Survival in the Forum

I think it’s time to adapt and do the most important things in history:

m1: discover the fire
m2: Development of a more developed sound system for the expression of advanced sounds

Bow down to me


god belgium. your really creating an advanced species


You only have tier-2 brain, to properly control fire you’ll need tier-4 brain.

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so insead upgreat more brain power pless?

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You still need an upgrade to circulatory system to evolve a tier-3 brain. You already have a respiratory system tier needed to get tier-3 brain.

What brain tier do Magus spirits have?

Also, how much is the next hunting pressure?


u make thing hard dont u?
we will upgreat the circulatory system by improving oxy exchange


Hey can i join this?

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I mean, I don’t really want the players to just rush with brain upgrades and becomie sapient quickly, as it happened in TRoNC (speaking of zenzone’s and noname’s “civs”).

Of course!

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So how do I start? This is my first time in a forum game

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You can look at how other players joined. For instance:

This makes the most sense.
I have no argument about that.
A brain is a strange thing - it takes a lot of energy and doesn’t exactly return much value in terms of survival compared to something like muscle and agility. At a certain point when someone develops intelligence, a brain is the most vulnerable thing and with a big head - one hit is enough to cause damage.

Not an evolutionary favorite and therefore we don’t see great minds in the natural world.

sperm whale are the exception, but that’s because their brain size gives an evolutionary advantage, not because of their wisdom, but because of the echolocysen, which is a very powerful survival tool.

So I can stand behind that statement.


So what about this?

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Mutation 1: Stronger running legs,
Mutation 2: Larger swarms.
Mutation 3: Ability to manipulate cyberspace, to create traps that stop the prey from moving.


Magus spirits have tier-2 intelligence, however they will need a significantly higher tier intelligence than a regular creature to achieve civilization due to them only being able to interact with world indirectly.

Next hunting pressure is 13.

Mutation 1: Tendril highways - magus spirits become capable of creating special tendrils for faster soul transfer.

Mutation 2: Compounding - Magus spirits in the same thread compound togheter into a singular cyber superorganism, which compounds their capabilities.

Mutation 3: Soul cybersphere specialization - Magus spirits can specialize the souls they acquire in order to gain a greater manipulation of the cybersphere.


@Cha I need your votes.
@superduper are you still interested in joining?

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I’ll do it tomorrow had a pretty rough day today so I’ll try tomorrow as fast as I can

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It’s been two days now, are you ready?


Mutation uno: Tolerance to bitterness

Mutation dos: serrated teeth to cut flesh away in peace meals keeping prey alive while getting a meal (warning too much could lead to death)