Quick Question Thread

Reclassifying ammonia and phosphate as background compounds and make cell collect them by active transport and passive transport,which maybe a better way. It makes the relative surface area more important.
Perhaps we can add the membrane protein editor.It permit cell evolve transporter and glycoprotein.
Clouds can be used as localized high concentration .It will occur when cell secrete,wound or die and environmental events,such as rock dissolution and lightning synthesis.

I donā€™t think thatā€™s the case. Though, from what I know, on the old forum there was a moderator who would replace swear words with Belgium and that gave birth to this meme in the community. Nowadays many people on the forum (including me) just use Belgium as a typical swear word.

Iā€™m aware of people just replacing, but Iā€™ve also seen a few cases of new users being confused as to why their cursing was replaced with the word Belgium. Maybe it doesnā€™t happen anymore due to some kind of update or smthn, but Iā€™m fairly sure it at least used to happen

Thereā€™s never been a plugin for Discourse to do that, so so anyone who has joined after 2017, has never seen it.

If anyone wants to help out, they could write a plugin to do that for Discourse.

I wanted to know when environmental tolerance will be implemented like in how many months/years?

Because with those changes in percentages like salinity, pressure, oxygen, heat, currents etc, i can make real existing/extinct cells more accurately and i would love the endless possibilityā€™s that come with it.


Probably next year. If we get a ton of volunteers working on the roadmap items for 0.6.x we might have some kind of shot at getting it done this year, but for me three big things are on my way so unless a bunch of other people help out it is very unlikely to happen:

  • Stage prototypes
  • Switching to Godot 4
  • Reworking the game logic to not rely on the engine so much

Edit: no wait, I misread, the environmental tolerance is in 0.8.x milestones. Thereā€™s no chance we get through all the earlier roadmap items this year, unless a real miracle flood of new programmers happens.


i think i might know where to find them

best place is probably r/coding but idk

Oh huh interesting, Iā€™ve only been around for a year so only ever seen discourse, must have seen people referencing the old forum or smthn and got ā€˜em mixed up

how fast is multicellular planned to go?
I want my belgiumed Precambrian period

Full focus on the multicellular stage will probably be in around 2 to 3 years, might be quicker but hard to say as of now.

How many systems will be in the thrive galaxy?

So take however many are in the Spore Galaxy, and multiply it by 10 at least.
THATā€™S how many there will be in the Thrive Galaxy.

The actual answer is as many as we can get away with (most likely due to performance concerns).

People have asked about multiple galaxies before, but I always counter that by saying we canā€™t even have realistically sized galaxy in the game as thereā€™s so many stars in even a single galaxy.

assuming you only render star systems and where they are when the player is in the galaxy the system lives in you might be able to but that really depends on whatā€™s considered a medium quality PC by the time thrive is out

I think you are underestimating the scale. There could be up to 400 billion stars in the milky way. That means that if we get things crunched down to just like 64 bytes of storage for each star system (which could be reasonable if each star system had just a star, few planets so not many things to store) weā€™d still need 25.6 terabytes of disk space.

Who has that much disk space for a single Thrive save?

This is why we present Thrive Cloud! A place where everyone can store their save so they donā€™t have to deal with save gigantism! With Thrive Cloud, players will be able to play the game as realistically as possibleā€¦ even with a toaster! Because Thrive Cloud also provides computing power wirelessly to playersā€™ computers through the Internet. It only costs 99.99$USD per month, but players can benefit from a 20% discount on their first year of purchase! Get your Thrive Cloud today!

rich people but in a few decades or centuries it might drop to middle class or even upper lower class gamers

Just simplify galaxies like stellaris does

Thatā€™s always been the plan because Iā€™ve always known that we canā€™t store (or process, which is harder) realistically sized galaxies.

Honestly, my answer is more fitting for the size of the planets themselves, rather than the amount of them.