP to spend



Fed full
+1EP (metabolosome)
+1EP (nitrogenase)

You have 12EP to spend



Fed full (your species preyed on luca and decimated its population)

you have 14EP to use



Fed full
+1EP (metabolosome)
+1EP (Nitrogenase)

You have 12EP to spend


your species population has been decimated by pondercee. only one population point remains. you must adapt quickly or you will go extinct.

fed well (species population will increase)

hey guys! just a heads up. due to the sudden burst of diversity. doing these will be quite time consuming. so bear with me if i take a bit more than a day to come out with a checkup.


How do I know the cost for things?

You can see the cost of organelles on the google doc. on the bar just beside name is the cost of an organelle. incase you’ve lost track of it. here it is: