Action 1: calm down Waterzooi and his converted belgium-fighter, slowing down their breathing and thus reducing the amount of toxic gas inhaled
Action 2: transmit the remaining information from Enkefaros to the rest of the fighters, hoping that they learn to avoid the circumstances which led to their demise
Also Aah31415, since my fighter’s existance is based of people knowing/remembering about it, and dead people cannot remember, Somnium should lose some HP
I will note that down. Originally I planned that once enemies reach the “spawning area” of the player fighters, they would notice that one is missing and start attack you.
A1: main swarm attempts to bring the pilus blob to waterzooi while the smaller swarms converse in the walled off area to the south(top swarm)/West(middle swarm) of them, then fly up the big boulder as high as they can go get a better view
A2: if the main swarm successfully brought the pilus blob to waterzooi, have it explore southwards while the top swarm flies to a stable spot on the large boulder to turn human and use the much longer range eyes of a human to look for corpses to make meat honey with to heal up.
Btw is the size of my swarms measured in health? If so, does the max health of my bees form go up if I make a hive and have a queen make more bees?
(Honestly kinda surprised I didn’t think of this earlier since swarming bees are hive bees and would be able to multiply by settling down a group, if I am able to do that though the bees should be reproducing asexually in the hive because they have to all be able to combine into a person who is genetically (nearly) homogeneous, and the effects of having no biodiversity in a species that does genetic recombination tend to be very deadly to the offspring, or at least to decrease their ability to function, and only in the best case scenarios do they get the parent genome or a version of it that’s just two of the same half of the parent genome with slices of the other half)
Somnium made Waterzooi and their converted ally less affected by the poisonous gas released by the foes. They also made both Loki and Enkefaros a bit more resistant to that gas by providing last Enkefaroses information which Somnium could receive…
Waterzooi decided to follow Loki’s main swarm, with the allied blob following it. It then evolved the said blob…
(Ally HP regenerated to full, Temporary Strenght boost now permanent)
The gas-attacking enemies have ran away, perhaps they need to recharge their gas-spewers?
Loki’s main swarm tried to get the pilus enemy to Waterzooi, however only remains were left of it. The two other swarms merged in a previously undiscovered area and flew up, revealing the last section of a huge boulder.
The main swarm then explored southwards, revealing a large passage, meanwhile the other swarm climbed up the big boulder and turned into a rather barebones human, searching for foe corpses in range, however no were found. It seems like the only option for healing available is to heal alongside Waterzooi, or perhaps Somnium? The human feels like a divine force will remove them from the boulder if they stay on it any longer…
(+3 XP to Somnium, +3 XP to Waterzooi, +1 XP to Loki, -1 HP to Waterzooi)
SOMNIUM - Together with other fighters…
Red - BELGIUM FIGHTERS (First Spawn)
Purple - BELGIUM FIGHTERS (Second spawn - type 1)
Light-gray - BELGIUM FIGHTERS (Second spawn - type 2)
Light Blobs - BOULDERS (blocks movement)
Yellow - Converted BELGIUM FIGHTERS
Pink - Toxic Gas
MAP MOVEMENT SPEED = (Speed Statistic / 2) Pixels (Map is 100 X 100 Pixels across in total, including the unclimbable walls)
SIGHT RANGE - 5.5 Pixels Radius From a Fighter’s Center
Overstimulation Immunity: More effective attacks the more enemies are fighting you
Insomnia: Less chance of hitting enemies
STRENGHT: 10 Normal Strenght, 10 Control Strenght
HEALTH: 20/20 + Partial Protection (Abilities)
Memory Attack: Can only be damaged by enemies who attack the idea of it’s existance (50% chance to miss attacks)
Disembodied: Doesn’t have a body for self, relies on puppets to interact with the world. The Puppets inherit their own statistics. Your own statistics are separate from them.
Pupeteer: If Control Strenght is higher than any strenght an enemy has, they can be pupeteed. MAX amount of puppets = 5.
(Before you Puppet anything, you can infect an enemy like an invisible parasite ghost, in that state you can’t damage the enemies)
Equilibrium Zone: Energetic and Kinetic attacks are weakened if they are within this zone, regenerates energy if such attack is commited
Dimension Weaver: When Hit an enemy, temporarily adds the best advantage to The Fighter (Lasts until the fight with this/those entity/entities ends)
E=MC2: Special Energy Statistic which measures how many Active Abilities can you cast.
Genetic Manipulation: Can Modify an enemy’s genome, changing it’s statistics, abilities and even alignment. You need to first inspect an enemy in order to use this ability.
Other Stuff
10 XP can add 5 points to a statistic,
100 XP can add an advantage/ability OR upgrade an already existing advantage/ability.
Fight will include cube dice rolls:
1- You miss
2- Strikes a worse area
3- Strikes a worse area
4- Strikes as expected
5- Strikes as expected
6- Strikes critical area
Damage is affected by the rolls of the dice, and is closely tied to strenght.
Various strenght types to various things (control S. allows for control of enemies, distance S. allows to hit enemies from further away.)
Damage drains Health.
If you have more stealth than an enemy, you will be able to attack them from surprise, giving you a lot larger chance of critical hit.
Speed determines how fast can you cast actions - at 20 speed it’s 2 actions/sub-round, and it scales as +10 speed = +1 action/subround, easy to understand.
Action 1: increase sweat gland activity and numb pain signals from the legs (or bee wings), effectively turning other fighters into long-distance runners like Homo Sapiens, so that they can explore more effectively
Action 2: attmpt to infiltrate the minds of belgium fighters which are already wounded/distracted
(The Invisible Aztec Dodo God. probebly cooking something here, or not? ^_(o_0)_^)