Quick Question Thread

Yeah I think we’ll try to do that in general, it’s hard though. We want the creatures to be realistic and like pencil necked giraffs should die out.

What happens when you die out is kind of a different question but yeah mostly likely you will get a chance to switch to a relative. Or maybe on iron man if you die you die.


If you die in the game, you die in 𝕣𝕖𝕒𝕝 𝕝𝕚𝕗𝕖.


There will be an Ironman mode? Please, don’t make an achievement for Ironman mode!

…of course there’ll be an achievement for Ironman mode. There needs to be some incentive behind it except for the challenge, and when attempting to 100% it I feel like Ironmanning really should be a requirement.

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At least, don’t make the game as hard as XCOM on higher difficulties.

EDIT : And there should be no difficulty achievement. Really, it can suck really hard (like in BioShock 2 [its “Medium” difficulty was in fact “Hard” difficulty disguised since one bullet would empty 1/5 of your hp bar, which is weird because you’re a tough big daddy]), Valve understood it (they never put any difficulty achievement in their games as far as I know).
Also, we shouldn’t include difficulties into the Ironman mode achievement.

Or, you know, the other way around.

  1. What’s the patch concept about precisely?
  2. Who can edit the wiki? I’d like to contribute to the wiki, but I’m not sure if I’m allowed to (and I would need dev information about future gameplay, if need be and if I’m allowed to edit the wiki, of course).
  3. There are badges about sharing a link/post with visitors or only about sharing a link/post. How do I share a link/post in a way to unlock these badges? I’ve tried to share posts (by sending link of a topic or post on another topic) and links (by putting a link on a post), but the badges didn’t unlock. Why? What do I need to do to unlock them?

I don’t know a good summary, but there are a lot of posts about them on the dev forums:

The dev wiki can be edited only by wikidot users that Oliver has invited to edit the wiki. I’m trying to get us to switch to another wiki that let’s anyone with a dev forum account to edit it (it would also be an excuse to redo a lot of the outdated content). There is a community wiki (link to that is on the dev wiki sidebar) that anyone can edit.

I think it counts the links made with the share button. It adds your username to the end of the link so that discourse knows that when someone uses the link that you were the one that linked it. Here’s a dev forum link: Patch Map Design Discussion - #3 by tjwhale - Theory - Thrive Development Forum (notice how my username is at the end of the link)


Is it likely for any organism to develop x-ray vision? If so, what would the environment that it lives in be like?

If there were no visible light, but moderate levels of x-rays (low enough to not inhibit life from starting), I would guess that species on that planet would develop a way to sense x-rays as it would be beneficial.


When will a fullscreen mode be added?

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Probably at the same time as a first version of the options menu is added.

On another note, Welcome to the community Braby!


Welcome to the community @TheRealBrabygg.

I just liked around 3-5 posts today, and it already says that I am nearing the limit. What?! Isn’t the limit supposed to be at 50 likes per day? I’ve liked many posts in the last days until I reached the limit, sure. But it shouldn’t reduce my daily limit, right?

When I first joined the forums I would run out every day. I’m too easily amused… it’s becoming a problem.

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I think the limit is lower for new users. It grows to 50 when you are promoted to Microbial, I think.

I’ve done a little research on my own. I found two potential software for Thrive dev wiki:

  1. https://miraheze.org/
  2. PageHub (github link : GitHub - amireh/pagehub: An online Markdown-powered notebook application.)

Miraheze is more regularly used (i.e. it’s probably updated more often), but I don’t know how it could allow only the devs to edit it without an external plugin of some sort. On the other hand, PageHub can be linked to Github, allowing devs only (who have a Github account, I hope every dev does) to edit the wiki. However, last commit to PageHub was in 2016, so… .

These are my proposals, and hopefully one of them could be good enough for Thrive dev wiki.

Note : What a surprise, SCP wiki wants to switch from Wikidot to another wiki software too! Except it will cost them a lot of money to bring all their content together… .

Are we automatically going to assume that life on whatever planet we have our life on uses DNA? This isn’t me trying to be rude it’s a genuine question. If organisms on other planets have other ways of evolving than DNA this would drastically impact them. In my opinion this would be a pain in the :belgium: to make in game because a. There are so many different ways this could go and b. We have no idea how this would work anyway.

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As far as I know, DNA would be a pretty universal molecule. From what I’ve read its the most stable of genetic material options, and would definitely be used in preference to others (if they exist)

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