Quick Question Thread

The devs are determined and if there was any point in which they would quit it either would be after verision of thrive (full microbial release ) or if they continue after wards then they probably will finish it as So far Microbial Stage Seems like a pretty good game just by itself and if all stages are like that then we can expect upon launch for thrive to Dominate the internet for a long time as replayability will be quite good and i can expect entire series just being devoted to goofing around on each stage so as a result i predict that the devs will never give up (if they start doing work on multicellular and finish that then they actually may not be able to stop as it’d be weird to have a game like spore but better but its only two stages )

As there is no incentive to this game other than making it out of sheer passion, I really don’t see anything going wrong in the near future. Even if some of the devs abandon it, there’s a whole plethora of others. So far its looking pretty good.


Just to ask How many posts do you have to make until you are awakening level cause im tired of being an aware creature and am wondering how close i am to awakening

The required post counts to reach the higher ranks:

So 3 posts to multicellular another 10 posts for aware and 50 posts for aware and so on?

3 is microbial, 10 is multicellular and so on.

This is the list: Microbial|Multicellular|Sentient|Aware|Tribal|Industrial|Spacefaring|Ascended

Ohhh that means im 45 posts away until im no longer an animal and instead a tribal person

Wait, theres a level BEYOND spacefaring?

yeah m8 you aren’t an Ascended crab yet so you better hurry up m80

Nice to know i have something to look forward to getting in the next 5 years.

What’s the difference between sentient and aware?

If going by planned in-game stages, aware means an organism has a nervous system and is capable of simple thought, while sentient(sapient) means that the species has some sort of intelligence. They’re currently reversed on the forum, which is likely a typo.

I swapped Sentient and Aware around on the forums. Because now that I thought about it I agree that they are the wrong way around.

It will take around a day for the change to be applied to everyone who doesn’t make a new post.

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Thats the hope anyway :stuck_out_tongue:

That really is freakin’ beautiful.

Stand in awe, my bretheren, as our tags of the stages have changed!

Are bioluminescent vacuoles going to be prokaryotic?

I don’t think vacuoles in general are prokaryotic…

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That makes sense, but then will prokaryotes be bioluminescent in any way?

Well, I’m not sure they could. Of course, I could be wrong, but I’m unsure of other ways of bioluminescing.