Progress Updates

The wall type cells have used a slightly different wrapping algorithm (well the tweak constants have been slightly altered for it) for a really long time to make the membrane less round for them.

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I thought the shape looked different, must just be my imagination.

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Is it really worth it to trade your ability to engulf for protection against engulbelgiume currently?

is the site down for anyone else?

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I too seem to be unable to access the PU site…

There’s unplanned maintenance going on the server hosting our main website, so it is down for now. I don’t know when it’ll be back up but hopefully in a few hours.


Is it just me or have these server issues been more frequent in the recent times?


I’ve noticed it as well, ever since like May or so this year there’s been issues. Of course I don’t know what’s causing it but there’s been a lot of pretty aggressive sales by Contabo (which is the server hosting company) in the past few months (much bigger than in previous years) and also they are building a new datacenter. So maybe their focus on rock solid core product has been wavering this year (as in previous years it was like one bit of planned maintenance, that was announced beforehand, per year). Hopefully these are just temporary problems they’ll get sorted out and not a sign of a new future direction.


Was the previous forum also hosted on a Contabo server?

What do you mean by the previous forum? The old free forum hosting? If so that was obviously hosted by that company on whatever servers they chose. The reason why we had to lose all old posts and accounts was that we were not in control of any of the actual running of the forums (including any of our posts or user data as per their terms of service) with that previous free forum hosting provider.


Looks like the membranes in general will have a visual upgrade in 0.8.0…
Also why does this need to be a doublepost?

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announcements need to notify people so i’d say it’s fine in this context.


It’s the rules of the thread, PUs are always posted as separate messages. The same as the downtime notices.

If I ever get around to making them get automatically posted here @system will absolutely not care whatsoever about double posting.


I can guess that this is not what you’d be willing to spend time on in the current situation…

I would say so if your cell is really small. You could always switch membranes again once you’re big enough.

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Maybe membrane switch cost could go higher once you become eukaryotic… :thinking:


What will sulphur chunks emit? Hydrogen Sulphide?

:confetti_ball: :confetti_ball: :confetti_ball:
:dancer: :man_dancing: :dancer:
:tada: :partying_face: :tada: