Quick Question Thread

So, is there anything in the experimental features checkbox right now?


Siderophore, which is an experimental new way iron gameplay would work (though it doesnā€™t currently disable iron compound clouds but once complete it would do so).


I can imagine that would make it nigh impossible to be a non-single-or-double-membraned iron eater. Unless only natural iron clouds were to be disabled and the ones possibly created by siderophore activity would still be around.


Is feedback on this experimental feature desired? If so, where and what would be the best format?

Having tried it, seems like ā€œsiderophoresā€ right now indeed just break off small chunks, no clouds. Though I guess the small chunks would eventually dissolve? That would probably kill the distinction there is between the two miches right now.

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Which probably is an another reason theyā€™re not in the non-experimental gameplay yet.

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Well the implementation is stuck on technical details, so any feedback is not going to be useful until the technical roadblocks are resolved. If I remember right the problem was that the microbe AI needs an overhaul for how it tries to interact with iron chunks as the siderophore is a unique mechanic.


Alright then, I just figured I should mention since the idea originated partially from a suggestion here on the forum. Buckly then suggested it as a feature believing it to be not just unique gameplay but also accurate and realistic. But, tragically, the latter isnā€™t the case at all. Iron-oxidising bacteria do not use siderophores to consume iron. Other organisms, which do not oxidise iron, do use siderophores, but not for gaining energy. Itā€™s another case of getting the chemistry completely reversed.

I feel bad going on a ā€œeverything is wrongā€ spree, but I do think the dev team should be aware.


So I guess then the entire siderophore feature as it is in-game is just one big ThriveSin now, huh?

Could the Sidreopore be repurposed as a Microbe Stage weapon in the game?

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Arenā€™t toxins already ranged weapons through?

Maybe the Sidreopore can ā€œstickā€ to its target for while after being shot? :person_shrugging:


What would that achieve? Slowing down the target? Isnā€™t that already a toxin effect?

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Maybe it could have a longer firing distance compared to toxin?

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Are you sure thatā€™s useful? Toxins already have quite the large shooting distanceā€¦

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How about as another upgrade for the Pilus, then?

I got a response to this on the dev discord:

Nah itā€™s safe, I looked into it and it looks like I just had a little terminology mix-up. iron oxidizing bacteria utilize iron-chelating proteins and not specifically siderophores. All siderophores are a type of chelating proteins. But not all iron-chelating proteins are siderophores

So we donā€™t have to axe the WIP code for the feature due to science.


Iā€™ve heard some sort of a ā€œsucker pilusā€ was being discussed at some point, but that idea doesnā€™t seem to have come to fruitionā€¦

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Well, Iā€™m sure that the iron is chelated at some point in the process, (though the literature is coming up empty, so I am curious about their source), but they donā€™t need it to break down solid chunks, given that Fe(II) is just soluble in water in many casesā€¦

I see now itā€™s probably best I make a unified post on this, rather than having bits of my comments spread around.


By the way, the siderophore feature is planned to be fully implemented before multicellular development starts, right?


Actually no, itā€™s not on the roadmap so it is only getting done if someone wants to continue the programming work on it.