Survival in Jupiter's Atmoshpere


It was a normal day in the Jovian system. However, something was brewing. Organic compounds, nitrogen bases, lipids, forming together to make semi-living organisms. One day, a single blob went out of the line between living and non-living, and became a full-fledged cell.


The Jovian LUCA, or JLUCA, is just like our beloved cytoplasm. Only 2.5 micrometers, the size of the smallest eukaryote, Microheliella, it is very simple. Just some DNA in a shell. No organelles.

How it works

It works the same as DSL. If you don’t know how that works, go to here: Deep Space Life


Cytoplasm at 0,0.

This was inspired by Carl Sagan’s paper on jovian life and Phrenotopia’s video on his jovian life project.


Will we be able to go spacefaring since this is a gas giant and not a regular planet?
(I might also be seeing some SitF inspiration…)

Here, a beefy gas jet is needed since there is no surface to launch rockets. That or you could just yeet yourself outside of Jupiter with some good winds.


So instead of technology you’d have to create special castes for new things?

Yeah. But a third option is just to create floating launchpads for rockets. So tech is available.

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And how would you get the metal for those rockets?

Actually, you’re right. No tech.

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What is the time limit for us? Sine sun won’t forever stay in a stable state…

7 billion years, because that’s when the sun becomes a white dwarf.


You sure the life won’t be wiped out by the red giant stage purely due to the intense luminosity?

For fun-must-last’s sake, I’m doing until white dwarf. Also, I came up with something. Why not… make you go to the moons to make tech work? The requirements will be a stasoid species that is lucky enough to latch onto a piece of debris, has said debris collide with one of the moons, and live on the moons? It will be real lucky, but not impossible.

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That’d require a species to be “prepared” to live on one of the moons, which in real evolution wouldn’t happen (evolution tinkers only around what’s relevant right now and directly around the species).

Ah. Geuss no tech. :frowning:

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Since this will work like Deep Space Live, could we expect a cross-over to occur between the two forum games?


DSL takes place in some remote asteroid field through, and it’s creatures are rather tiny…

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Two things:

  1. Are the patches the same as DSL?
  2. I’ll submit my creature soon (hopefully today or tomorrow)

@JustaDumbThriver, will lightning be a constant danger, or only when gas thunderstorms form?


What sort of organelles can we evolve?


I assume these Organelles, as they are designed for these rules, but I’m not sure. Unless JustaDumbThriver says otherwise, it would probably be best to use these


Except then this FG is no different from DSL…

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