Quick Question Thread

Are there already some plans on how the move to 3D is going to happen? Or is the plan still just ‘idk I guess once you permanently bind to another cell you suddenly enter a new dimension’

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Definitely not that. Cell specialization will definitely be a thing before the move to 3D.
If we can’t make the cells look good when looked from the side, we’ll need to delay the move to fully 3D movement camera until the individual cells are no longer shown.

I know that this thread is for the current game, but since every word in Chinese are all represented by a single character each, how can we type in Chinese? Is there a sort of constant or rules to write a character?
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That isn’t necessarily true. Some words are multiple characters.

Rocket does translate to (if you go by the 2 Pinyin) Fire Arrow, they combined 2 ‘words’ to make a new one.

When you have several processes available to produce ATP, and you only need to use part of your capacity to keep ATP full, how does the game decide which process is used? Does it use the most efficient one, or is it kinda averaged out?

Well I am not a bio student, but I can hint something here

Your body can do both aerobic and anaerobic respiration.
But the most efficient is preferred, depending on the conditions.

This is why our body is just badly optimized to create and consume energy.

Probably whichever process is first in the list of active processes, which in turn is dependent on the order of organelles placed in the species.
The process system is not complicated by first calculating all possible processes, and then picking the most efficient one if not enough space for all.
Instead it just goes through the list of processes and runs any processes that have enough inputs and space for the outputs.

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Just a question @hhyyrylainen:

Why using spaces instead of tabs?

Because they will look the same everywhere, for example github has a really weird ideas how many spaces a tab equals (everyone knows it is 4). And if you aren’t using a text editor where you can make the tab key insert spaces instead, then what are you even doing.

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But a tab takes less file size for the same result!

Code file sizes don’t matter. The biggest files by far in Thrive source code are the scene files which are up to over 300KB big, the biggest code files are barely over 50KB. Any file compression will really quickly eliminate repeating series of characters like subsequent spaces.
Maybe 40 years ago code file size was significant.


Can you attack your own species from the first patch after you moved out and evolved?

When is the Planet generator expected to be put in the game? In April it was said to be almost finished. Are you only going to put it in once procedural generation is implemented?

Not really precise. PG is already part of the game if you consider microbes generation.

Considering we did an engine change after that, the planet generator needs to be either be completely redone or someone needs to port over the already made code for it carefully.


Can there please be a mod that gathers all the parts from Spore and its mods and places them in Thrive so we can have some nostalgia?

How many cells will you be able to bind at once in the next update?

As many as the game / your computer can handle before crashing.


I noticed that when you rename your species all the member of the species you was before are considered as members of the new species you created, even if they don’t have the same features, will this ever be changed?