I ask the mods to not lock this unless it goes to Belgium.
Alright, another take two thread, here we go. So I would suggest a system like Total War: Rome 2 where after defeating an enemy army you can enslave the prisoners. As well as having the option to enslave or kill the population of cities you raze. There could also be slave races in the space stage who you can buy and sell slaves to but if your fleet is caught in a weakened state they might attack and enslave your crews. Slaves could require less resources than free citizens giving incentive to have them but the trade off is high public unrest which would run the risk of rebellion or you could spend money and increase the police or military presence to keep the public order low. These could all make a good slave system that go through all stages awakening and beyond. Those are my thoughts on this.
There could be a factions system like stellaris and the populations of planets have their own way of thinking, joining the factions that represent their values. Some want a more democratic empire and oppose slavery and others are pro slavery.
With slavery, I was thinking of forcing prisoners and survivors into biomechanical slavery, experimenting on them, and gradually replacing their organs with technology and machinery until they become cybernetic abominations.
I’d use them to build constructing, harvest crops, and raise livestock. I could also use them as science experiments, whether it be physical or psychological torture.
Opinions on slavery’s existence used to be kinda funky.
At least in the US, which, like it or not, was founded upon slavery except for a select few “moralist” colonies, anti-slavery arguments were originally associated with the elitist right wing. Northern Federalists wanted slavery out mostly out of economic pragmatism. Meanwhile, the commoner-favoring left wing wanted the continuance of slavery in the south to minimize the competition between poor whites and freed poor blacks.
These arguments were in the face of the omnipresent idea of slavery’s moral wrongness. Even George Washington realized that slavery was on the wrong side of history, and said that his slaves would be free upon his wife’s death.
All I’m trying to say with this is that slavery is more prone to be abolished or have a movement to be abolished in an egalitarian empire than an authoritarian empire.
(oof double post)
Something that was done is Rimworld is that you can harvest people (usually slaves and prisoners) for organs and sell them for a ridiculous amount. There could be a system where you harvest a % of overall pop, slaves, or citizens on cities or planets. Harvesting slaves would increase unrest less than harvesting citizens, adding another variable when deciding if you want to have slavery or not.
I know this thread is old, but I feel there’s more to be talked about. We’re all assuming our own species would be slaves, but what if an empire we crippled and enslaved has tasty citizens? Could we treat them as cattle? “You live to fatten up and reproduce like animals, and then to the meat grinder you go!”
Ah yes, a man of culture I see… on a more serious note; using a species as cattle requires them to reproduce fast, could you imagine farming humans for food, it would take forever. The best option for this would be using them like normal slaves and just eat them when they die.
RoboRomb othered the solution to the other problem; if you are breeding them in large groups then a sentient species could organize an escape. Imagine if the cattle in cattle farms decided they wanted to escape, they easily could, but they are too stupid to make that connection.