The grossest thing you ever ate?

What is the grossest thing you ever ate in your life? Sand? Human leg or even worse? So, I guess I must go first. The grossest thing I ever ate was sand from the playground. It doesn’t sound gross, but there were (and they are still here) homeless dogs who love to… You know… Do their job somewhere. And for some reason as kid I was eating sand sometimes. Dog’s sand…

I think the only thing that would qualify as “gross” for me would be plastic, for i was pretty careful as to what went in my mouth when i was young.

Dont ask when or what kind of plastic i ate, because i dont know myself, but im pretty sure i swallowed something made of that sort when i was a child.

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Prunes. They look gross, they taste gross, and there is this huge seed you have to contend with.
1/5, never again.


By the way, I always thought that if I ate plastic it will forever stay inside me or will cut my guts, my parents were having strange methods to stop me eat things.

You talk about dry prunes, right? We use them for “chicken with (blue) prunes”, and actually it’s good.

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The grossest thing i ever ate was shampoo. The kind that is extra super gross so that children wouldn`t eat it. I was a stupid kid.

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I can’t remember why, but I vaguely remember eating an entire sheet of paper as a kid.


This looks very similar to a traditional German Christmas dish, just with turkey instead of chicken. And it actually tastes good without meat as well.

I never ate dirt or something but apparently I loved to suck the legs of shrimps dry as a kid :joy: made my whole famaily stop eating them.


Vegan blood. My own vegan blood.

I had friends over and we all cooked a load of meals to eat together. I’m not exactly the greatest chef in the world. Plus, someone with a gluten allergy and a vegan were invited. The Venn diagram of stuff without gluten, stuff that’s vegan, stuff I can cook, and stuff that’s mildly culinarily impressive…doesn’t have a lot of overlap.

I decided on vegetable (gluten-free) pasta with various seasonings. Shortly after grating a clove of garlic, I noticed something red on a couple of the chopped cauliflowers. I turned my hand over and found I’d cut myself on the grater and was bleeding profusely. I ran to bandage it up, washed my hands, then sifted through the prepared food to remove anything I’d bled on.

Although I’m fairly sure I got everything, it’s possible a tiny amount of my blood ended up in the mix. Now, you may say blood in food is very non-vegan, but I found a loophole: I told my friends I consented to them eating my blood. I, as a sentient, self-aware creature, gave them permission. And there you go, vegan blood.

The cut on my finger smelt of garlic for two weeks.

I probably violated some sort of health law. It’s fine though, no one fell ill.

The vegan never actually turned up.


I dont exactly know what qualifies as gross anymore but i’ve eaten paper and well not repulsed by taste or anything i know its probably disgusting to some that and i scrounge about the floor eating food i find (its mostly mamee monster some asshole in my class spilt everywhere and are to lazy to clean up)


i was like 3 and i pooped on the floor thought it was chocolate, you can see where this is going…

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ohh dear i hope this is a trick

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i was an idiot it fell out of my pants, I hope it’s a trick too but sadly it’s not

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well not something i ate but something gross i saw one day i opened a cupboard next to the tv that was on the floor in my grandparents house and i found a piece of poo turns out one of my baby cousins took a poo in the cupboard

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Cant swallow pills, family tried to get me to choke some medicine down with chips and water. Tasted like pure chemicals, and sour barbecue. Swear it stained my taste buds.
Also, noni-juice. Fruit fermented for decades in the ground and pressed into juice. Bleh.

Tips on getting pills into your esophagus easier: Get the pill, preferably small or cut in half, towards the back of your tongue, then do a regular swallowing motion while lifting your tongue and your done. An alternative is to do this but shove the pill into some jelly.

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Thanks! I’ll try this if I ever have to down one again. Maybe in the future they’ll be smaller ;-; , or taste better.


Ive eaten numerous strange and ‘digusting’ things. but personally i cant rate them from disgustingness, so here is just a list:

Balut, chicken feet, chicken brain, duck brain, fish brain, pig intenstines, chicken heart, chicken liver, fish testicles, fish eyes, and cabbage

Not me but when I was little my mom had bought cupcakes and brought them home. We ate like two then put them away for the night. We woke up the next day and my mom opened the cupcake box took a bite, I asked if I could have one too.

She responded with a yell and immediately running to the garbage can. Turns out during the night some ants got into the container and inside those fluffy sugary snacks. Needless to say I wasn’t able to have one too.


Remind me to never eat cupcakes again.