The Cavern (Seed world Evolution Game)

I think he mant them: (fresh water hatchetfish)

and not that: (sea Hatchetfish)

never told as with that type…

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Yeah no @GodOfKnowledge this is marine hatchetfish, not freshwater hatchetfish, I was unaware the freshwater ones existed which is why I didn’t clarify my bad

ok, like when i searched it up only the fresh water variant was up

Thats why scientific names exist

didnt list it tho

btw fixed it

Yes, though again I didn’t realize specifying was necessary in this case

Ancestor: side ivy
Name: Everestneedle
Adaptations: the stem is thin and grows underground, growing branches that go outside and then develop dozens of needle-like leaves. It can grow roots from any point of its stem, and it has a modified root that we will call “cannolo” which contains an ecosystem of aerobical microorganisms which the plant feeds with oxygen and a little amount of nutrients (enough to not make it lose all its energy) and it gives back CO2 which the plant uses for chlorosyntesis. Also has a very light colored leaves
Habitat: Everest plains

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Ancestor: Diatoms
Name: Sea Rafts
Description: To maximize efficiency and protection, large colonies of diatoms have formed as giant green rafts with vaguely hexagonal shapes, protecting each other and creating a large uninterrupted surface area for the diatoms to use to absorb the maximum amount of light. They are sturdy enough to stand upon.

Ancestor: Longtails
Name: Moonseals
Description: Similar to the waking catfish of earth, these giant fish have adapted to be able to breathe the air above the surface, though they do need to keep their gills wet and can still breathe underwater just fine. They have grown much larger, an almost eel-like (though much chonkier) shape with black scales and bioluminescent spots down their sides. Their large dorsal fins act as pseudo legs, allowing them to scorch their bodies up across the floating sea rafts to sun themselves, as well as to chase after or ambush prey from above. Their head is now visibly separated from the body, but though not much bench has emerged, similar to a seal.

Ancestor: Copepod
Name: Leaflimb
Description: A large omnivorous copepod descendant, this creature also scooches it’s body onto the sea rafts using it’s paddle like feet, and it’s large, once near bristly forearms are now covered in leaf-like structures it suns out atop the rafts. When underwater, these forearms trail behind them in the water, slightly increasing drag, though the benefit provided is much worth it. You see, these arthropods practice a form of kleptoplasty, stealing chloroplasts from the diatoms they eat and then reutilizing them to photosynthesize in their leaf-like organs. They are nocturnal, photosynthesizing during the daytime hours and grazing on diatoms during their waking ones.

Ancestor: Copepods
Name: Sea Sweeper
Description: A large, almost manta ray like filter feeding copepod descendant, it’s main arms are spread out like tillers blades, covered in millions of tiny bristles and then pushed along to the mouth. They are extremely docile and friendly animals, though not stupid and will flee at the approach of any obvious Predator. Their other finite paddle legs have also drastically increased in size to propel their new bulk.

Ancestor: Copepod
Name: False Sweeper
Description: At first glance, this animal looks nearly identical to a sea sweeper, with large, bristly looking forearms and large paddle like fin legs. However, upon closer inspection differences are revealed. A grinding mouth with small too the like structures, heavier back plating, and large spines that flip out on it’s forearms as it brings them together in a devastating ‘bite,’ the false sweeper is an extreme ambush predator, hiding in plain sight as one of the the friendliest, non threatening ones out there.

Ancestor: Hatchetfish
Name: Abyss Leviathan
Description: A large, whale sized organism living in the depths of the oceans, this predator is near invisible until it’s jaws are crunching around you. To see, it utilizes red bioluminescent patches invisible to most other abyssal fish. The top Predator of the ocean depths, it is willing to eat anything and everything it comes across, though only actually eats when it hasn’t had a meal for the last few weeks, due to it’s low metabolism. They are relatively few in number, and to attract a mate during the mating season put on huge bioluminescent displays visible for miles in the inky black waters, but also scaring away nearby prey.

Ancestor: Bearded Rail
Name: Quillhaunt
Description: A large species of rail descended from the bearded rail, it is the top pursuit predator of the valley edge, with it’s quill raising ability extended to a mane around and on it’s face, making it appear almost owlish when the feathers are raised. It has long, lanky legs with sharp claws, almost entirely gone forelimbs, and a much shorter and more robust beak for digging into prey. They will attempt to scare off other predators and scavengers using their feather displays to avoid a fight, even ones much more powerful than they themselves are.

Ancestor: Clawunik
Name: Clawcreeper
Description: Having evolved a very basic air sac, these animals sit along the cave lake shores like small bunkers, their heavy armor shells making them barely distinguishable from rocks, looking much like silver-plated hermit crabs from above. When would-be prey skitters by them, they quickly raise themselves slightly off the sand and shoot out their blade-like tentacles to kill and constrict it before drawing in it’s dinner.

Ancestor: Cave Stalker
Name: Cave Wraith
Description: Large aquatic creatures, these animals have no hind limbs with large, almost wing-like fin structures. It’s clear skin is home to tiny bioluminescent bacteria making it glow a near imperceptible dark blue, and the area around it’s eyes glows red so it can see in the dark cave environment. It’s skull is kinda crocodilian in shape, with smaller triangle shaped teeth and much shortened in the snout. It has a long, serpentine tail. It is roughly 15 long from head to tail, and likes the winding underwater caves, breathing through it’s skin.

Ancestor: Sea Chameleon
Name: Cavernjaw
Description: A large, fully aquatic chameleon descendant, it has a large, short head full of sharp teeth and a barbed, harpoon like tongue. It’s limbs and main body are similar to a mosasaur, with a long tail that can curl and whip prey, driving them in whatever direction it wishes to go. It is roughly 20 feet long, and prefers larger, more open cave lakes nearish to the cave shores.

Lists will be updated shortly


Add more or make space to the others?

What do you mean?

If you are asking if you can add more, Ye sure go ahead. If not, sorry I didn’t quite understand

Yes I have a few more, I’m going to sit back after this and see what y’all can come up with for the last few ones.

Ancestor: Wandering Aphid
Name: Thornstalker
Description: Having adapted to the Glowtangle jungles, these large, long legged aphid descendants can almost be confused for part of the glow tangle themselves, covered in thorny spines down their long legs and main limbs with symbiotic fungus making their skin glow. They are primarily herbivores, but will opportunistically ambush any prey that casts up on their shores.

Ancestor: Deep Cave Aphid
Name: Shroomfarmer
Description: Having adapted longer striding legs and a broader back, this large arthropod cultivates glowing fungus atop it’s own body, keeping it alive and mobile but slowly eating it itself, though at a much slower pace than it would be eaten otherwise. As they walk through the caves, if they happen upon each other they will ‘pollinate’ the others Sharon’s, breaking off a piece of their own mushroom and giving it to the other, thus increasing the genetic diversity of the chemotrophic bacteria and making it more likely to survive in the long run.

Ancestor: Candy Striped Hermit Crab
Name: Climber Crab
Description: Using specially derived legs well built for climbing all but the smoothest of surfaces, these crabs hang around on sea cliffs or trees to avoid predators, able to make tiny burrows in the tough material with their pincers. They use small brush like bristles to sweep diatoms off of the water’s surface, but can also feed on tree bark or the leaves of other plants.

Ancestor: Climber Crabs
Name: Pollenbrush Crab
Description: This arboreal, nectivorous crab uses it’s long, bristle covered arms to open up the petal of flowers, getting pollen stuck on the bristles in the process. When it moves on to the next flower, it transports the old pollen while picking up some new pollen. This benefits both the plant, and the crab, one eating as the other gains assistance reproducing (we needed a pollinator).

Ancestor: Nautilus Scavenger Crabs
Name: False Nautilus
Description: Floating through the deep, dark blackness of the sea, this species of crab uses it’s long, paddle-like legs to propel itself through the water as it feeds on the abundant marine snow and copecreeps. It hides itself within the shell of a nautilus, and upon initial inspection looks strikingly similar, with long limbs propelling it through the water in an almost jet-like movement. It uses this striking similarity to opportunistically ambush any actual nautilus it comes across, eating it and then dropping it’s old shell in favor of the new.

Ancestor: Ringtail
Name: Scouter
Description: It’s tail has fused into longer, more solid pieces to allow it to stand alert and scout over the fields of edgegrass in it’s new home on the plateaus of the edge valleys, and it has adapted thicker fur to withstand the increasing cold. They typically travel in groups of three to five, with one or two standing alert as the others eat, and then switching places every so often. They are roughly three feet long, standing bay five feet tall when balancing on their tails, and have adapted slightly longer hind legs so they can hit the ground running when they spot danger

Ancestor: Scouter
Name: Ringiraffe
Description: These scouter descendants have evolved to access a food source mostly untapped by other herbivores, the abundant side Ivy that grows against the rocky walls of the valleys edge. They have also adapted some poison resistance to counteract the side ivy’s defense mechanism. They have fully adapted to walk on their tails, the mostly fused vertebrae acting as the solid bones with the looser ones developing into proper joints (or joint-like structures). Their former hind legs are now just as long as their tails, making them properly tripedal. Their arms have also adapted to be longer to reach more side Ivy. When running, they duck down lower to their body to streamline themselves, their arms held close to their bodies.

Ancestor: Ringiraffe
Name: Tritan
Description: Evolving a heavier coat of brown, shaggy fur, the Tritans teeth have also sharpened and their faces widening and shortening, jaw force increasing as their claws sharpen and arms lengthen. They are the true top predators of the plateaus, a little smaller than the edge bears but much faster, and much more powerful than the quillhaunts, if slower. They charge and take down prey with their long, swinging paws or can wrap them close with their long arms into a ‘bear hug’ where they then kill them with their powerful bite. They also coordinate in groups, their ‘courage’ (similar to how lions have ‘prides’), working together like wolf packs made out of alien bears.

Edit: A few more animals so we are closer to the end

Ancestor: Nautilus
Name: Spear Nautilus
Description: They have adapted for the surface, using their jet propulsion as pursuit predators, utilizing stiffer, spear like tentacles with ‘joints’ to be able to pierce prey. Their eyes have evolved outwards slightly to see prey in front of them, and when not actively hunting larger prey they will passively float and feed on passing copepods or diatoms using some of their less rigid, ‘normal’ tentacles. They have larger, tougher shells to withstand the struggles of their potential prey, and the more abundant predators.

Ancestor: Spear Nautilus
Name: Shovelshell
Description: More passive descendants of the Spear arm, though still predatory, they float along feeding on the sea rafts, breaking them apart with large, paddle or shovel like tentacles. They spear fish like longtails with their spear like tentacles, and still feed on smaller diatoms and copepods as well. They have also developed very basic air sacs, allowing them to breath air for short amounts of time. They use this to scoot up onto the isolated beaches away from the main valley to lay eggs like turtles, burying them in the wet sand with the aforementioned shovel appendages before scooting back into the water. The wet sand is just enough to keep the babies alive and breathing until they manage to make it to the sea after they hatch, and hopefully grow into adults to repeat the cycle.

Ancestor: Shovelshell
Name: Shorestalker
Description: These nautilus descendants have greatly improved upon their amphibious capabilities, using their spear like legs to walk along the sand like stilts. They still need to return to the water every hour or so to wet their breathing apparatuses, but spend most of their time ashore. They use their shovel like appendages to dig up shovelshell eggs or as clubs to stun crabs walking the shore so they can spear them or constrict them in their more mobile tentacles, and utilize a water sac organ and their previous propulsion movement system in the water to shoot streams of water at climber crabs and knock them down from their perches to eat.

Ancestor: Crested Grosbeak
Name: Grosgull
Description: This bird adapted to explore niches on the sea, growing slightly larger and adapting a full like beak for eating crabs and scooping fish out of the water. They nest on the sea cliffs in small groups, and can be seen floating on the waves or sitting on sea rafts.

Ancestor: Rhino
Name: Bushhorn
Description: Having decreased body size but increasing in ferocity, these small, boar like rhinos live in the underbrush of temperate and tropical forests, charging at the soonest sign of a threat. They are very short-sighted, however.

Ancestor: Rhino
Name: Woollier Rhino
Description: Living in the cold valley edgelands, these rhinos have taken to a similar strategy as rhinos in the ice age of earth, developing thick fur coats too keep warm and increasing their body size. They travel in small herds, huddling together at night for warmth during the winters.

Ancestor: Brachiosaurus
Name: Woodrunner
Description: Similar to the Mountain Leaper, this brachiosaurus descendant has drastically decreased in size to be able to weave it’s way through the underbrush. It has good vision and smell, and similar to a deer is very easily startled.

Ancestor: Hell bear
Name: Beartredon
Description: A species that is even more huge than its ancestors, which began to ambush near drinking ponds for prey, but most of the time when they are not near a water source, they are occasional scavengers. Their jaw has become strong enough to break bones and remove the bone marrow, helping to reach a food source that is difficult for others to obtain.

Ancestor: Vetovaesaurus
Name: Veto-qiptos
Description: This species specialized at such a level in the style of a crash ambush, whose legs began to develop a membrane that attaches to the tail and arms in addition to light feather cover, creating a kind of parachute that allows it to increase its chances of survival, but also causes a side effect of soaring. In the air much longer. His eyes became larger due to his nocturnal lifestyle.

Ancestor: Inciviosaurus
Name: jangle-rex
Description: His body structure became a little bigger and his legs became more delicate. In the collection of fallen fruit and small creatures, he is a very adaptable animal that is able to remember the surroundings and follow fruit trees, and this is to prevent getting lost in the woods and also able with the help of the bulge in his mouth to dig in the ground to get food if any.

Ancestor: Clouded Leopard
Name: Jagopard
Description: A cat that behaves similarly to jaguars in the woods. With his spotty and agile fur demeanor, he is able to ambush and devour anything he can catch: Snappers, Needlebird, and even Sea Chameleon if they are small enough.

Ancestor: Heat Wavestars
Name: Kinetowavers
Description: This species of heat-loving radio stars began to develop an even more extraordinary way than the rest of their ability to communicate on one radio to the other: they in their arms began to develop antipyretics and symbiosis with a family of bacteria. Some bacteria use the chemical exchange of volcanic springs and create nutrients for Kinetowavers, but thanks to the nanometric arrangement of their armor, they have begun to develop a new-unprecedented type: Kinetosyntesa. In the constant motion of the springs and pigeons coming from them, hairs that are within the rebuilt structure of their armor began to be used in motion as an available energy source. Not as effective as chemosynthesis, but it lowers their food intake and allows them to endanger themselves less because they have to move.

Ancestor: Zaratan
Name: Raftratans
Description: This turtle began to take advantage of the Sea Raft shelter for food source and also rest, and even moved with them to obtain perhaps a richer food source as they adapted to camouflage ways between them.

I think I will stop adding more and let others add something more.
If it does not move forward, I think it was a good idea to work for the first extinction.
If there is anything that is not understood (I know there is one point), ask me, I have done research on this topic.

so, we gonna make a species evolution path or what

What do you mean, species evolution path?

I have the first major extinction prepared, I am just waiting until all the spots are used up (I want a prescribed amount for the first because of species radiating into many different niches for us to use later)

like a species tree, where they have it on an evolutionary path

Ancestor: Caver nautilus
Name: Shelless cave nautilus
Adaptations: lost its shell in order to better move in the cave enviroment, 12 of its tentacles became longer
Habitat: sea caves

Oh, I already have one (albeit very disorganized) so I can keep track of it all. I might be able to post a polished up version of it at the extinction event?
Frale the Nautilus already has all of the slots filled for before the first extinction event, however I could put this in for the first organism added after the extinction event.

Ok do that. , . , . ,

Updated lists of creatures (not including shell-less nautilus) and what is left;

Glowing Mushrooms

  1. Cave Lights
  2. Glowtowers
  3. Spirit Boats
  4. Glowtangles
  5. Glow Carpet


  1. Cave Diatoms
  2. Magnet Coral
  3. Steel Shrubs
  4. Silverbranches (still calling them that even tho they ain’t silver any more)
  5. Sea Raft

Dogwood Trees

  1. Pupgrass
  2. Wolfwood
  3. Stray Dogwood
  4. Edgegrass
  5. Jaw Trees

Poison Ivy

  1. Poison Carpet
  2. Frosty Ivy
  3. Climber Carpet
  4. Side Ivy
  5. Everest Needle


  1. Caver Nautilus
  2. Shell Kraken
  3. Spear Nautilus
  4. Shovelshell
  5. Shorestalker


  1. Grapplebeak
  2. Beakrunner
  3. ???
  4. ???
  5. ???


  1. Digger Armadillo
  2. Silverback
  3. Armamole
  4. Whiptongues
  5. Armaphants


  1. Depth Caecilians
  2. Slimewraiths
  3. Nightmares
  4. Dreamfangs
  5. Seacilians

Mutant Ghost Frog

  1. Cave Stalker
  2. Glow Frogs
  3. Bonelights
  4. Cave Wraiths
  5. Sky Wraiths


  1. Clawunik
  2. False Anamalocaris
  3. Clawcreepers
  4. ???
  5. ???

Clouded Leopard

  1. Caving Leopard
  2. Leopuma
  3. Jag-Leopard
  4. Fishtail Cat
  5. Climber Cat

Kiwi Bird

  1. Cave Kiwi
  2. Needlebird
  3. ???
  4. ???
  5. ???


  1. Sea Chameleon
  2. Snappers
  3. Cavernjaws
  4. ???
  5. ???


  1. Incaversaurus
  2. Vetovaesaurus
  3. Veto-qitos
  4. Jungle Rex
  5. ???


  1. Skinny Rhino
  2. Dandroms
  3. Woollier Rhino
  4. Bushhorn
  5. Chonk Rhino


  1. Bonefoot Brachiosaurus
  2. Mountain Leapers
  3. Frost Titans
  4. Giant Seekers
  5. Woodrunner

Hawksbill Sea Turtle

  1. Zaratan
  2. Terratons
  3. Raftans
  4. ???
  5. ???

Crab Eating Fox

  1. Glow Fox
  2. Ghost Fox
  3. ???
  4. ???
  5. ???

Candy striped hermit crabs

  1. Hardbacked Hermit Crab
  2. Nautilus Scavenger Crabs
  3. False Nautilus
  4. Climber Crab
  5. Pollenbrush Crabs


  1. Burrowing Ermine
  2. Tree Ermine
  3. Mossy Ermine
  4. Edgeburrow Ermine
  5. Everesttail

Nursery Sharks

  1. Pool Sharks
  2. Hydrosharks
  3. ???
  4. ???
  5. ???

Brittle Stars

  1. Waving Stars
  2. Heat Wavestars
  3. Radio Arms
  4. Kinetower
  5. ???


  1. Jumper Wolf
  2. Rainrunner
  3. ???
  4. ???
  5. ???

Atlas Bear

  1. Edge Bear
  2. Hell Bear
  3. Beartredon
  4. ???
  5. ???

Guam Rail

  1. Edge Rail
  2. Bearded Rail
  3. Quillhaunt
  4. ???
  5. ???


  1. Wrongtail
  2. Tailwalker
  3. Scouter
  4. Ringiraffe
  5. Tritan

Crested Groshawk

  1. Giant Groshawk
  2. Skyvalhawk
  3. Grosgull
  4. ???
  5. ???


  1. Longtail
  2. Daggerfish
  3. Axefish
  4. Moonseal
  5. Abyss Leviathan

Cave Aphids

  1. Deep Cave Aphid
  2. Wandering Aphid
  3. Jumping Aphid
  4. Thornstalker
  5. Shroomfarmer


  1. Cave Copepod
  2. Copecreep
  3. Leaflimb
  4. Sea Sweeper
  5. False Sweeper

And a more focused list on what is needed before first extinction event (know that in this first one the valley doesn’t quite close, but it definitely shrinks/changes)

3 Shoebills
2 Yawuniks
3 Kiwi Bird
2 Chameleon
1 Inciviosaurus
2 Hawksbill Sea Turtle
3 Crab Eating Fox
3 Nursery Sharks
1 Brittle Stars
3 Warrah
2 Atlas Bears
2 Guam Rail
2 Crested Groshawks

If no one wants to do these I’ll do a sweep where I take out a few groups every day (like I did yesterday) until the limit is met.

what if you escape?