Oliveriver's gratuitous musical self-promotion

Is this thread an abuse of power? Am I using my status within the Thrive community as a vehicle to further my own non-Thrive projects? Isn’t that what I’ve been doing anyway…?

In any case, unless people have a problem with it, I’ll be using this thread to post my own music (not related to Thrive, since there’s already a thread for that).

And to begin…

A collaboration with my vocalist friend birthed a piano-led ballad that’s maybe too long but I don’t care. I personally think it’s the best thing I’ve ever made, but I’ll let you all be the judge.


Ha! you did it :+1::grinning:

Awesome job man,
now about that thrive music…
Extinction track when?

I think as long as the content is top-notch (which it is), this thread will have a place here in the forum.

A couple of short, improvisational piano pieces. Not much, but nice for what they are.


Hey everyone. I have a new album available. If you’ve ever listened to my music (Thrive related or otherwise) on YouTube and wondered if there’s any way to download high quality versions and/or support me directly (which I realise may not be many of you, but hey…) then now’s your chance.

Prolepsis features favourites including the Thrive Society Theme and Thrive Democracy Theme, as well as all my other music nobody cares about. The Thrive themes are free to download individually as per our free open-source model (I know the button says ‘buy track’ but you can just enter zero when purchasing).

Also, for a limited time only, you can get my last album (featuring the Thrive Swamp Theme and Thrive Plains Theme) at a 50% discount with the code ‘trilobite’ entered when purchasing.

EDIT: And here’s the ceremonial announcement video. Text transformations are fun.


I’m now on Spotify. This feels weird.

You can now stream all my existing albums, and I’ve even created a playlist specifically of Thrive themes if that’s what you want to listen to.

Plus, there’s an exclusive new album available for free on Bandcamp featuring several of my really old tracks. That includes the long-awaited Thrive Shallow Sea Theme and Thrive Spaceship Editor Theme. Get it here.

I’m also soon to release a completely new album, with help from Thrive’s Graphics Team Lead Uniow for the art. Look out for new songs in the next few months.

That’s all the main points. Watch the video if you want more detail. I won’t bore anyone with anything else here.


I just have one question: have you seen my horse?


Not quite in the same vein as the above (and perhaps too sentimental for everyone’s tastes, but screw it, I like it) I now have this:

And with it, the whole album is now available to pre-order. You get three songs now and the rest when I’ve finished the whole thing, which may be a while but I’ll try my best.


Putting this on YouTube as it’s part of the pre-order set.


Sneakily posting here again.

EDIT: Sneaky edit to replace with a version with louder vocals, since people were complaining.

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I return from my slumber to bring news that I’ve finally finished the album.

This video should tell you all you need to know.

The upshot is: I may have free time to get back into Thrive a little more, including returning to our old friend, the Thrive Main Theme. And I can also stop being an irritating self-promoting git who posts nowhere but this thread, which is good too.


I thought it was a basic law of the universe that the thrive main theme can’t be finished


You mean, we’ll finally hear Thrive Main Theme v10? I can hardly wait!


I must say I’m pretty excited for it as I really enjoy listening to the current rendition. I look forward to listening to an improved version!

I’m really hyped for the updated theme. :notes:

Let me just say that I have been listening to the thrive soundtrack on spotify and enjoyed it alot. When I open the app on my phone I feel like the music on that track, especially Robocratic, can genuinely compete for my time on equal terms with my more traditional music playlists.

Very well done Oliver!