Space Easter Eggos

Yeah, alright. No Grox. Maybe a crashed Grox ship?

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and thats a fact


If there is Grox in Thrive, then the pigs can fly.
… can they?

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We should have some of the races in the Thrive Universe in the game as references.

Can we have a F’Narr race? F’Narrs are cool. They teach you the way of Spode for FREE! (wether you like it or not)

You’ll need to submit your species first to Thrive universe

Oh, alright. I’ll start working on a draft then.

The Thrive Universe is basically a project to keep everyones hopes and dreams up during Thrive’s development, a sort of distraction from the gradual process that is the completion of the game.

If any creatures were to be included in the game’s default content library, it would be the pre-autoevo cell types, ~sciocont’s concept aliens, and the Thrive Universe.
The reasons would be manifold: historical value (especially for the first two), and for the latter, a test of Thrive’s cultural and political editors.

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We should have a poster in a random location that says R.I.P Stan Lee. That would be nice.

Meh. I feel people would get over it by the time Thrive is out (in like what, 40 years? heh). It’s a good initiative, but I don’t see the point. It’s like if FIFA 14 had a small billboard reading RIP Michael Jackson. It would be pretty irrelevant.

Speaking of death, once you reach the spacefaring stage you could find an extremely rare planet that has a dead body of previous run’s species

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What do you mean by “extremely rare planet”? Do you think there’s only a small chance to trigger the event on any planet, or that the planet exists for sure and it’s a very small amount of that type of planet?

I mean that there’s only one, but it is extremely hard to find.

I got an easter egg. You have the possibility of building a planet buster as huge as a star (deathstar, anyone?). But here’s the catch. The description would be something along the lines of: building a super weapon which has too high of a maintenance price to be practical, is very vulnerable, and the cost of building and running such superweapon could instead be put into building lots, and lots of ships. On the other hand, you get to blow up planets. Tough choice!

FYI: the death star is not the size of a star at all. In fact, it’s around 5 times as small as our moon.

Oh, I never watched Star Wars and didn’t bother to look it up. That makes more sense though.

Argh, I’d hate to double and necro, but here’s an egg: Narotiza’s underwater civ. I’d imagine you’re exploring the planet, and then you’d receive a transmission written in poor grammar by fish people. Maybe the evolution monster can even be the planet’s “boss”?

how about instead of Narotiza water civ


A grox spaceship crashed on a unhabiteded planet