Survival in the Forum

Round 0 - Year 0, Month 0
It was a yet another day in internet forum of a certain evolution game. Forum games were being played, bugs were being reported, questions were being made and answeared. Nothing seemed too much out of ordinary… Until someone noticed that letters began to mysteriously disappear; Quickly they noticed strange, tiny things moving between the words…

How will it work

The place in the internet which those creatures call home is not like the real world. However, many similarities can be found…

How to live in this world?

Letters and Symbols found on posts are like plants in the real world, and are the main food source for the “herbivores” of this land. Letters and symbols with colors other than white are fruit-like.

If an organism falls into a gap between posts, they will fall into a never-ending void, and die unless they can fly back up.

The environment is land-like.

Under Letters and Symbols is a layer of “soil”, which contains counterparts of elements found in soil and rocks on Earth, such as phosphorus, silicon and sulphur. This “soil” provides nutrients for Letters and Symbols. Note that some of “vegetation” floats in atmosphere. The soil has thickness based on size of the post, and under it is a layer of extremely hard rock-like material shaded all the time.

Atmosphere of the forums has similar properties to Earth’s ones.

The “postlayer” on which creatures and vegetation live is illuminated all the time from direction of your monitor (or up from perspective of forum’s creatures).

Posts are locked in space and creatures cannot move them in any way, however they can burrow into them.

Organisms CANNOT use any means of transportation to get to other places in internet. They are bound to the forum. They can only use links and hyperlinks which get them to other parts of the same forum.

Creatures have access to all pages on the forum aswell as PMs (which they can access by sliding into user’s profile).

Sidebar can be used to traverse topics by creatures.

Users of forum can interact with organisms by using cursors.


Mutations will always succeed, and so the survival of species is not going to depend on rolls, but instead it will depend on how do you spend those mutations. You will be able to spend 2 mutations every round on upgrading your creature.

Creatures have a scientific name and a nickname given by the users of infested forums (you decide what the nickname will be).

Each species has a conservation status:
-Highly Overpopulated (HO),
-Overpopulated (OP),
-Under Control (UC),
-In Decline (ID),
-Near Eradicated (NE),
-Eradicated (ER).

Each creature that you’ll be designing will have 3 statistics:
-Speed, which describes the swiftness of your organism,
-Stealth, which describes your creature’s ability to hide and observe the world around it and
-Strenght, which describes your creation’s ability to fight off other creatures and users

Stealth decreases with size increase and strenght decreases with size decrease. There are 5 sizes:
-Tiny: 3x stealth, 1x strenght, smaller than a letter,
-Small: 2.5x stealth, 1.5x strenght, size of a large letter,
-Medium: 2x stealth, 2x strenght, size of a short word,
-Large: 1.5x stealth, 2.5x strenght, size of a long word,
-Huge: 1x stealth, 3x strenght, size of a profile picture (seen near a post).

Predators cannot sustain themselved off prey which is two or more sized smaller than itself, unless they’re specialized to hunt small game.

Predators cannot hunt prey which is better than them in every statistic. If a prey item is lacking in every statistic against a predator, or if a predator cannot hunt anything, they’ll decline into extinction in 2 months unless an action is taken.

If two equal in statistics predator species hunt only the same prey species, they’ll both share the Overpopulated conservation status.

If a predator is worse than other predator in the same area and has nothing to fall back on, they will decline in conservation status based on amount of statistics in which they’re lacking. If they lack in all of them, they will fall down to Near Eradiated status and face near extinction.

Prey items will decline into extinction if they are hunted by predators and have nothing to fall back on. However, if they have a statistic advantage over predator and the predator has another statistic advantage over them, an equilibrium will be created.

Letters that have been damaged by herbivores and weren’t replaced by users will die and serve as potential food for detrivores.

By eating letters, creatures remove them as if they never existed and forum’s users have to manually rewrite damaged posts, so whereas in natural environment organisms can be only hunted by other organisms, in the forum users hunt them aswell in order to eradicate them.

Every 4 months (4 rounds) users will find a new strategy to hunt down the creatures, which will result in a temporary event decreasing your conservation status (severity will be randomized between 1 and 4) and a permanent increase of user hunting pressure by 2 points in every statistic (game begins with the pressure being 1 speed, 1 stealth and 1 strenght) First event will take place on month 4 (round 4).

If your creations have at least one statistic lower than the user hunting pressure, forum users will find a strategy to quickly eliminate your creatures and they will have a month to adapt or else they will be hunted to extinction the next month. If your organisms will be lacking in two statistics, they will go extinct within a month (your species will die instantly).

Rules might change.

(First people to join this forum game will branch off from this starter.)
Starter - Limagriseus Forumvita, “The Letter Slug” - HO

  • Tiny Herbivore

Limagriseus is a tiny creature seen eating letters. It’s small bodysize and lack of limbs make it nearly impossible for this organisms to spread to other posts or topics. It has a very simple digestive tract, but no specialized means of breathing or circulating nutrients. Limagriseus has muscles and simple, specialized cells for various senses which guide it’s Diffuse Nervous System. It is also a sexually reproducing species, and has to lay it’s eggs in shaded areas for them to not dry out.


  • Speed - 1

  • Stealth - 1*(3) = 3

  • Strenght - 1*(1) = 1

Preys On: Vegetation
Predated By: N/A

  • Digestive Tract
  • Muscular Tissue (+1 Speed)
  • Filter Mouth (+1 Strenght)
  • Diffuse Nervous System
  • Basic Sensory Cells (+1 Stealth)
  • Sexual Reproduction (Increases mutations per month to 2)

I will give here some credit to Mitobox for inspiration for some things.
Also, this is my first forum game!

Round 1
Round 2
Round 3 (NEW RULES)
Round 5
Round 6
Round 7
Round 9(NEW RULE)
Round 10
Round 11
Round 13
Round 15
Round 16 (EVENT)
Round 17
Round 18 (SUB-EVENT)


is this the dawn of the non-roll based evo games?

anyways im joining

species name: Multipoda TeaKinges
nickname: “The crawler”

M1: multiple small tentacle-like appendages to move around with

M2: teeth to break up the “vegetation”


I will join, also Is it possible for organisms to create hyperlinks that lead to other locations in the same forum (even if only temporarily)?

Can organisms create pseudo-characters (basically text that looks like normal text to users but aren’t edible)? Can organisms create new posts or threads?

Species name: Fabula ambulator
Nickname: The smudge

Mutation 1: It’s body develops long flaps on it’s sides, these flaps are muscular and used for locomotion.

Mutation 2: Respiratory system used to better oxygenate the muscles used for locomotion.

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The creatures cannot interact with buttons and other stuff used to create posts, topics or hyperlinks, however they should be able to use hyperlinks created by users that lead to other parts of the forum

you mean as if the creatures were typing words or they were growing fake letters ontop of them?

iwill joint too

Species name: Dichorisare chiozore
Nickname: Divider

M1: Segmentation

M2: Annular muscles

edit: forgot name

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In the sense that the letters are separate from their body, so kind of as if they were typing words yes.

Well, the creatures don’t have access to keyboards or editing tools so they wouldn’t be able to make false letters.

What are the limits to how the users can interact with the organisms? (and vice versa)

Cursors can be used to push creatures over the edge of posts. The stronger the organism is, the harder will it be for the cursors to throw them into the void. Stronger organisms may move cursors of users.

Can organisms generate their own UI which interacts with users?

can organisms latch on to the cursor to move from place to place?
and can cursors be destroyed?

You mean that the creatures would evolve a customizable UI? If yes, then users would be able to interact with it to customize the creature or smth.

Yes, but only in the topic they’re located in. When cursor goes to other topic or outside of the forum, it “disappears” and the creature would be dropped to ground/void below.

Nope, they’re indestructible.

Round 1 - Year 0, Month 1
The success of Limagriseus has led to it radiating into a variety of new forms which improve on it’s design.
Meanwhile, users are starting to plan strategies for getting rid of these creatures, but so far not single of them is effective…


@Teaking - Multipoda TeaKinges, “The Crawler” - HO

  • Tiny Herbivore

Mutations: Basic Tentacles (+1 Speed), Grinding Teeth

Multipoda can be distinguished from other arisen creatures by it’s set of teeth which help it with consuming the letters. It also has many tentacles which aid it in movement, and greatly help in moving between various posts and topics.


  • Speed - 2
  • Stealth - 1*(3) = 3
  • Strenght - 1*(1) = 1

Preys On: Vegetation
Predated By: N/A

Mutation History
  • Basic Tentacles (+1 Speed)
  • Grinding Teeth

@fralegend015 - Fabula Ambulator, “The Smudge” - HO

  • Tiny Herbivore

Mutations: Muscular Flaps (+2 Speed due to Respiratory System), Respiratory System

Fabula is another descendant of Limagriseus which has too developed means of moving faster - on it’s sides long flaps are present which are made of muscular tissue and used for movement. Being oxygenated by a novel respiratory system, it allows Fabula to reach speeds greater than those of it’s relatives and makes it the fastest creature in the Forum yet.


  • Speed - 3
  • Stealth - 1*(3) = 3
  • Strenght - 1*(1) = 1

Preys On: Vegetation
Predated By: N/A

Mutation History
  • Muscular Flaps (+2 Speed due to Respiratory System)
  • Respiratory System

@doomlightning - Dichorisare Chiozore, “Divider” - HO

  • Tiny Herbivore

Mutations: Segmentation, Annular Muscles (+1 speed)

Dichorisare can be seen moving ontop of posts using it’s unique annular muscles, which wrap around every segment this creature has evolved. It can be seen using short bursts of speed to jump from one post or topic to another.


  • Speed - 2
  • Stealth - 1*(3) = 3
  • Strenght - 1*(1) = 1

Preys On: Vegetation
Predated By: N/A

Mutation History
  • Segmentation
  • Annular Muscles (+1 speed)

M1: improved respiratory system

M2: stronger muscles

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Name: Fabula ambulapoda
Nickname: Centipede

Mutation 1: The flaps on the sides of the body form creases which ultimately separe them into 24 limbs used for better locomotion

Mutation 2: The flaps near the head migrate closer to the mouth and are used to have a better grip on food and push it inside of the mouth.

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M1: Axial respiratory system

M2: Siphon

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i will join and split from doom’s species and evolve asexual reproduction via regrowing the entire body from individual segments and ripping them off of eachother using its own muscles to use alongside sexual reproduction and a vascular system to better oxygenate muscles, and the name will be dichorisare hemozore

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What will be the nickname?

Round 2 - Year 0, Month 2


@Teaking - Multipoda TeaKinges, “The Crawler” - HO

  • Tiny Herbivore

Mutations: Respiratory System (Extra Speed), Stronger Muscles (+1 Strenght)

Multipoda has followed the steps of Fabula and developed a respiratory system which oxygenates it’s body. Besides that, Crawlers have became stronger over the weeks and are now more resilient to user’s attacks.


  • Speed - 3
  • Stealth - 1*(3) = 3
  • Strenght - 2*(1) = 2

Preys On: Vegetation
Predated By: N/A

Mutation History
  • Basic Tentacles (+2 Speed due to Respiratory System)
  • Grinding Teeth
  • Respiratory System
  • Stronger Muscles (+1 Strenght)

@fralegend015 - Fabula Ambulapoda, “Centipede” - HO

  • Tiny Herbivore

Mutations: Limbs (+1 Speed), Gripping Flaps (+1 Strenght)

Fabula has changed quite a lot since the last month. Individuals of this species now have 12 pairs of limbs which have evolved from the flaps, and some of the front flaps became specialized for food gripping. It’s still the fastest lineage of the Forum.


  • Speed - 4
  • Stealth - 1*(3) = 3
  • Strenght - 2*(1) = 2

Preys On: Vegetation
Predated By: N/A

Mutation History
  • Muscular Flaps (+2 Speed due to Respiratory System)
  • Respiratory System
  • Limbs (+1 Speed)
  • Gripping Flaps (+1 Strenght)

@doomlightning - Dichorisare Chiozore, “Divider” - HO

  • Tiny Herbivore

Mutations: Axial Respiratory System (Extra Speed), Siphon (+1 Speed)

Dichorisare has evolved an axial respiratory system which aids it’s body. Outside of that, individuals of the Dividerkind now possess siphon, which is used to rapidly eject air and give the creatures a boost of speed.


  • Speed - 4
  • Stealth - 1*(3) = 3
  • Strenght - 1*(1) = 1

Preys On: Vegetation
Predated By: N/A

Mutation History
  • Segmentation
  • Annular Muscles (+2 speed due to Axial Respiratory System)
  • Axial Respiratory System
  • Siphon (+1 Speed)

@willow - Dichorisare Hemozore, “Divider” - HO

  • Tiny Herbivore

Mutations: Asexual Reproduction, Vascular System (Extra Speed)

D. Hemozore is an offshoot of the D. Chiozore species, which has evolved a feature not seen before - by ripping it’s segments apart using it’s own muscles, specimens of this species can reproduce asexually, allowing them to settle new posts and topics without a need for a partner. Hemozore has also evolved vascular system specialized for oxygenating it’s muscular tissue.
Because of it’s similarity to D. Chiozore species, D. Hemozore still uses the “Divider” nickname.


  • Speed - 3
  • Stealth - 1*(3) = 3
  • Strenght - 1*(1) = 1

Preys On: Vegetation
Predated By: N/A

Mutation History
  • Segmentation
  • Annular Muscles (+2 speed due to Vascular System)
  • Asexual Reproduction
  • Vascular System (Extra Speed)
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Mutation 1: 12 eyespots develop in the front of the organism.

Mutation 2: The organism develops some features which are considered cute by forum users.

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the nickname will be photophagous divider

  • photosynthetic pigments
  • carbon fixation enzymes
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@doomlightning no mutations? insert megamind meme