Quick Question Thread

I think we halved the limit to 20 or 25, new users probably get slightly less. That was because when people discovered they get a badge when they run out, many serial liked posts until they hit the limit of 50.

Discourse doesn’t know about the custom ranks. Only the trust levels count for unlocking new permissions.

It looks like miraheze is just a hosting site for MediaWiki (the software behind Wikipedia). PageHub looks pretty dead and basic.

My short list was:

  • MediaWiki
  • Tiki Wiki
  • DokuWiki

I ended up choosing MediaWiki because it had a sample discourse login option that I was able to adapt to work. And it’s very popular and widely used. The only downside was that it’s hard to make private pages with it, but I think we managed (there is a private namespace, Private:). It’s already up, but it doesn’t have the content written yet: Thrive Developer Wiki

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This mediawiki of yours looks great. Even though it lacks content, the structure is well organized. If it can really link to your dev’s discourse, then it is perfect for you. :+1:

Thanks. I’m hoping that I could get more developers interested in updating it. Hitting the login button should redirect you to the dev forum, which is used for logging in.

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Yeah I think all the life in the game will be carbon + DNA based on the same Amino Acids as Earth. Even within that there is a huge amount of variability.

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Here’s a report about xenobiology (https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC2909387/). In the text, you can find some xeno nucleotides such as HNA, CeNA, PNA, etc. It could be possible for alternative lifeforms to be based on other types of genetic code molecule. Though, nearly all known lifeforms on Earth are DNA-based, thus it’s hard to imagine an organism based on an entirely different nucleic acid.

I have a question ,will there still bebevolution in the awakening stage?

Only very minor. The time the editor represents shrinks, until it basically cannot make any changes. An example might be how (some) humans have evolved lactose tolerance in the past 10000 years:

I also talked about the timescales here:

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Do the other concept aliens have names?

Some concept aliens are named, though not exactly as creatively as the Disturbance.
“Romp,” ~sciocont

“Sea,” ~sciocont

“Alien Giraffe,” ~sciocont

“The Bug,” uros97


The Thrive cinematic universe is looking pretty good


Hello, I think, that the video on the start is good, but, I think, can be better. I have a friend, that very good in good at making videos like that. I can ask him… if you mind. And as I recall, it did QantumCrab, I don’t want to insult you, humiliate you. This video is good. But maybe better.

… What?

Can we do other start video, You can do your orders… if you want it :smile:

There is already this thread:

Oi, that thread’s mine, MINE
I’m joking of course, but it would seem rather redundant to create another microbe cutscene when I’m already working on one (especially when the intro cutscene could have a bit of an update)

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Oh, please sorry, I don’t saw that theme. Very good, QuantumCrab. I think, you can earning on that.

What happens if I flag discobot? I want to get the badge, but I don’t see any proper posts to flag, so I wondered if flagging discobot would have any negative effects.


Probably a robot rebellion but I’m not going to stop you.


Can we evolve on planets, circling about black hole?

That depends on how long the conditions stay stable and suitable for life on such planets. If it is too short of a time, then no. Or there might be no realistic way for the planets to receive energy that life can use (like sunlight).