The Cavern (Seed world Evolution Game)

Uh what? What is there to escape?

the cavern, can i fly into space?

I guess? Space has sort-of been established (in my head), but just barely (like what is out there)

But it is way early to be thinking about that, definitely not until the ‘space stage’ of a civilization (or unless you can make a hydrogen breathing (or similar) organism able to escape the gravity of the planet and colonize the void)

There are several other seed worlds happening in the space around this planet, I have what they are established but not which ones are near the cavern /in it’s solar system or what has evolved on them

how big is this cavern, like for it to have gravitiy it would have to be massive

It’s a planet.

A planet made of caves (with a surface similar to the peak of Mount Everest, if less frosty)

o then can i colonize it

The surface? Yeah, though it it would have to be a very hardy ecosystem

Ancestor- Woolier Rino
Name- Chonk Rhino
Description- due to their very low metabolism and high fat percentage, the wooly rhino is able to colonize the valley and outside of it, while occasionally going back into the cave system to stock up, they are incredibly hardy creatures, able to survive in low oxygen environments, they also hibernate through the coldest parts of the year, they have 3 young per year, while mating season is spring.

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Look above, the Woolier Rhino already exists

Also it has to be in much more steps than that, the first thing I would recommend is colonization of the Valley Edge steppes

that better?

Look at comment edit, more steps than a grasslands to Everest-dweller.

For this, I would recommend evolving from the woolier rhino, also spending most of it’s time on the plateau but able to go up there to escape predators

The cavern does not directly open to the surface (often), and if it does it is a steep drop. Also, no rhino currently lives in the caves anyway. The valley is still present after all.


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Time for the daily sweep I mentioned. I’ll be doing four of these, 9-10 organisms a day, if no one posts more organism ideas.

Ancestor: Caving Leopard
Name: Fishtail Cat
Description: With a fungal symbiosis similar to the glow Fox (glowing tail tip), this small leopard descendant utilizes a long tail with a slightly armored tip of fused fur to fish in the cave lakes, waiting for any potential prey to be attracted in and then pouncing.

Ancestor: Clouded Leopard
Name: Climbing Cat
Description: This leopard descendant is about the same size as the clouded leopard (slightly larger than the average house cat) and has adapted to clinging to and climbing the rocky sea cliffs. It feeds on climber crabs and grosgulls, raiding the nests of these seabirds whenever possible.

Ancestor: Slimewraith
Name: Dreamfang
Description: A much more lethargic descendant of the slime wraith, it has become primarily arboreal with white skin coloring, and a rainbow inner mouth. It now has poisonous skin, and It’s venom/poison now contains hallucinogenic, sleep inducing and dopamine increasing chemicals (it’s a snake that gets it’s prey high). Generally avoidable, as it is slow, but even grazing the snake can transfer massive amounts of this poison into the preys system.

Ancestor: Caecilian
Name: Seacilian
Description: A fully aquatic caecilian, it has grown in size. Able to breath through it’s skin, it will chase down and eat anything it can fit in it’s mouth, but has a slow metabolism similar to a snake, spending most of it’s time floating or sunning itself on sea rafts.

Ancestor: Armadillo
Name: Whiptongue
Description: Having adapted to a more forested environment, it has longer legs and a more flexible armor to allow for it to run and chase after it’s very mobile prey, jumping aphids. It uses it’s long tongue to whip out and snatch prey mid jump, eating it as it continues to sprint after more. Typically live in small groups.

Ancestor: Silverback
Name: Armaphant
Description: This Giant, semi-aquatic, cave-dwelling armadillo descendant has adapted to be much larger than it’s ancestors, with taller, thicker legs like an elephant to stand above the water and a large, trunk like mouth derived from their long snout. They use their large, barbed tongue to sweep the water for cave copepods and the shore plants for cave aphids and deep cave aphids, the larger wandering aphids too large to fit in their trunk like mouth.

Ancestor: Cave Wraith
Name: Sky Wraith
Description: Living in the broad stretches of cave lakes, the ‘sky’ wraith has adapted a sort of jet propulsion to propel itself forward in the water. However, it can also use this to propel itself out of the water, able to jet itself out of the water and cover a fair amount of distance gliding on it’s now even more wing-like fins. It’s tail has shortened slightly to reduce drag.

Ancestor: Tree Ermine
Name: Mossy Ermine
Description: This Ermine has adapted to have green pigmentation a spitting most of it’s body, looking like patches of mossy green, blending in with the trunks and leaves of the forests as it stalks it’s prey. It also now has even stronger crushing jaws to be able to break the pollenbrush crabs tough exoskeleton, and get marrow out of some smaller preys bones.

Ancestor: Burrowing Ermine
Name: Edgeburrow Ermine
Description: Now living on the colder plateaus of the edgevalley, this ermine has turned to a partially herbivorous diet, able to feet on the valley edge grass and developing some toxin resistance to munch on the frosty Ivy. It will still hunt edge and bearded rails when able, but does not hunt exclusively anymore. They live in complex burrow systems under the plains, in family units similar to prairie dogs (though often not as large).

Ancestor: Edgeburrow Ermine
Name: Everesttail
Description: It is now mostly a snowy white or grey coloration, and has further developed it’s toxin resistance. It lives in incredibly large family units under the Everest Plains, with much thicker insulating fur for it’s forages out into the cold to collect everestneedle as food, having switched to an entirely herbivorous diet out of necessity. Though it can go out into the cold for a time, it does need to return to it’s burrows to warm up often, huddling with others of it’s kind to increase it’s body heat.

Ancestor: Yawunik
Name: Yawutrick
Description: Its evolved appendages are now able to pick up rocks. Some have even attempted to use rocks to shield attacks from predators, some successful, some not.
They now reside in bodies of water within cave systems that are exposed to light, being forced there due to being overwhelmed by competition.

@TwilightWings21 Let me get this straight, when can i adapt this creature again?

Speedrunning the saipient tree, i see

Whenever you want, as long as there are still evolution slots left.

Evolution slots are a certain amount of times an organism can be evolved between extinction events. As long as there remain slots, you can evolve any creature whenever you want

The Yawunik still has slots left, so you are good for now

can i extinct things to gain slots

Name- Captiosus Warrah
Description- Their brains have gotten bigger, and now have a vast range of communicating howls, work in packs, around 2 meters tall, prey on brachiosaurus.

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looks like IM the one speedrunning the sapient tree, you’re just “gabbing” things

Ancestor: Yawutrick
Name: Rock Smashers (dont take this out of context)
Resides In: Coastal waters, some have tried going on land with rocks on their backs as protection, but failed because lack of lungs.
Now having more thicc appendages, they now bash rocks together, making favorable shapes. They now display affection by giving eachother rock shapes that they like. They also eat any creature they can bash a rock on in order to kill it, using rocks for hunting and cutting plants.