Random Video Posting

And furthermore, these copyrightclaims aren’t even legal…


Oliver made a react video!


Good for him. I wonder if he’ll make an another Thrive video in the future…

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The real question is if he’s going to write another book.

Oh wait he did write a book?

He was writing two books and has finished zero

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Maybe soon enough the gap will begin to close…

Wow, that must be why Amazon is leaving my province.


reminder that union busting is illegal almost everywhere and is very immoral. Bezos is… yk, a billionaire. How do you get there? pure greed and evil lol


Yeah and they’re leaving my province because Amazon workers in Laval started unionizing and Amazon did not like that, although they are denying that claim. They are removing themselves from Quebec in 2 months and they will leave the shipping role to Intelcom. Speaking of human greed…

Why don’t Americans just adopt a public health insurance like we have in Canadian provinces?

I noticed that using shorter YouTube links prevents videos from being displayed normally. @hhyyrylainen, did a Discourse update do that?


What do you think unitedhealthcare spends all the money they steal by denying claims on? They can’t give it all to CEOs, in fact their salaries are downright modest compared to tech company CEOs. In actuality they spend it almost all on politics. “obamacare” had to be bundled with a federal requirement that everyone have some form of insurance, republicans pretend the issue doesn’t exist despite how many votes it could get them, etc. Nestle spends comparable amounts making sure the US is one of the few countries without payed maternity leave, because, of course, they sell most of the baby formula.


The thumbnail kind of looks like this video was made quite some time ago…

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Probably not. I think short links have worked for me in the past, but sometimes the links just fail to load and then swapping from long to short or vice versa will cause a retry that often then works.


So it’s just a small random failure chance then…

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It reminds of a quote from Mathematician and Philosopher Kurt Gödel. It think it goes like this: “A logically consistent system is inherently inconsistent.”


Sometimes in even the most perfected thing you’ll find inperfections…

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*imperfections not in-…

Hmm, are you French? Imperfection and inperfection would sound the same in French, even if the latter is wrong.


No, but I am from Europe. The quiz to find my country (by other users) is still ongoing.

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Strange, yet interesting recommendations.


Several dialects of English here in the states would also fail to distinguish between those two “words”. Honestly a lot of n’s and m’s (that follow a vowel rather than precede it) are rather hard to tell apart from sound alone in many dialects.