Space Science News Thread

This is not the same as Science news. This thread is for the latest findings in Space Science, which includes Astronomy, Astrophysics and Heliophysics, and Planetary Sciences. This includes articles about Asteroids, Comets, Exoplanets, and Stars in other Solar Systems.

For example:


Are quasars the BH’s galaxy or the BH itself? Or both?

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To my knowledge, Quasars are the “active” Black Holes in the center of their respective Galaxies. I think sometimes Astrophysicists and Astronomers refer to Galaxies with Quasars as Quasar Galaxies.

I guess so, but at times I’ve heard the galaxies themselves being reffered to as quasars…

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Maybe all three uses are correct? :person_shrugging: At least term usage isn’t as confusing as in Geology (nothing against Geologists).

Why is the term usage in geology considered so confusing amongst the various sciences?

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I think the usage isn’t as standardized compared to other scientific fields, but I am no 100% sure if that is the reason for it.

I’d think there do exist not-so-well standardized fields of science, but I didn’t think the rather well-established geology could be one of them…

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lol one day they will came with it that it was all random calculations and everything was wrong


I mean, we can never truly know, but we can have the most likely idea as a candidate for what’s really happening…

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