Star Wars: Galactic Conquest

Sure. Just be civil if he comes back on and still wants it.

Which system will you build your first fleet in, and which hyperspace lane will it go down?

I’d like to go build my first fleet on Yavin and move it towards Mygeeto (by going directly south and then west)

Turn 1

Rebel Alliance - AgentTine
Credits: 1000
Planets: 2
Fleets: 1



  • Basic Soldier
  • Vehicle


  • Fighter
  • Cruiser

Perks: None

Galactic Empire - PositiveTower
Credits: 1000
Planets: 2
Fleets: 1



  • Basic Soldier
  • Vehicle


  • Fighter
  • Cruiser

Perks: None

Contingency Republic - serialkiller
Credits: 1000
Planets: 2
Fleets: 1



  • Basic Soldier
  • Vehicle


  • Fighter
  • Cruiser

Perks: None

Trade Federation - LordClassyus
Credits: 1000
Planets: 2
Fleets: 1



  • Basic Soldier
  • Vehicle


  • Fighter
  • Cruiser

Perks: None

Quick explanation on income: You earn credits at the end of every battle, a certain amount for each planet you own. Land victories are 100 credits for each planet, land defeats and space victories are 50, and space defeats are 25. Taking or losing a planet in a land battle has your credits granted be based on the total after, not before, the battle.


Marvelous, the CIS will rise once more!

Movement: Fleet between Geonosis and Felucia, Move towards Felucia.

Purchase: Corvette

I’ll follow Classyus’s strategy.

Action: Move my fleet towards Mygeeto

Construction: Corvette

Alright , I’ll purchase a bomber , and move my fleet to geonosis.

MOVe myfleet to endor

Turn 2

Land Battle at Geonosis: (6 + 6) vs. (3 + 4)

When the Gungan clone armies of the Contingency Republic began their invasion of Geonosis, the Trade Federation garrison there was caught off guard. Battle droids and Geonosians alike scrambled to defend the great droid factories so vital to the Trade Federation expansion effort. However, these forces met swift ends before the advancing Gungan troopers.
With the infantry routed, the Trade Federation’s squadrons of AATs needed to switch tactics. Obscured by the craggy terrain, their operators performed calculated strikes at the rear of the advancing clone forces. In the end, however, these last-ditch flanking maneuvers were thwarted by the Republic’s own Saber-class tanks, the equivalent speed of which prevented the AATs from escaping to strike again as intended.
Driven back from the wastelands, Trade Federation forces were reduced to pockets of resistance. One fragment attempted a last stand in the Petranaki arena. In an inglorious mockery of the beginning of the Clone Wars, the descent of Republic gunships on their position heralded the improvised fort becoming a tomb for the defenders.
Abandoning the crucial manufacturing centers, scattered flotillas of Techno Union ships took to the stars, although many of them were picked off by the Republic fleet. The demoralized survivors wondered if the spirit of the Confederacy was reborn only to die in a manner similar to Gizor Dellso’s ill-fated holdout on Mustafar. Grievous himself, however, was unfettered by news of the defeat, only galvanized by the identification of the invaders as Gungan clones. Truth be told, he still harbored a special resentment for that species after his duel with Roos Tarpals, and relished the prospect of slaughtering thousands of them in future altercations with the Contingency Republic.
Meanwhile, news of the Gungan clone army’s decisive victory on such a key Trade Federation planet was met with approval by the Senate on Naboo. Jar Jar, in particular, took pride in his duplicates’ triumph over the automated legions of his race’s old adversary. Republic military leaders, once dreading an inevitable clash with the seasoned forces of the Empire and the Rebellion, were now confident that this second clone army - while not yet as prestigious as its predecessors of Mandalorian stock - was a formidable force in its own right.

Rebel Alliance - AgentTine
Credits: 0
Planets: 3
Fleets: 1

Having recently established jurisdiction over the frigid wastes of Mygeeto, the Rebel Alliance has commissioned Corellian Corvettes for its fleet.



  • Basic Soldier
  • Vehicle


  • Fighter
  • Cruiser
  • Corvette

Perks: None

Galactic Empire - PositiveTower
Credits: 1000
Planets: 3
Fleets: 1

The Empire has claimed the remote forest moon of Endor. Establishment of an Imperial presence went without incident, barring a brief skirmish with the native Ewoks.



  • Basic Soldier
  • Vehicle


  • Fighter
  • Cruiser

Perks: None

Contingency Republic - serialkiller
Credits: 300
Planets: 3
Fleets: 1

Having taken the Trade Federation-associated world of Geonosis, the Republic has incorporated Clone Wars-era Y-wing bombers into its naval forces.



  • Basic Soldier
  • Vehicle


  • Fighter
  • Cruiser
  • Bomber

Perks: None

Trade Federation - LordClassyus
Credits: 100
Planets: 2
Fleets: 1

The Trade Federation has taken control over Felucia, but has all but lost Geonosis. Seeing the need to increase its military strength, it has devised modified C-9979 landing craft. These new vessels take the role of corvettes, and are optimized for firepower and mobility, rather than ferrying ground transports. For the sake of distinguishing them from the original design, they have been painted the tint of blue sported by other Trade Federation ships.



  • Basic Soldier
  • Vehicle


  • Fighter
  • Cruiser
  • Corvette

Perks: None


I think that i’ll not play this game anymore because idk what im doing


Any takers?

i’ll take it.


How very dare you? I will have both vengeance and revenge: revengeance... but later.

Movement: Use the fleet above Felucia to head towards Hoth.

Nice round by the way, I do very much enjoy the writing.

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Don’t worry classyus, I’ll take good care of your systems.
I’ll move my fleet west (in the direction of felucia.
TBH I don’t really know what exactly I’m doing but I love the writing, it’s almost like watching star wars.
One question tho, how do you get a new fleet ?

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You buy it with 1000 credits I think. That’s how it went in the orginal game anyways.

Why must you go to Felucia? I see a Rebel fleet that could strike at Naboo within 2 jumps.

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Because I’m the republic and I assumed my objective should be to hunt down separatist and imperial scum. As I said, I don’t know exactly what I’m doing :sweat_smile:

Hey, Classyus/Serialkiller, let’s go crush Serialkiller/Classyus.


We’re both the good guys , so let’s work together

Sounds good to me. Those bloody corrupted officials within the republic must be destroyed for there to be peace again in the galaxy.

@Svrangite got commands for the fleet above Endor? You also have 1,000 credits to use when desired.

Yep, 1,000 for every owned fleet, so rebuilding after losing your entire navy is free. That’s why space battles are worth fewer credits, since fleets could just get farmed.

I figured all four factions would have reasons to be at odds with each other, including reasons not elaborated on in the “opening crawl” (I didn’t want it to drag on). The Contingency Republic would be wary of the Rebellion’s ties to surviving Jedi, still convinced that the Jedi Council plotted to overthrow the Senate (aside from Jar Jar, of course). Meanwhile, the Trade Federation would oppose the Rebellion’s cooperation with pirates and smugglers.

I feel like I’ve seen this exact scenario play out before…

muffled I AM THE SENATE echoes in the distance

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Did somebody call the senate?

i want to move my fleet in orbit of endor to yavin and build a new fleet in coruscant.