SPOILERS-XCOM, since there very clearly needs to be a thread for that

I just completed XCOM : Enemy Unknown on Normal difficulty with perfect score ! Now, I’m laughing at everybody who lost the game! Ha!

P.S. : I won’t laugh that much when I’ll be playing on Impossible with Ironman mode. lol
P.P.S. : I still don’t understand why XCOM 2 is a scenario where humanity lost.


Is that because there was another big purple ship ? Is that because it is an alternative world ? What the hell happened ?!

Anyway, I’ll be looking for the answer on Google, just in case.


I cheated to get the achievement (used binded console commands). I feel bad now. But it’s never too late for redemption. When I get a new PC, I’ll record myself re-doing the achievements I cheated. It will be a series called “The Cheater’s Redemption”. I generally cheat when I don’t want to re-do the same game because it takes days/weeks to complete it or just if the achievement is based on pure luck. But if there is not anyway to cheat it without outside software, then I won’t cheat and I will just abide by the game’s rule.

  1. Finish XCOM: EU on Classic difficulty.
    1.a. Beat a Very Hard abduction in less than 5 turns (belgium!). Gotta have the right map and the right number of enemies.
  2. Finish XCOM: EU on Impossible difficulty.
  3. Finish XCOM: EU on Classic/Impossible difficulty on Ironman mode (however, I’ll have to find or make a program that will progressively fill a folder of copies of the game save file, for the save file can easily corrupt itself on Ironman mode apparently, belgium!).

Then, I will re-do XCOM: EW, but on Classic difficulty without buying Squad size upgrade (haven’t got the achievement yet). Finally, I’ll beat the achievements with XCOM multiplayer.


Yes, I beated XCOM: Enemy Within recently. Finished in December 2015 (game time, not real time). Chilong was the Volunteer (slingshot dlc), only for my scenario thrill. Apparently, the Volunteer doesn’t die, but teleports. What?!

Spoilers about XCOM: Enemy Within

XCOM only loses in the alternative ending of Enemy Within. After assaulting the alien base, the aliens will retaliate by attacking XCOM HQ. If the Commander wins, XCOM 1 ending. If the Commander loses, XCOM 2 outcome (and I won in the base defense, gg [basically because my top 4 soldiers were colonel MECs, lol{one of my XCOM security personnel got a promotion but didn’t appear in the barracks}]). Then, Shen and Bradford flee the HQ if the battle is lost.

Some others think there was a second Temple Ship, but no. It’s only about the Base Defense outcome.

IIRC, in XCOM 2, the lore is that XCOM was just demolished, even before being able to research lasers and/or carapace armor. (Which is why they don’t exist in that universe.) IIRC EW isn’t canon either, only the beginning of EU, due to MELD not existing in XCOM 2.

So, the alien retaliate on XCOM HQ has nothing to do with XCOM 2 ?

EDIT : Woops, spoiler alert :-]

It’s rather odd. On one hand, lasers/carapace never existed, yet at the same time Bradford has already seen Sectoids, Thin Men, Floaters, Chryssalids, and Mutons. (And then there’s the Tactical Legacy Pack, which just ruins any continuity, creating the common headcanon to be that it’s all just drunk Bradford telling stories)

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What’s TLP all about?

It’s… weird. It’s a couple campaigns, which consist of a series of missions. Each mission, you get points from completing objectives, killing enemies, etc. and lose points from botching missions, losing/wounding soldiers, etc. At the end of the campaign, you get a medal based on your score. Each campaign unlocks some items on completion, based on XCOM EU. For example, one unlocks special armors based on the EU armors, and one gives ‘plasma’ weapons that unlock once you build energy weapons.
Also, each campaign has a specific story, which the missions are based on. For example, the first one starts with Bradford telling the story of how he found the Avenger and started repairing it. At the end of each mission, you get some loot (you can choose from 2 options, such as special ammo or special grenades) and some more stories.

However, lore-wise it’s very weird, since you encounter every single enemy from 2, even the latest game one (people that have played the game know what I mean), even though it doesn’t make any sense that there are multiple of them casually walking around. It gets especially weird considering how Bradford, who apparently has experience fighting every possible alien, still goes ‘huh… what’s that? looks to be a sort of snake lady…’ whenever the player encounters something new. Also, you can acquire chosen weaponry and the like.
Because of this, the headcanon is that the entire pack is just drunk bragging by Bradford.

XCOM 2 content spoilers

‘So there I was, an avatar in front of me and 2 gatekeepers behind me. In my one hand, the Chosen Katana, the other a plasma shotgun…’

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Looks like a screwed up script from some old scenarist drugged on acid and magic mushroom. XD It’s almost as worse as Dying Light side quests stories! XD


Speaking of Dying Light, here are some video links that show how screwed up voice acting and side quests stories can be (warning : these are french videos for older people, don’t watch if blood or jokes can offend you).

Enough said.

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You mean that XCOM’s higher difficulties make the game so hard at a point where it becomes absurd or that they are just way too hard?

…neither? I mean that they just become very difficult, but with a sufficient understanding of the game, a lot of patience, and planning they’re still doable.

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By “absurd”, well, some games are absurd because they are way too hard (like Dr.Jekyll and Mr.Hyde on NES).

(ATTENTION! For 13+ years old, the guy swears and drinks beers a lot!)

A thing that some people hate about the new XCOMs (example : Bob Lennon who is a very well known french youtuber) is that every time the E.T. are in sight, they go into cover whatever if it’s your turn or not. “Why would they do that while it’s my turn?!” or “In the first UFO game, the aliens wouldn’t move when I see them after moving!” are reasons of it. But there are mods for this, which can also ruin some mechanics. The only advantage I see from this free move on the aliens part, it’s that it counts as their final action if you saw them when your turn ended (in XCOM: EU/EW). But it doesn’t work like that in XCOM 2 (when your soldiers have been detected since you ambushed the aliens, the previous trick doesn’t work, it won’t count as an action as far as I recall).

Incorrect, in both games if you discover them on your turn they can move the next one. If they’re discovered on their own turn, they can’t.

Yeah but in the original games, aliens could start shooting your troops without yours even seeing them. I prefer the second system. The free cover is purely because when patrolling they don’t take cover. If they didn’t have the free move, they would’ve just been moving cover from cover, which would’ve taken more performance.

If I recall correctly, the only aliens that could “shoot you” while you can’t see them were the Ethereals. But they wouldn’t shoot you, they just use their Psi Abilities while invisible to your troops. But you could do the same to them. You wouldn’t see them, but the little crosshair for Psi Abilities would help you find them and Psi Attack them in the dark.

In the new game, with the cover mechanics, you can’t do the same as the aliens, but when they move to player’s sight, the player is generally already in cover, so my point is useless here.

Yeah, but it seems that in XCOM 2, the ADVENT MECs can defy this mechanic sometimes (maybe it’s just a bug I encountered, I’ve seen many since I started the game; I’ve once seen one of my soldier teleport out of cover to find himself stuck in the ground elsewhere, it was weird to see, I have a screenshot of this)… . Hum, I’m sure I recall correctly… . Oh nevermind about that, next time I play the game, I’ll pay more attention to this detail and report back the bug if it occurs.

The nuXCOMs are notoriously buggy, which would probably explain the MECs sometimes not following the game’s rules.

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Well, I discovered that many people went directly on ironman mode instead of starting with normal mode, and then going into ironman. No wonder why many people lost the game… . Sometimes, people can be like the Elders (you know what I mean, right @Omicron?).

Why the challenge? Can they just be patient and start with normal mode to get used to the game? I just don’t understand! It’s so belgiumed!

Also, I learnt that Ironman mode can easily corrupt your save file. Thus, I really don’t see why playing in this mode if there’s such a risk (unless I find or make a program to copy&paste the save file at each autosave elsewhere; each copy would have its own folder and each folder would be classed in a superfolder).

By the way, I’m playing XCOM 2 and sometimes, bugs really make the game unpredictable and I hate them, but I like them at the same time (when you can use them at your advantage). Also, after a couple of months (in august 2035), I have just finally finished making plasma weapons (or beam weapons). Now, there is only the final armor to make. Then, I’ll assault the coordinates missions. Any advice or suggestion, @Omicron?

P.S. :

The first base assault can be done relatively easily with light plasma weapons and mid-range armour. It’s not that difficult.

Also, a lot of games have a tendency to have a very easy normal mode, because of which most people start with higher difficulties.

Base assault? You mean Alien Facility assault? I’ve done 3 so far. For the first two, I did them with stealth (I sneaked past the aliens, placed evac zone near the spot, placed the X4/C4 and dashed my soldier to the evac point to finally evac them). For the last one, I had beam weapons, so it was relatively easy.
By the way, the fact that normal mode is ‘too easy’ still doesn’t explain why everyone directly went on ironman. If they practiced themselves on normal mode, then maybe they would be ready for ironman mode.
P.S. : By ‘coordinates missions’, I meant the missions you receive after researching the blacksite vial and the codex brain in the shadow chamber. By the way, I also skulljacked a codex. I now understand what the Aliens’ project name really mean.

Woops! Spoiler alert!

Oh XCOM 2, I thought you were still on EU, due to you calling the weapons plasma. But that is still early-mid game, and can probably be done with mag weapons and mid-game armour.
But XCOM 2 is way easier in general, (especially on lower difficulties,) due to the ability to just alpha strike almost every pod you see, and the predictable AI. (For example, sectoids almost never attack on the first round, they always go for a psi attack, which takes a turn to actually do damage, during which you can easily kill the sectoi)

So yeah (I am talking about XCOM 2, it’s just that beam weapons really look like plasma weapons), I want to do the coordinates missions. I’ve got all beam weapons squad upgrade. I only need the tier 3 armor (the one after the predator armor). But you said they can be done with mag weapons? I’m in August 2035, I’ve encountered many archons since quite a while ago. I recently discovered a freakin sectopod. I got the first achievement (discover and kill a sectopod on the same turn) thanks to a hacked heavy MEC + my 4 soldiers. I also got the second one (hacking the sectopod) by sacrifying my hacked MEC, retreating my soldiers to a safespot, do a bit of damage to the sectopod, trying to haywire it and a bit of savescumming. Mission accomplished.
Summary : With sectopods, archons, etc., I could use some advice for the coordinates missions (for tactics, preparations, items, armors, weapons, proving ground, etc.).