First, I don’t consider mods to be cheating unless it’s a dev console mod or that they make you too OP. Second, for half the game, I’ve played with only one mod (an aesthetics one, adding face paints). Later on, I downloaded a mod to make the game more guerilla (being able to EVAC without losing the mission as long as I complete the main objective; killing every enemies becomes an optional objective with that mod). So far, I evac’d 3-4 times. Thus, I’ve only used two mods so far (I generally like to play vanilla, unless the game is unbalanced or unfair). There were also some bugs made by the game graphic glitch gremlin AKA the glitch gremlin (see: THE NEW Miscellaneous Talk That Doesn't Deserve A New Thread Thread Thread), but they were usually unfair to me. Anyway, I proved you right @Omicron : the Elders are retarded.
Now, I’m going to begin a game in Commander difficulty. Good luck @Omicron!
Omicron : Wait, what?
I’ve played on Commander for a while and I haven’t had any trouble, plus I’m doing the Exquisite Timing achievement. Speaking of that achievement, is that a reference to Independance Day?
I’m already near the very end of the game! I’ve followed a guide and it works! Now, I’m about to assault the blacksite coordinates! I wonder if I need to finish the game at July 1st or before July 1st?
Speaking of the blacksite coordinates, beware. Save files have a tendency to corrupt easily on that mission, and it makes your game crash for just reloading a save sometimes. I also encountered a ing sectopod. What the hell? A sectopod on May? Sectopods are supposed to appear on August. Did anyone else have that bug too?
The playthrough is done! I played the game on Commander difficulty and I got 5 achievements at once! Even though, I still had to savescum to get these. Anyway, I won!