The Mistworm - Cancrorum Caligovermis, “The Mistworm’s Crab” - HO
- Small Mistworm-aligned Herbivore + Parasite
Mutations: Stronger Hydro-Minions (+1 Strenght), Damage the Injector (2/6), Damage the Anti-Mist (6/6)
MA: (Rolled 2/4) Distract the covenant
C. Caligovermis’s minions are now far stronger than before. The species failed at damaging the injector, but it had success in damaging the anti-mist, disabling it until [ROUND 39].
The mistworm ordered this species to distract the covenant, which it has done rather poorly.
- Speed - 21/10
- Stealth - 19*(2.5) = 45.5
- Strenght - 30/31*(2) = 60/62 (Bitter, Spicy)
- User Usefulness - 0 (1)
Distribution: Wilderness
Preys On (+Parasite): Vegetation
Predated By: M. Cat-Bestiae
Mutation History
- Segmentation
- Annular Muscles (+2 speed due to Axial Respiratory System)
- Axial Respiratory System
- Siphon (+1 Speed)
- Mantle (+1 Strenght)
- Joints (+1 Speed)
- Circulatory System
- Stylocone Tail / Evil Face (+1 Strenght)
- Basic Brain
- Eyespots (+1 Stealth)
- Compound eyes (+1 Stealth)
- Memory Cortex
- Countershading (+1 Stealth)
- Segmented Mantle Osteoderm (+1 Strenght)
- Bitter Taste (+1 Strenght)
- “Reflectors” (+1 Stealth)
- Schooling
- Physical imitation (+1 Stealth)
- Chemoreception (+1 Stealth)
- Air Bags (+1 Speed)
- Mental Rating
- Size Increase (Small Size)
- Closed Circulatory System
- K-type Reproduction
- Midsection Duplication (+1 Speed)
- Setae (+1 Stealth)
- Acid-Resistant Eggs
- 12 Legs (+1 Speed)
- RNA Editing (Extinction Evasion)
- Rotator Leg Joint (+1 Speed)
- Wings (+1 F Speed)
- Castes (+0.5 to Strenght Multiplier)
- Ameboid Larva Cells (+1 Strenght)
- Possesion (+1 Strenght)
- More and more plastic neurons (+1 Stealth)
- UV equivalent usage (+1 Stealth)
- Gamete dismantling (+1 Strenght)
- Feature Theft (+0.5 M/R)
- Spicy (+1 Strenght)
- Cyberwater (+1 Strenght)
- Spiciness Plates (+1 Strenght)
- Better Leg Muscles (+1 W Speed)
- Leg Bones (+1 W Speed)
- Better Hydrokinesis (+1 F Speed)
- Better Against Cybermagic (+1 Strenght / +2 Strenght against species with cybermagic)
- Mind Tendril Communication (+1 Stealth)
- Steal Photosynthesis (+1 Strenght)
- Free Larva Improvements (+1 B Speed)
- Ally with The Mist (+1 Strenght)
- Water Storage (+1 Strenght)
- Respiratory Wings (+1 B Speed)
- MM: Emergency Tribute
- Sacrifice Caste (+1 Stealth)
- MM: Spiritual Infiltration
- Mutations: Souls (+1 Strenght)
- Soul Fusion (+1 Strenght)
- MM: Spiritual Parasitism (+1 Strenght)
- Mist Energy Draw (+1 B Speed)
- MM: Cyberparasite Infiltration (+1 Stealth)
- Soul Energy Gathering (+1 Stealth)
- Energy Linker Cell (+1 B Speed)
- MM: Cyberparasite Infection (+1 Strenght)
- Undo The Mist’s attempts of harming Deus (+1 Strenght)
- MM: Better Connections (+1 Stealth)
- Secret Colony Network (+1 Strenght)
- Cursor Permeability (+1 Stealth)
- MM: Speed (+1 B Speed)
- False Allies (+1 Strenght)
- Better Lungs (+1 B Speed)
- MM: Tendril Sight (+1 Stealth)
- Stronger Hydrokinesis (+1 Strenght)
- Dark Hydrokinesis (+1 Strenght)
- Hydroform (+1 B Speed)
- Reconnection (+1 Strenght)
- Mimicry (+1 Stealth)
- Dark Deception (+1 Stealth)
- Faster (+1 W Speed)
- Hydroflight (+1 F Speed)
- Hydro-Minions (+1 Strenght)
- Stronger Hydro-Minions (+1 Strenght)
Wilderness - All Species
A-M Area 1 - M. Cat-Bestiae, F. Spiritusvivi, P. Narrenists, S. TeaKinges, C. Venenatorum, Nd. Cogitandi
ORGANIZATIONS & GROUPS (from most friendly to most hostile):
- RC (Research Community)
- MwTC (Mistworm Termination Council)
- “THE MISTDOM” - The Mistworm, Dichorisare Bontopius, C. Caligovermis, The Undead Swarms, M. Yuyimus
- “THE COVENANT”- F. Spiritusvivi, Deus, M. Cat-Bestiae, S. TeaKinges, P. Narrenists, C. Venenatorum, Nd. Cogitandi, The Anti-Mist (damaged until [ROUND 39]), The Users
Early Period → Intermediate Period → Pax Multipoda → Intelligence Rise → CHAOS AGE (present)
From this point on UHP no longer exists.