Slavery Take Two

And Slaves like to be killed???

You are making absolutely no sense, those two things arenā€™t related at all.

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What is normal? Why is it called normal? If I change my mind and do something I wouldnā€™t have done before, am I enslaving my former self?

Is kleptoplasty slavery? Chloroplast were microorganisms in the past, they had a free will, they had/will have an AI in the game, right?

Only you seem to be pretty confused here. Whatever that a person might do in response to a situation (even an unusual one like an emergency) would be their normal baseline behaviour.

:man_facepalming: :man_facepalming:

Double facepalm because I thought we already got clarified on the point that non-sentient things canā€™t be slaves (thatā€™s even a less of a strict requirement than sapience which I think is pretty much essential).

Why do people keep replying like that destroying everyone elseā€™s sanity?

If the baseline can change, why is brainwashing immoral? I can be convinced, and I can be forced, both are external influences. Can there be half slavery? Half consent?

It sounded deep, but I am not sure anymore.

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Wikipedia once again has a good summary, also pay close attention to the list of synonyms:

Hello everyone! Iā€™m just posting here to say that it seems a little like this thread is starting to spiral out of control the same way many other threads have done, so Iā€™m just here to help you all remember to keep things civil and try to not let arguments not become too heated. I hope this is ok with all of you.

Edit: I really hope Iā€™ve not upset anyone by making this post, Iā€™m just trying to keep the peace here because seeing people start arguing here on the forums is always really horrible and anxiety-provoking :frowning: . I hope youā€™re all ok.


Any thread where people show up and decide to break this new rule:

If your arguments keep getting shutdown with really basic replies, do not come up with more very weak points that are super easy to disprove, you are just wasting everyoneā€™s time and sanity

turns out like that. And this thread is no exception with people galore ignoring the normally used definitions of words to replace those definitions with totally random stuff they themselves came up with.

There can be reduced consent, if someone is being compelled by outside forces. This is a common issue discussed in legal hearings. And there are varying degrees of slavery. Karl Marx said that capitalism makes people into slaves, but not to the same extent as the American Confederacy.


Quite an unintended filtering going on there, but Iā€™m not sure I want to actually change this as this is too funny.