Science news

This thread is for articles you’ve seen in your news feed that you think might be relevant to the game someday or right now. Post as many as you like, but they all have to be interesting.

Also give a brief summary/tldr.

Choanoflagellate is a relative of animals but isn’t an animal itself. It can still switch between being unicellular and multicellular. Its division is similar to the embrionic development in animals. Anyways, it was discovered that despite the small size of its colony (which still uses flagellas to move around) it still posessed a microbiome, suggesting that symbiotic relationships with unicellulars existed even in the beginning multicellular stage. The colony was a hollow ball, and there was an anaerobic bacteria on the inside, eating the colony’s secretions. The colony didn’t form without that bacteria.


Why is this thread not in Science! if this is meant to be about science news?