Progress Updates

Don’t eat it tho (20 character limit)


Would eating a microscopic sulphur chunk really be so dangerous to a person?


I’m impressed by all the progress! Looks like 1.0 can be done by 2025. Awesome job devs.


There are still many goals in need of being achieved before we can move on to multicellular stage development.

By the way, will the multicellular roadmap only be made after 1.0.0 or sometime before that?


By the time the microbe roadmap was made, years of work had already gone into the microbe stage and polishing various ideas that had yet to be implemented. That’s the reason why it was possible to make a roadmap in the first place. So it would be impossible to write as good roadmap at the start of multicellular development. Though with the caveat that as early multicellular is pretty close to microbe and already has work put into it, that part is relatively well known. So it kind of would be possible to write a roadmap for like reaching 70%-ish completion on the multicellular stage, but the biggest questions are still open like what level of detail organ editing needs to be (and in relation how we are going to simulate the environment details for survival) and how we are going to represent the world to the player (is it going to be like a space sandbox type planet generator or a block based system like Minecraft).

In summary, only a very rough roadmap that we couldn’t really stick to would be able to be made at the start of multicellular stage development due to the huge uncertainties still remaining.


I see. So we’ll return to the pre-roadmap model of development after 1.0.0 releases for some time, right?


1.0 can only come closer from this point on…

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well i’ll wait another week

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…Not so soon through.

@Bird Congrats for your PhD!

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They’re not here to hear this…


By the time of the next PU, we might be talking about Thrive with 8 entire stages, not 7…

this is a somethingburger

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Perhaps the proper name would be a… Thriveprogressupdateburger?