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The AI is probably one of the harder systems to port due to the way it queries the entities of the world, but I don’t think it is impossibly difficult. Though, I’d prefer not have to do that extra tricky porting, as the AI has been destined for a bit of a rework for a while now.

Why is it laggy in the last video?

Will the new godot version have water currents that carry the compound clouds? I think it is good for the player not to starve, because it seems that the current game is a parkour of compounds, where each cloud is a little far from each other and sometimes(often) with some clouds with many, but MANY compounds, that make you quench your hunger instantly or reproduce in 3 seconds.

With compound cloud more ‘dissolved’, there will be rarely parts that will not have any compound, the player takes less compounds per time and enjoys that generation more, interacting with other microbes, enjoying life :laughing: … instead of spending 5 minutes with starvation and be saved by a cloud with compounds that fill his bar instantly

Conspiracy theory: it’s just a concept art :laughing:


I think that was recorded by @IceDjuro who said that the recording made it lag.

The currents already affect the compound clouds and chunks in 0.4.3, but not cells as they are not visible so it wouldn’t feel that good moving through an environment where you randomly get moved about.

And how about this part:

I mean the clouds to be more dissolved because of that. Less compounds per area but less parts without any compound, you dont die by starving, and do not reproduce or have the bar filled almost instantly by Powers of God.

Plant gameplay needs more work, definitely. But it is intentional that the player when swimming around finds big clouds to top them up for them to go around looking for a new cloud. It would take away from the current design if there were clouds of everything almost everywhere with low densities.

Oh. So prevent compound clouds that have VERY HUGE amounts of compounds from appearing and in the case of sessiles, more effective currents, and maybe make the clouds a bit more frequent and with a bit less compounds, especially when switching patches, would be a thing? It makes every generation last the same time. Some gameplays I have, i reproduce in less than 5 seconds in others not. Sometimes I starve to death and get extincted, sometimes I dont.

Thrive v0.5.0 completion at 71%.
Artificial post count rate at 95%.
For chromatic aberration, it’s a good idea; however, it shouldn’t affect the GUI because it blurs it all up.
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That was already done. The first video about the effect was included in the PU. It’s much more subtle in the polished version of the effect.