([ɲɛ] | 🇵🇱 | depression sucks, ocd sucks, but I finally have adhd meds :D)
This is a thread where users can share music they themselves composed/remixed/covered/otherwise had a significant creative input in making. It has been made do to the lack of a thread that completely fulfilled the previously stated purpose.
This thread is similar to some other threads, the most notable of which have been listed below along with short descriptions of their purposes. Please make sure wether your post wouldn’t fit better in any of these threads before putting it here.
Ones spone time, there was facebook page a random algrothm AI exactly created music like this. It sounds like music bit its too fake to be, it is soulness
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([ɲɛ] | 🇵🇱 | depression sucks, ocd sucks, but I finally have adhd meds :D)
Hm, that’s an interesting opinion! I’m genuinely curious as to what in this music made you feel like it’s unnatural and soulless. Like if it’s something with the melodies and harmonies, the somewhat robotic sound of MuseScore’s samples, quite repetitive nature of the composition, or something else entirely.
to me, with the instruments it sounds like the creeper world 3 soundtrack! I personally don’t agree with nightvampalihan’s opinion, however I do have my fair bit of constructive criticism.
at around 1:05, there’s a little part of the song which feels out of place and out of pitch in a way (im not experienced with musical vocabulary so excuse any mistakes I make in that)? Then, at 1:08, past 1:10 to around the end of the song theres the frequent issue of what I described before.
I think the melody is good, though, and the song sounds good in the first minute without any of the aforementioned issue! I think if you change the mentioned (and unmentioned) parts that are the troublemakers, then it will be a very good peice of music
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([ɲɛ] | 🇵🇱 | depression sucks, ocd sucks, but I finally have adhd meds :D)
This “issue” is an intentional artistic choice. What happens at ~1:05 could be described as the song switching into maqam Bayati, which is microtonal (more specifically, it has a half-flat second degree). It’s understandable that it may sound out of tune and mistaken to you, as that’s a pretty common experience for people not used to microtones (I myself wasn’t exactly a fan when I was first exposed to them). I guess the modal switch may also be quite jarring, as in the earlier part of the song there’s basically no foreshadowing of it.