
nobody will believe them.

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Mutation: Tentacles again

Act: collect resources

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Tourists will only appear at round 5, when you’ll be able to do stuff about them.

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Mutate: Heat Resistance
Act: Dig deep into the ground

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Mutate: new type of child [Biomass, they will grow in a blob of biomass and consume anything they touch that does not give off pheromones that match the colony’s. They will make scent trails from food to their center if they find any.]

Act: Plant Biomasses.


Mutation: Become larger.
Action: Prepare the colony to attack humans.

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in a way that makes nobody find out, right? we’re not strong enough to take on many humans yet.

well, you don’t just have TO, you also have it’s children to use.

there’s still an upper limit to how many people we can fight, which is about 1 professional exterminator right now.
though i could use my mutation and action next round to make a gaseous hallucinogen that affects only primates so it’s passed off as the tourist finding shrooms and eating them and hallucinating about what the ants looked like. that way we can look however we want and every person of authority will just think some mushrooms started making things specifically to be eaten to make everyone in the area hallucinate, and we’re just normal ants.

or i could put it in the mandibles where we already have venom.

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Round 5 - 6:00, April 26th, 2000

Tourist count - 1 (rolled 6, higher values are better for TO)

Round Prologue
With the Sun’s shield rising above the horizon, a foreign tourist is heading towards Reserva Natural Sierra Quirragua, unaware of a dangerous, rapidly evolving insect that is living there…

The Organism

TO’s yellow-blue armour is now covered in those colors so that they look confusing, giving TO a bit more time when something sees it (+0.5 S).

TO has evolved respectable heat resistance, by reinforcing it’s armour layer with organic and inorganic matter, also making it stronger (+1.25 S). Meanwhile, the less inside the protective armour now have the ability to fuse and split, which while not being perfectly developed, aids TO’s ability to retain homeostasis and structure (+1 MH). The tentacles that develop during the night have been enlargened and multiplied, giving TO more limbs to attack with (+1.25 S). TO has also managed to evolve a new caste, which acts a lot like slime molds, but for now it’s not very strong (+0.5 S).
Most importantly of all things that have happened since the midnight, TO has increased a lot in size, using up a large chunk of resources gathered by it’s children from the marg.ay and enemy colony by the dawn (size doubled 3 times, -2 R, @Nigel please submit a minor mutation related to size increase).

Soon after midnight, TO attempted to dig deep into the soil, however it found itself burried under debris after a few meters and returned damaged to the surface (-1 H). TO has then made a large change to it’s Brain, with the results being safety and size decrease of neurons (+2 S). After that, TO started to train for some reason, during which it caught a few insects (+1.25 R). TO then called all it’s children for a hunt, again catching a marg.ay and brining chunks of it home (+1.5 R). On the way back to the nest, TO also found many maggots which it easily ate (+2.25 R). The ant then layed a few eggs of the new type, which hatched into the “biomass” caste and managed to colect some food (+0.75 R). At dawn, TO started to fly away and found a house, biting a person in the Las Brias settlement inside the reserve. That person didn’t really notice what bit it, but TO managed to steal some food they were carrying (+1.25 R). Somebody has encountered you… HAL changed

Just as the local encountered you, one tourist entered the area and is heading towards your nest…what will you do?

(+5.5 S, +1 MH, -1 H, +7 R, Size Doubled 3 Times/Increased 8 Times)

SIZE-RELATED CHANGES (will take effect from Round 6):

  • Things such as mutations/action costs, statistic gains due to mutations/actions, energy consumed per round, health loss due to roll of 1, resource gathering multiplier and resources turning into other statistics have been multiplied by 8 (so for instance, a resource-gathering action with a roll of 3 or 4 will now gather 10 R (8 R + 2 R from the former +0.25 R per R-gathering action) and cost 4 E.)
  • 8 resources can now be turned into 16 energy, 24 R can be turned into 32 E, 72 R to 64 E etc., and 8 R can be turned into 8 H (here it is always 1:1).

HEALTH - 5/16.75 → 40/134
STRENGTH - 17.5 → 140
RESOURCES - 5.25/12 (used 1 R to create 2.5 E, -5.25 R from mutations) → 42/96
ENERGY - 0.75/14 → 6/112
SIZE - ~32 cm (4 cm x 8)


HUMAN AWARENESS LEVEL - “A person encountered you, but they can’t really describe what it was.”


  • Evolving Tissue
  • Radiation Sickness Resistance
  • Jaw Electrocution
  • Venom
  • Better Pheromones
  • Oleic Acid Secretion
  • 1 Resource can now be turned into 2.5 Energy
  • More Radiation Resistance
  • ET glands
  • Hydrogen Bladder
  • Being a Queen
  • Larger Mandibles
  • More Oleic Acid Production
  • EVEN MORE Radiation Resistance
  • Eggs steal stuff from cells
  • Wings
  • Better Antennae
  • Tentacles
  • Better Wings
  • “Bipolar Disorder”
  • Better Sound Communication
  • Lead in Cells
  • Mobile Cells
  • More Neurons
  • Armor Layer
  • More Efficient Digestion (+0.25 R to all actions that collect R)
  • Be Yellowish-Blue
  • Heat Resistance
  • Cell Freedom
  • Size Increase x3 (to ~32cm)
  • Better Tentacles
  • New Caste

Reserva Natural Sierra Quirragua, Central Nicaragua
(Removed to not take up forum space)
(Red dot represents current location)

Added the size statistic, which is mostly informal of TO’s size.
I’ll remind you that there exists a system that allows you to make a vote against a player whose Mutation/Actions goes against your own Mutation/Action.

Some additional rules and stuff:
-If size of the organism increases, so will the organism statistics, aswell as their effects (so if you double your size, the organism has double in height statistics, and it consumes double energy/round passively).
-Actions such as converting resources into energy, or turning resources into health, don’t cost energy. However, if you don’t have resources nor energy, you can draw your health bar (meaning that it’ll have a lower cap) in order to regenerate energy just like resources.

New people can join this forum game!


Mutate: Become bigger
Act: Learn about humans


Mutation: Increase Brain Cell Count
Action: Go onto the tourist and use them to go to a new area


Mutate: More lethal venom

Action: Bite/stab the human with the venom pincers.


Mutation: Color shifting for stealth

Action: Prepare a swarm of children for an ambush against the intruding tourist

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you are joining, am I right? (use :+1: or :-1:)

Mutation: Vocal cords

Behaviour: Say hello to the tourist


Wait could we just… coexist with humans…?

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as said in post 1:

Considering that TO just developed a better brain, this has been activated by this point. However, I’ll allow doing what frale submitted as it can be used in a malicious way aswell.

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mutation: No longer have the capability of feeling anger or hatred.
Behavior: talk to human

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even if it develops vocal cords how does an ant figure out how to speak English without any prior interaction with a human

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