This thread is for articles you’ve seen in your news feed that you think might be relevant to the game someday or right now. Post as many as you like, but they all have to be interesting.
Choanoflagellate is a relative of animals but isn’t an animal itself. It can still switch between being unicellular and multicellular. Its division is similar to the embrionic development in animals. Anyways, it was discovered that despite the small size of its colony (which still uses flagellas to move around) it still posessed a microbiome, suggesting that symbiotic relationships with unicellulars existed even in the beginning multicellular stage. The colony was a hollow ball, and there was an anaerobic bacteria on the inside, eating the colony’s secretions. The colony didn’t form without that bacteria.
“Researchers already knew, from modeling the Moon’s distance from Earth and the resulting atmospheric and oceanic tides, that the infant Earth turned much faster on its axis than it does today. Many agree that 4.5 billion years ago, a day was only about 6 hours long. By about 2.4 billion years ago, the models predict, the pull of the Moon had slowed that spin to about a 21-hour day. Earth’s rotational speed then stayed constant for about a billion years, as its gravitational pull countered the Moon’s drag. Those forces fell out of balance about 700 million years ago, because the resonance cycle between Earth and the Moon is not completely stable, and the planet’s spin slowed to its current speed, creating a 24-hour day, according to the models”*
this whole theory can be wrong if the models about daylength remaining constant aren’t confirmed
(The maker of SitF, Radiostrocity, The Lifenote and TGBing; The Second Ascended...; And just maybe a security warning come alive...?)
Hmmm, I see.
The oxygen concentrations at the time of the cambrian explosion seem pretty low through…
macroscopic life happens when oxygen gets high enough. oxygen can still keep increasing after that
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(The maker of SitF, Radiostrocity, The Lifenote and TGBing; The Second Ascended...; And just maybe a security warning come alive...?)
Yes I know, but per the graph it wasn’t even 1% at that time…
(AnthropocenianAge Arthropleura wants to give you a hug!)
Multiple factors include birth order, temperament, and gender. The positive effects mean there that child gets more attention, has better confidence, and better grades. The negative affects include being spoiled if one is the golden child, or feelings of inadequacy due to perceived neglect. The ways to prevent this are be aware of your tendencies, keep an open mind to receive feedback and change ways, and don’t be afraid to ask of what your children really think.
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(The maker of SitF, Radiostrocity, The Lifenote and TGBing; The Second Ascended...; And just maybe a security warning come alive...?)
And it can be expected that a plethera of parents won’t apply any of that despite being told and explained it…
(AnthropocenianAge Arthropleura wants to give you a hug!)
Unfortunately true. I wish more people were open minded to taking and heeding advice, especially from scientific experts.
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(The maker of SitF, Radiostrocity, The Lifenote and TGBing; The Second Ascended...; And just maybe a security warning come alive...?)
Many decades must pass before the last parents using the old solutions stop being parents… or alive. For some no matter what is told, they’ll always stay with the outdated solutions.
(AnthropocenianAge Arthropleura wants to give you a hug!)
It shows the experimental impact of H2 on Mitochondria, an overview of the resultant Mitochondrial pathways using H2, discusses metabolism of H2 in eukaryotes and its evolutionary relationship to Mitochondria. This includes mitochondrial damage and potential hydrogenase activity. From 2023.
(The maker of SitF, Radiostrocity, The Lifenote and TGBing; The Second Ascended...; And just maybe a security warning come alive...?)
I wonder if H2 will be added as an atmospheric compound one day…
(AnthropocenianAge Arthropleura wants to give you a hug!)
Scientists have discovered a potentially new Super-Earth, HD 20794 d, in the Habitable Zone of Star HD 20794 when analyzing data from this star system. It took over 20 years of observations to find the Super-Earth, which may have an average mass of nearly 6 Earths. It goes from the inner edge of the HZ, 0.75 AU, and outside of it, 2 AU, along its orbit. This is important because it allows scientists to test hypotheses of a planet’s habitability.
This could be important for making different scenarios in planet generation within the game.
(The maker of SitF, Radiostrocity, The Lifenote and TGBing; The Second Ascended...; And just maybe a security warning come alive...?)
Is it stated anywhere in that document how old the system is? Because planets with highly elliptic orbits don’t happen to last very long, either on these orbits or themselves…
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(AnthropocenianAge Arthropleura wants to give you a hug!)
No. It is does not. But from Wikipedia, I found that the star is estimated at 5.76 billion years old from Chromospheric activity. Other estimates put it closer to the age of observable universe.
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(The maker of SitF, Radiostrocity, The Lifenote and TGBing; The Second Ascended...; And just maybe a security warning come alive...?)
Hmmm, that’s a pretty long lasting elliptical orbit planet then. Unless the system is empty of larger planets, which it could be as only 3 have been detected…
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(AnthropocenianAge Arthropleura wants to give you a hug!)
According to this article on PLOS, Cycloseris cyclolites, also called free-moving mushroom coral, has been observed to move similar to a sea jelly toward blue light. This is known as pulse-swimming motion, or pulse inflation in corals. C cyclolites lives in a of high energy zone with very strong waves and high competition for space, which forces individual organisms to move. The specimens were collected off the coast of Cairns, Australia, before transporting them to an aquarium at Queensland University of Technology. When subjected to White light, Blue light, or both, the scientists found the following: 1) The corals moved toward the Blue light, 2) Only 13.3% moved when exposed to White light, and 3) All corals moved toward Blue light and avoided the White light. Additionally, they found three main factors influencing movement: tissue inflation, expansion of pads on its underside, and the twisting and contracting of the coral’s outer tissues.
According to one the authors, marine biologist Andrew Daviess, this study is important because it contributes to the understanding of how species develop light-responsive behavior, and helps pave the way for new studies on how species utilize, detect, and respond the light. Gameplay wise, this is potentially important for the Macroscopic Stage and beyond, as it could influence how Macroscopic Player and Auto-Evo generated organisms behave and move in regards to light-detection.
(The maker of SitF, Radiostrocity, The Lifenote and TGBing; The Second Ascended...; And just maybe a security warning come alive...?)
This could be how the first motile organisms, in-game and beyond, will move/moved like…